how did your mother mess you up ?
serious replies only.
How did your mother mess you up ?
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she made me do a cummy cum inside of her
Unmedicated bipolar psychopath. Starts drama with every single person in her life, holds grudges against those people. Emotionally and physically abused my father growing up. Told me at 7 that the only way to stop the pain was to kill myself with a knife.
Just a few examples. I'm in my mid-20s now and I still haven't processed all the trauma.
Literally walked on egg shells around her because she couldn't handle any complications and sucked all the emotion in the room for herself.
Walked in on her getting piped by her boyfriend. Fucker didn't even stop when he saw me. Just kept pumping into her. I still hear the skin slapping
have you been reading my diary? feelsbadman
Parents were swingers. They were also evangelicals that taught me everything sexual was a sin. I didn't comprehend a lot of the sexual things they exposed me to so now I'm all fucked up as far what gets me off. To top it off her and my dad cheat one act other both saying the other one started it. She goes lesbian for 3 years makes me seriously love this dyke she's with. The dyke was based and cool as hell. Talked to me and understood better than either parent. Then mom cheats on her with generic black guy. Generic black guy and I don't get along she slowly alienates everyone in her life because generic black guy is an utter piece of shit. I end up in a big fight with him and then decide to disown her. He abuses her for years until on Christmas eve she calls me saying begging to save her. Only I don't get the phonecall because I'm high on heroin and with this whore. By the time I see it her roommate texted me that things were bad and I need to be there. That was 30 min ago. I drove the 30 min over by myself with a gun. The cops were already there and had taken him away.
Best part she still talks about it as though her and my dad were destined lovers thar never got it right and generic black guy is a misunderstood man who can't control his emotions. I genuinely trust no women
What’s it called when a girl has those cottage cheese dimples, but only when she’s flexing her glutes? It turns me on and I don’t know why.
Why didn't you "sling blade" his ass and take over?
Physical abuse, I suppose - some emotional/verbal stuff.
She broke a Rock Band guitar over my back because I didn't do the dishes properly, lmao.
Marrying an abusive p3do and ignoring what he was doing.
I believe the medical terminology is "curdle butt".
Guilt tripping
Blame shifting
Being too demanding
Playing victim
Not getting an abortion after already being a single mother of two
The list is endless
Protected me too much from the world and not enough/not in the right way from my father. Too cold, too flippant. Didn't have kids because she wanted them but because it was the done thing. Constant and persistent liar.
Sounds about right. Almost like she enjoyed it
Straight up negligence homie. And lying about my father to get me to hate him. Still hate him and have no sympathy for anyone.
Yeah he's in prison now but unfortunately after he abused someone else and their parents had him arrested. Somebody else had to suffer for him to get punished.
I love curdle butt.
Let me coast through life, always acting as a safety net, only to emotionally abuse my son, causing me to have to ghost her. And now I’m lost.
Just imagine all the men out there that don't get caught....
Wow you all are pathetic. My mom loved me. You literally shouldn't exist and should have been aborted. You are literally why abortions exist.
On more than one occasion I walk into her room and my dad would be fucking her. He would always snap at me to go away but then it's like she would be pretty loud and vocal with the moaning and talk.. idk
My mom let my step-dad beat me like a red headed step child. Unironically I was one.
Coherced me into getting circumcised at 9yrs old after her and my dad split. Created a lot of confusion, pain, changes and trust issues
When I was seven or maybe eight I was quizzing her about my dad. When was he? Where was he? Why didn't he stick around? Did he ever contact her and ask about me?
She told me to stfu. Told me I was a product of rape and that my grandad made her give birth to me but she always wished she had aborted me.
Not sure exactly what happened next because I saw white rage. Called her a fucking bitch, she slapped my face, and ykw? The relationship with her has been fairly shit since that day
She left my dad because she was a jealous cunt who couldn't stand him talking to other women, then spent 15 years chasing highs and banging abusive assholes that beat her, and treated me like trash.
Then after I hadn't seen her for 2 years I find out on my sister's bday that she died of a heroin OD.
Good riddance, mom. You taught me how to love women that treat me like I'm disposable.
Yeah but my mom is religious and won't even abort if she were raped
>source: am a rape baby
"A fetus is a person just like you or me unless his dad is an asshole."
Great logic dumbass.
Mine was a jealous skitzo, because my grandmother loved me my mom would ritualistically abuse me until i was old enough to fight back. She used to give me a picture of my dead dog and tell me to go find him so she could shoot up. I was mentally sexually and physically abused for my first 15 years of life. To this day, she blames me for things that happened before i was even conceived. and thinks i am some "mk-ultra mind control zombie" and the sky is a computer screen. I stopped talking to her a while back, heard she had a stroke and my stepdad left her.
sounds exactly like my mom except for the suicide part
woman moment
She never accepted me as an individual.
Get a hobby.
Do hobby while thinking about that shit.
eventually, that trauma will no longer plague you.
Good luck, user.
>You taught me how to love women that treat me like I'm disposable.
So, she taught you how to love ALL women.
Get her drunk and/or drugged and cut off her clitoral hood and clitoris.
My oldest daughter is a rapebaby. My ex tried to pass her off as her sugardaddy's. When he found out it wasn't his, he was PISSED.
i peeped in on her giving her own brother double head along with my father while they were fucking
Left my dad when I was a kid and broke our family apart. Consequently I'm a clingly cunt and will do anything for a woman to not leave me.
>Shaming victims of abuse.
>Not blaming their shit mothers.
Women should be property.
My mom left my dad when I was 7 and I had to go with her. I shared a bedroom with her for a few years. I was in the same room pretending to sleep while hearing her getting banged by whatever random men she'd bring home sometimes. Her boss, the landlord, the neighbor, some of my dad's friends. I left to live with my dad at 13. Then a few years later I found out that my dad wasn't my real dad, my mom was cheating on him when he was on deployment. So I don't know my biological dad and mom has no idea who it is. I cut off contact before covid I won't talk to her again.
REading all the replies i see it's common parents are pieces of shit... Mine basically ruined my life till i was 20-21. Controlling bitch that collects dogs and cats, filled the entire house, smelling always terrible and getting bullied because of that... To this day i haven't forgiven her and i barely talk to her. She believes i'm still of "her property" somehow, could never have a normal or a good life because both my parents... relationship is broken with the two forever, while i talk to them they know they are really not my parents anymore, been living sweet for the last 3 years now that i'm independent and earn money, They ruined most of my good years tho... and that angers me a lot sometimes... but life has to go on. Sometimes i think about if i ever meet a girl what i am going to tell her? this is my mom some crazy lady that lives in a house filled with cats and dogs, smells terrible and dresses like if she was homeless? How this affected me? well it gave LOTS of trust issues, extreme depression, i'm extremely sad most of the time, i'm a loner... but life has to go on. I tell you this to everyone reading this: Don't let that fucking bitch ruin your life more than she couldn.
Mentally unstable throughout my childhood. Blamed me as the problem for the conflict throughout (in my developing newfag child brain I just sensed it wasn’t right and stood up for myself). Few years later turns out she’s taking medication for mental health, go figure.
She had zero hobbies, passions, interests or ambition. This impacted opportunities I had growing up.
She would play on emotions in various ways. It was basically mild emotional abuse. For example if she didn’t want to be alone, and I was going out with friends, she’s try to make me feel guilty for going out. But when it suited her, she’d drop me.
Threw a birthday gift back at me.
Punched me, made me eat soap, bounced my head off the sink, choked and strangled me lol.
She forced me to sleep at other peoples houses when I didnt want to. Forced me into awkward, pressured, contrived social situations. She’d embarrass me in public.
I was never allowed to live. Right from the start, I’ve had all her shit on my shoulders as well. She still tries to do it now.
When I was a child I thought my life couldn’t go on without her. Now, it will be a relief when she dies. The burden will be gone. It will be the end of one life and the start of a new one.
Abandoned me
>That was 30 min ago. I drove the 30 min over by myself with a gun.
Shouldn't have driven over there. Should have left her to fend for herself. "Blood is thicker than water" is bullshit manipulation.
My mother continually gets into situations where I’ve had to fight people as a result, either to even the score, defend her, or being implicated in her bullshit
Let the slag fend for herself. Stop white knighting for her and put yourself first.
Make her think you've planned a really nice dinner or event for her birthday. Drop hints that you've gotten her something really nice. Just engage her and make her think everything is going great then when her birthday comes, ghost her. Drop all contact, never speak to her again.
always wanted sauce to this
So let me get this right. You’re a daddy’s issues girl, in search of daddy dick, and you blame it on your mother. It’s either a larp or one of the worst examples on this thread
>I found out her father raped her and her sisters regularly when she was just a child,
ALL women were 'raped.' Women say this to get special treatment when called out on their shit.
If I had to guess I'd say it's a young Katie Cummings. She's a big fat pig now, but used to be hot af.
just an undiagnosed narcissist who took life experiences away from me, doing things for me unless i forcibly stopped her (in which case i was ungrateful and she was unnecessary, in her words, she then wouldn't look at me or cook food for me for 2 days) until i was 27. she also never resolved anything, held grudges, and was shit at communication. still blames me for following her footsteps in that regard. god knows what normal 20s are like, my bitch helicopter mother took em from me
i remember knowing the moment i was doomed, it was when i invited kids to hang out at my house in like 4th grade when people were making new friends, and they said "you're the kid whose mom yelled at those other kids right?" and i knew then it was over
Didn’t buy me chips when I asked her
Just imagine all the men that are protected by these women. It is as if women will go back to back for such men while selling out the good men.
Nothing too crazy. Weak willed woman who followed her boyfriend into drugs to the point where she left my brother and I. I was in Jr. high when was left alone in a house that had the water and power turned off, not to mention it was filled with fleas. I would do 16 hour shifts at McDonalds to save up enough money to move out with my brother. How did it fuck me up? As soon as I was legally allowed, I got a vasectomy and vowed never to have kids. If my own mother could do that to me, what would I be capable of?
Dyke nyckem?