Cheers lads! 31 tomorrow! And since I'm thoroughly without friends or even some semblance of acquaintances who give a...

Cheers lads! 31 tomorrow! And since I'm thoroughly without friends or even some semblance of acquaintances who give a shit, care to have a drink with me?

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Have sex with men perhaps?

Rippin gash or nah?

Lad, i'll happily take a drink with ya. I got no friends either. You got discord or kik

Post again tomorrow faggot and probably.

I had a point where the only human contact I got was posting on Yea Forums. I got some online friends and it really helped. It's so nice having online friends though honestly

I really, really recommend it. I spent all day hanging out with people. Get yourself a popular videogame, like Elden ring, and go join a Discord server about it.

You'll have fun, and it's better to have some voice human contact than here

Congrats on another year, Yea Forumsrother.

Attached: pour.gif (600x338, 235.98K)

That rum is absolutely vile! You're mixing it tho, so it'll perhaps be drinkable. Cheers and congrats!

It's great for baking... but yeah not for drinking

Thats my favourit rum...

I'm in, happy Friday and birthday fucker

No, unfortunately. No desire to either. Thanks for the good wishes though, Yea Forumsrother.
Much love Yea Forumsro's. Plus it's not terrible mixed. higher proof than Bacardi, anyhow, which is my usual rum choice.

Happy birthday user

It's your birthday.
Have tits.

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Kraken is top tier. Mixing it with coke is not though. Neat or with something like ginger, lemonade or maybe Dr pepper are the only correct mixers

Good choice of rum! I'm drinking for good luck, starting Ice Hockey training tomorrow for the first time and I'm nervous. Need some Dutch courage. Enjoy your birthday, user!

>higher proof than Bacardi, anyhow, which is my usual rum choice
there is your problem. I wouldn't even clean my toilet with Bacardi.

Thats okay user, no clue why you bitch about it on Yea Forums if you do nothing to help yourself though and put yourself into that situation feelsokayman thumbs_up

thats my favourite rum happy birthday lad

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I do not deserve you, friend ;-;

My homies. Much love.
>God ain't never made no motherfuckers crazy as the
>White boys, we been known to fight boys
>Sawing off our shotguns, rocking camo, causing problems late at night boys
>White boys, mama knows we're trouble, circle tight boys
>Soon as it pops off, we got you running for your life boys

Happy birthday user. Get wasted, put a condom on and fuck the gap between the sofa cushions and pretend it's a hooker to celebrate

Love you fags, too.

if you play playstation ill be happy to play and talk with you.

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Skip to 0:22, a feel good-gift for you. Watch that Kraken, I dunno, never liked that kind of Rhon to be honest

Nah, no console for me. about to get on codm and say shit i'll regret to my clan lol

Taste is subjective, so we'll agree to disagree. Diplomático or Appleton are miles ahead imo.

Dude, just get a real hooker.

That shit is fine to do when you're a kid but you're a grown ass man. Stop playing pretend already.


Dad Rhon appreciated, but not good enough

If you haven't noticed retard, OP is not here to socialize. He's only here to cry and ask for pity for self-inflicted issues

Well shit user, exact same situation but 1 year younger.. I'll drink a rumcoke with u my boy.

Real loners don't share discord bruh, get wit the program

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Bro I'm already prepared. I've been doing this lol.

To be fair Appleton is excellent as well

Bro I about fell out.
> coke in the sprite glass

I kind of tend to hate most people, I can't connect with folks. Especially not through the internet (besides Yea Forums where all interaction is anonymous and inconsequential) I first of all think that I don't have interesting shit too say, but also that other people don't have interesting shit to say either.

Wish I could smoke weed again ,that made it better. Lost my license over DUI tho. fuck that.

All the best user

I'm sorry, couldn't be bothered to get a proper glass. ;(

Happy birthday when it arrives and I would have a drink but I'm all out of booze

My guy

The couch or the whore?

that shit broke my heart

I can't because I have to keep working but hope you have a good one.

Real loners want to stop being lonely. Mentally ill people want to stay that way, cope lil nigga

a person that prefers not to associate with others.

why do you have my same shitty countertop

You good bro, lol.
The whore.
Much love, get that shit done.

idk man

lonerin American English



a person who is or prefers to be alone

Who is, need not prefer it nor want it

>The whore.

Good for you.
Happy birthday.

So there's multiple ways to interpret the word, I can live with that. Let's not ruin op's birthday thread tho. Pour yourself a drink and let's enjoy the fleeting company we get here. Cheers!

this is the most wholesome ive seen Yea Forums i love it

Nah fuck OP, I can't stand people who are the cause of their own problems and then whine about it online to get some jerk off points. OP fuck off retarded faggot

happy birthday bro

Happy birthday! Cheers!

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Prost! Many happy returns

>kraken rum

I haven't tried it pure, but mixed it's pretty decent. Decent enough for me to keep the bottle in my empty bottle collection

To be honest with that attitude, you might as well want to be lonely. I've tried to be nice. Hope you find some friends bud.

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Happy birthday, King. My phone's camera takes super big pictures so I can't post it here but rest assured I am enjoying a beverage with you.

id love to get fucked up but thanks to meds im on is probably die. have a good one tho.

Grabbing a beer now. Happy bday, Yea Forumsro!

i dont drink but i'm half way through a joint so i'll smoke the rest in your honour

happy birthday lad

Nice. That was one of my first rums. Had some good memories with Kraken.