I'm convinced that people who hate rap/R&B secretly hate black people. Change my mind

I'm convinced that people who hate rap/R&B secretly hate black people. Change my mind.

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if they hate both, probably
if they hate just rap, i can understand it kind of if they don't like "swearing" or whatever

i don't really care either way
i'm not going to listen to it
call me a racist

Ain't no secret about it.

Explain people who like Jazz (predominately black, at least the good Jazz), but also don't like rap. Explain away.

People who post anti-rap threads and get really fucking worked up that anyone would talk about hip-hop on Yea Forums probably have some underlying racist issues. People who just choose not to comment on rap, don't like listening to rap, they're probably fine

What if I'm just ambivalent on it?

I only hate rap made by blacks tho

this is actually even worse

White people always think they know who all the good black people are.

I’ve known many older black people hate rap music and modern R&B for being vulgar and crude

>hating music made by lil wayne
yikes lol

Vulgarity and swearing is an acceptable reason for old people who are steeped in religious conservative leave it to beaver style values. Young people who grow up used to sexualized rock though, it doesn't fly as much.


You're a racist

The good black people are the one's who aren't robbing me

If someone absolutely HATES both of these genres, then yeah they probably have a problem with black people.

But if someone just doesn't really like these genres that much compared to other genres, they're not necessarily racist.

>Needing a complex reason to not like swearing in music

Do you happen to have autism?

i like r&b and some rap and i hate black people

you're the same time of people who'd listen to led zeppelin or rhcp sing about sex or nine inch nails say "i wanna fuck you like an animal"

I don't like the majority of R&B because a lot of it is, frankly, terrible. Tired music, inane lyrics, nothing to offer me.
I like quite a bit of rap though. A lot of smart guys playing with words

Because all Jazz artists are Uncle Toms

Most people who are offended by swearing in music probably wouldn't listen to RHCP or NIN. People who do like that stuff and shit on rap for having "crude lyrics" are probably racist though yeah.

>Implying I listen to Cock Rock
And I don't mind cursing in music you retard, but not everyone does and you gotta respect that

as usual fpbp

but the people who hate on hip hop usually listen to that

ebin meem brosef

there are different types of swearing though. I'm not racist but swearing in "rock" in general doesn't bother me, while in rap there are lots of "I'm a nigga And i'll rape your daughter and kill the other nigga and I'm going to rob a bank and I'm badass if u don't like me fuck u" which I hate.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who vote against their own economic interests

I am not an American but don't the Racist Rednecks usually listen to some shitty Country music?

honestly should i just kill myself?
i don't want to live in a world where i'm just going to be called racist for simply not listening to music of a certain style

>"I'm a nigga And i'll rape your daughter and kill the other nigga and I'm going to rob a bank and I'm badass if u don't like me fuck u"
name 10 rap songs that said this

Elaborate how they vote against their own interests

wanting to kill yourself and not rip out your eyes and offer them to the nearest POC is racist, user

don't be racist
rip out your eyes
come on user
you don't want to be racist now

you're incredibly ignorant to label all rednecks as racist
but yes

just ignore them until they inevitably attack you, then just shoot em and sprinkle some crack on them

country and classic rock

They vote for billionaire tax cuts, privatized expensive healthcare & insurance that should be abolished , more gutting worker protections

I publicly hate niggers

i'm amazed this has to be spelled out to people
i'm amazed people think trickle down economics still works

>Classic Rock
Wasn't Classic Rock more African influenced?
Don't they realise the irony in this?

Sure do, fuck niggers

I can see some people legitimately not liking hip hop but if you don’t like R&B, your ears must be fucked up or you’re a pissed off incel.

I listen to hip-hop almost exclusively but would never want to live near blacks.

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Yea bro , I feel like Americans have the most stupid grasp on poltics. Most Americans have no idea of class Consciousness

many simply haven't listened to the good stuff, or are too conservative for swear words. I used to hate those genres to back when I was a dumb kid with zero exposure to good music. I thought rap was T-Pain and RnB was Beyonce, and since black culture is so similar to puerto rican culture i thought rap was just reggaetton with a different rhythm


Is Drake a Rapper or R&B singer?
His most mainstream songs seem to be R&B but hes mostly referred to as a Rapper

I consider him a pop artist even tho he tries to act hard sometimes


Does MatPat’s wife Stephanie like rap?

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Miles Davis is not a coon

There’s only 1 good white and Hispanic rapper, so you’re not racist but you have bad taste which is arguably worse

Black people are fine. They were amazing jazz musicians. R&B can be good sometimes.

Rap is almost never good as the lyrics are as complicated as a 5th grader could write and the music is usually just a 2-4 bar loop.

>going into threads specifically about rap and complaining that it exists
>"wow you're gonna call me racist? should I just kill myself then?"
yeah. not because of your tastes though

Eminem was probably one of the best rappers of all time. Does that bother you?

I guarantee you nobody posting "rap is crap" is over the age of 18

When I listen to rap I just cringe. I don't see how people unironically listen to such ridiculous music. I don't hate it, it just baffles me why anyone takes it seriously. I mean rapping in itself is silly enough but now it especially seems like a joke. Rappers seem to know their gullible audience will eat anything up, and openly mock their audience with how stupid the music is. It's basically just a meme now. And if you're middle class I don't understand how you could relate to gang star or Gucci mane in any way other than in a superficial ironic way.

Let's be honest- the standard for rap lyrics in general is way too fucking low

It doesn’t because he’s not lmao

I just hate black people

But what if you're black and never really liked hip-hop/rap?

god i hope so

Do you think she says the N-word when she’s rapping along to the songs alone?

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I hate black people but I like rap

If they degrade black people as an insult to the music, they’re racist. If they just don’t like the genre but say to each his own they’re fine. Does not liking country music mean you hate hicks? No.

An hero user

same sort of. i like some black people, most i hate which is why i mostly listen to white rappers

Music for the low class that used to be good until middle and high class started larping and turned it to shit

This is why nobody likes you

I hate black people but I love Kanye

Well I mean, they are racist...

Here's one
Also this isn't me saying I don't like rap, this is me saying I don't like Famous Dex.

hillbillies do not listen to classic rock.

I don't hate r&b at all, but I can't stand a lot of hip hop recently. I spent like my whole first year really getting into music just listening to shit from that genre, and you quickly find how much of it lacks originality. The experimental kind is usually where the genre shines in creativity.

Oh fuck dude, he called you a racist

yes they do
maybe not "hillbillies" in the strictest sense, but white trash/trailer trash definitely do and there's overlap
t. live in kansas and work construction

>hillbillies don't listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd

This. Why is there so much cursing in hip hop? If you can't get your point across without resorting to bad words every other word why the FUCK should I listen to you?

who do you think goes to pantera, skynyrd, and ac/dc shows

I seriously doubt you're average person would understand aesop rock just from listening to his songs.

this x10000
i dont' care about the cursing, but the violence against women, killing, and gun shit gets old real fucking quick

As for r&b it's for women only. No self respecting man should ever be listening to it, listen to soul, funk or jazz instead

It's not a fucking secret. It's shit degenerate nigger culture perpetuated by jews. stupid fuck.

The reality is 99.9% of people don't understand the economy well enough. Frankly, most people aren't even qualified to vote.

The people who like jazz and go off about it to the point that you’d use their appreciation as a personality descriptor are fucking lame ass jazz students who are 80% white

yikes, you have to be real fucking retarded to believe that. you have to actually be able to play and read music to go at jazz successfully, and even then you need chops over all. something most popular black artists are not doing. rap is just pop music. nothing more.

that's like saying if you hate country you hate white people
i'm white and hate country, it's just muh cowboys muh guns muh beer drove my baby on mah tractor horses blablabla, it's worse than even the most cliche of gangster rap. nevertheless i'm not going to say not liking a certain style of music makes someone a racist

Why would I listen to some idiot mumble about how rich they are, that's not muisc

I hate black people, I hate rap, and I hate modern R&B.

Rap is just two seconds of repeating and a person talking over it. And when you didn’t think it could get any worse, the talking turned into mumbling.

Soul/Funk/ R and B was great and songs by The Supremes or The temptations could give the Beatles a run for their money. But then it devolved into music black girls play during sex. I blame Marvin Gaye for this. He followed up “what’s going on” with a endless shitty sex songs and got shot

>riding a strangers dick on a dead music board


Jerry Garica hated rap and he played a show in support of The Black Panthers.

Maybe people in upper income brackets don’t want to have higher taxes for insurance they don’t use?

Trump’s base is a good deal richer than the average American, even though they’re not very educated.

Source: NYT “Myth of working class trump voter” or some gay shit like that


Why is it that women and feminists get offended about every other medium but are completely fine with rap which often times is sexualizing them in every way possible? I am genuinely curious, it's like they completely ignore it.

nigger privilege

I don't hate it, I'm just tired of it. It's become an omni present mono style

I hate rap/R&B and black people separately

yeah i hate black people, theres no "secretly" about it

same goes for jazz funk soul reggae and other shitty nigger music


Nah most rap is just trash.. there’s no music, just a basic bitch of a beat that could have been done by a 5 year old, and then on top often some truly insubstantial lyrics spoken by a guy with a SHIT attitude who is apparently too cool to enunciate.

This and reggaeton. It's their sexual liberation



you are correct

weak noodle-armed post

you're a racist yeah


looooooooooooooooooooooool fucking boomers


posts so terrible they dont even deserve yous

it’s true, i hate those genres and i also fucking hate niggers. but i don’t hate those genres because they’re made by niggers, they just suck, nigger or not.

back to you go :)))

>t. Assblasted nigger

seething söy

there is a lot of (arguably more) cursing in other genres as well

Thanks for the yous :)

what if I love rap/R&B/jazz but also think black people are generally inferior outside of artistic endeavours?

>99.999% of black people are good

there is no genre with more cursing than rap. except maybe something obscure like pornogrind

I don't hate rap, I just think it's garbage music so I don't listen to it.

The individual does not disprove the group. Blacks are crime ridden ""people"" with an average IQ below 100, other ethnic groups hating them and wanting to be far away from them is the smartest thing anyone can do.

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Hip hop lyrics are so juvenile that I just can’t stand it

fun fact: in nearly every written language, there is a derogatory term for black people in it.

do people who dislike country hate white people?

Like how did you come to this logic?

I LOVE 90s hip hop and much of the underground stuff of the last 2 decades, but fuck modern commercial rap and everything about it. Am i a racist?

i hate niggers and so do most people
i dont mind them having their own music
white middle class teenagers listening to it is worse

The individual does not disprove the group. Whites are crime ridden ""people"" with an average IQ below 100, other ethnic groups hating them and wanting to be far away from them is the smartest thing anyone can do

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but everybody wants to live in white countries and once they get to, the crime rates start going up with non-whites being the perpetrators?
what a weird thing to say.

White countries destroy other countries so people want to go to theirs, then complain when they do. you really have to be the lowest IQ of Psychopath to behave like that really. Think about it

schizo tier stupidity

when you stop interfering with every other country that have a darker skin tone than yours maybe they'll stop moving to your country

Low IQ bait, disproving nothing i have said. Go back r/politics tranny.

But that's only because blacks lack a proper virtuous community. There are too many blacks to name that are model citizens, even contributing a lot to society positively; highly educated, working a good job, being a positive social force. And of all these model blacks they share the same race (even specific haplotype) with other blacks that fail and are a negative on society. This proves that it's a matter of improving life for blacks and raising the black community up from destitution. Though much can indeed be blamed on historical segregation laws and unfair treatment of blacks, not all of it can be, especially today when much of those things have been undone. It is now up to the black community to build itself up and improve itself, but it can certainly expect help from other ethnic groups. There needs to be a proper combination of support in the vein of left politics as well as traditionally right wing morality of helping oneself also.

does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?

so I really need to list out every fucking one for you? Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, the list goes on. do like 5 minutes of research brainlet

Israel has dictated US foreign policy since they orchestrated 9/11. They have tricked/blackmailed the 'white countries' into fighting their ideological enemies and anyone who stands in the way of their expansionist Greater Israel Project.

Almost all 1st world nations are involved in the middle east, how can you pin that on dah wyte mane

>Almost all 1st world nations are involved in the middle east, how can you pin that on dah wyte man
you answered your own question

I guess calling you a tranny set you off so much, that you dont even make sense anymore. Feels good bullying trannies online.

Israel is responsible

Why are you being racist towards asian countries, as well as other middle eastern countries dawg? No need to imply they're all 2nd and 3rd world shitholes. Dont be racist on Yea Forums please.

yeah, bullshit, stop blaming jews for all your problems it is the white mans fault whether you like it or not i really hope you don't have a hissy fit when blacks blame whites for their problems whites have completely destroyed the middle east and parts of africa you own those people citizenship to your country since you don't want them to have a home for themselves

does your mental gymnastics give you a headache

Yeah, these damn white folk. Jews are awesome, they sucked off my baby when he was born, sucked him dry. Oh yeah he's a certified jew now. HEY RACISTS GO BACK TO R/THE DONALD!!!

no matter what you feel it was the white men who destroyed most of the third world now they live amongst you oops lol

Did the dick removal surgery come out of your own money or a bunch of basedcucks on patreon?

>conflating 'jews' and Israel

yeah you're a brainlet, go listen to some Christopher Bollyn/Ry Dawson lectures.
Blaming 'white people' is just as stupid as blaming Jews.

It's criminal cabals within govts. In the case of 9/11 and the war on terror, it was orchestrated by members of the Israeli Likud party, the CIA, and the House Of Saud.

What has the US gained out of 15 years in the middle east? They've bankrupted and destroyed their own nation in the process and the entire world hates them.

Israel, on the other hand, is doing better than ever, every nation who ever dared say anything bad about them is in the process of being blown to smithereens.


Blacks cant build functioning societies though, so there was nothing there to destroy in the first place. I fucked your mother in the poo hole bro.

no matter what you feel, no matter what you say, white men run the countries that destroyed the middle east and parts of africa white men had the final say for all the blood they spilled

no matter what you feel, no matter what you say, white men run the countries that destroyed the middle east and parts of africa white men had the final say for all the blood they spilled

Why do you defend black people even though you're never around them

because western white men destory everything that is non white, they even hurt their own in eastern/southern europe, im just pointing it out so you don't forget next :)

But africans have the highest crime rates, along with hispanics, on the planet. How are white men destroying but also creating? Your brain must be tired i suggest you go tell jamal to tuck you.

because western white men destory everything that is non white, they even hurt their own in eastern/southern europe, im just pointing it out so you don't forget next :)

no lie detected


Why cant you refute what i say, did you play nintendo too much today and you got a bit sleepy...

they are literally second world countries. they don’t participate in any western bullshit foreign policy

you could've said 'yes'

Inner city school teachers wil tell you that their pupils don't want to learn. And you will be outcast from your peers if you do. It is a problem with black culture. Don't keep pouring resources onto something that isn't remotely using the ones they are already given.

people that dont hate niggers are seriously mistaken and blind to the world

>Inner city school teachers wil tell you that their pupils don't want to learn
This can be true (and I think it is) but if anything it means precisely that the black community needs a different approach. It needs its own internal revolution as a community so that it irons out its flaws and blacks overall can perform like the exceptional outliers can.

>black people are so dumb they don't see that "their" own signature genre has been co opted by another race to make them look stupid to others and make them act in self destructive ways among themselves

Stop being stupid, blacks

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fuck niggers and kikes

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>make them look stupid
Why the fuck would that be necessary? Just live near them and you can see it for yourself

I fucking love black people
But boy oh boy I really hate niggers!

Eminem is NOT one of the greatest rappers ever, I’m indifferent to his existence and his contribution to the genre

by "white western men" do you mean jews? because jews arent white. and the only actual white western men that are destroying shit are the massive cucks like you that invite niggers to live along them. and the shit you see today is the result of that

western white men destory everything that is non white, they even hurt their own in eastern/southern europe, you can sit and blame the jews for your problems like the little bitch that you are im just pointing it out so you don't forget next :)

i hate rap but i like jazz like charles mingus

>they even hurt their own in eastern/southern europe
>lets just ignore all the wars that happened between nonwhite nations for the sake of making a shit argument

no different than the white wars that happened pre-industrialism in feudal and mercantile europe.
then they colonized everything else because of how shit and disease-ridden their land was, the only people that didn't get fucked over are the ones that converted to communism.

and you can blame all your false problems on whites like the pathetic cuck you are, and repeating exactly what you said in your previous post doesnt make your point true. i hope for your own sake that you open your beady little eyes to whats really happening in the world. and i cant get the image of your forced smile out of my head, its almost like you know that your wrong but instead add little ":)s" to the end of your posts like you want to stir up anger so you can point out "wow sweatey, ummmm like fragile white boi ?? getting angry??? wow, just proves my point haha no need for me to reason, you got angry so im automatically right haha." spare me your pathetic tripe and come back when you can put together a sentence that carries weight. or preferably dont come back at all

That's not true. I overtly hate the Negroes.

western white men destory everything that is non white, they even hurt their own in eastern/southern europe, you can sit and blame the jews for your problems like the little bitch that you are im just pointing it out so you don't forget next :)

have sex

yes, i have girlfriend, next :)

lol get out of this board. You have legit the worst taste in music. Everybody knows there is only 1 good white rapper. There are a couple good hispanic, arabic, indian, asian rappers. I understand not liking rap, but preferring non-black rappers is pathetic.

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>wow really drove the racists away in this thread xd

I sure like making 100k and paying assloads of taxes so that jamal and laqueeshas fourth child gets its welfare and health insurance!

Someone post the pic

Nah, that's a pretty dumb and presumptuous thing to think.

Rap is capable of producing some good songs. R&B is boring as fuck and only creepy dudes who want to rape women and homosexuals enjoy. Black people are ok, but "teens" are menace to the United states.

jesus fuck dude go outside

because its fun you pussy ass nigga

Not really
Just read up in the thread, fucking idiot
>Black people are ok, but "teens" are menace to the United states.
go back to facebook dumb boomer
pretty baffling yeah

Lol You've never even listened to rape if you think those are the kind of lyrics used.

i just hate women, thats why i dont listen to r&b

>"teens" are menace to the United states.
how old are you?

Wtf is happening to Yea Forums Jesus. Fuck all blacks and niggers. Reddit cucks have come to /mu. Thank god they are too afraid to use /pol. Also anything made by niggers exept Hendricks is trahs.

B-BUT MUH /pol/ BOOGEYMAN >:(((( You're not allowed to dislike people or music, don't you know?

stay in your containment board
fucking losers lmfao

>implying there are any good rappers
you're the one who needs to leave kid

trips wasted on a terrible post


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I just hate rap because it has become lazy garbage.

I've personally seen and heard a lot of women conflicted about this. It's just not split cleanly across political party lines so it doesn't get that same high-intensity awareness campaigning as popular hot button issues. You do see more publicized sympathy when it intersects with points like "black women have it pretty bad."

It would be nice if it was more acceptable to acknowledge and repair/evolve shitty tendencies within subcultures. I understand it's complicated, and those problems run super deep, and band-aid fixes can just end up clueless or harmful. (Also not to mention how often US betrayed trust and acted intentionally to communities' detriment in the past.) This new denial approach isn't really cutting it though.