Secrets thread

Secrets thread

Drop your donuts

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I can start. I've asked for extra money from my grandma with dementia and i don't feel bad

My wife is fine with loli, both drawn and cgi. There have been situations where, among friends, one will semi-brag about how open to kinky shit their gf or wife is, and I have an urge to brag, too, but that would require admitting I like loli, so I have to pretend she's a prude.

I don't like my wife.

I don't dislike her, but I don't really like her. When we were young, she had a nice set of tits, tips, 20 years and 2 kids later, they are kind of ugly. I have never found her pretty.

I'm with her because I don't think I can do or deserve better. I'm with her because I don't want to look in the mirror and see a bad husband and father. I fantasize about her leaving or getting in my car and just driving away.

That's hot. She do age play?

I've never asked, I'm not really interested in role play.

Fair enough

I find her so unattractive that I would regularly choose porn over her to get my rocks off. I gave up porn a while ago, but I haven't felt the urge to touch her increase. If anything, I resent her even more now.

I hate that she's so emotionally weak and has a nervous breakdown every weekend. I hate that she had to call me multiple times a day so she doesn't explode at the children.

I hate that she explodes at everyone over anything and then blames it in everyone but her.

Since a few months back my gf has more sex with her dog than she does with me. It's not like we don't have sex she has just chosen to have more sex with the dog and honestly im fine with it since i cant keep up with her libido.

Do you watch?

Not anymore, it doesnt do much for me to watch or to join. When she first started out she needed some help now and then so then i would help out or watch just in case but nowadays thats no longer necessary so i dont really have to be present, though she doesnt mind if i am

Honestly, I lie to myself and say that I'm staying for the kids. But I know that's not true. I'm saying because I'm lazy and feel bad for myself. It's the same reason why I'm in the job I'm in. I'm not dying what I want because I'm lazy and filled with fear. That's why I'm in a marriage where I don't like/ love my wife, live in a place that's terrible and work a job that is good enough to divide but not enough to live.

Ever do other animals?

i dont and neither does she since we only have the dog, not that she's interested even if we did, so yeah it's just the dog and likely to remain that way

Is she, y'know...
I'm guessing she is, statistically likely that she is. If she's not then what is she?

I actually have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, user. I really dont like people who do this coded message beating around the bush kind of shit just say what you mean and mean what you say instead of this "if you know you know" sort of thing, ask and i will answer honestly but for the love of fuck just ask your question like a normal person would, fucking hell

I routinely cheat on my long term girlfriend with hookups on grindr.

That's hot. How often? Got a type?

Have you ever shown her cp?

alrighty, dude chill
I'm just asking if she's white because most girls who fuck dogs are. If she's not then that's an exception I think
also is she hot?

Couples therapy, bro. If you want to save the relationship, start untangling. I resented the fuck out of my wife a year ago and therapy helped.

It’s hard as shit, only recommend if you both are willing to work really hard and walk away if it fails.

Thanks, buddy. I'll look into that.

Biweekly (lol)
I prefer smaller dudes that I can toss around. Twinks and otters basically

blacks are bad

Damn that's the type of guy I'm into too

Nothing quite like a nice guy who makes a very pretty girl if you know what i mean, half of them on grindr arent even 18 yet, makes it even better tbh

>Be me 4 years ago
>Not getting along with wife
>Go visit a friend in a town 80 mile away for the weekend
>He ends up bringing a co-worker of his home after work that Saturday
>She drove herself there
>That night we are drinking , dancing to music,and watching tv
>They start making out and sit on couch making out
>I sit on couch next to them to watch
>She takes off her shirt then reaches over and starts rubbig my crotch while still making out with friend.
>She gets on couch and pulls down her pants
>Friend stands up and pulls his pants down
>She starts blowing him
>She turns her head and tells me to fuck her ass
>Like a gentleman I fuck and cum in her ass
>Friend blows his load in her mouth
>We rest for a bit and swap positions to do this again but friend fucks her pussy because he aint doing no anal sloppy seconds
>I cum in her mouth and he cums in her pussy
>We relax for a bit and they go to bed in his bedroom while I clean up myself and couch and then sleep on couch
>She comes in around 3am all anxious and starts apologizing that this was a mistake and she has to go
>I ask if she is ok and not drunk and is it safe for her to drive
>She says she is fine says sorry again and leaves

Never really heard much more about that girl. Apparantly she was married though and friend was freaking out for a bit after that night.

I’ve been enabling a family members addiction so they die sooner. In Minecraft of course

Those were my favorite, I went to college near a few highschools so there were a lot of guys like that. Of course they always told me they were 18

See, that wasn't so hard now was it?
I guess the stereotype fits in this case for whatever reason because yes she is, though i'm not. Well, i'm half white half latino and ive no idea about any of the stats around that so...
as for your last question, well im biased so ofc i would say she is but idk, you guys be the judge on that too i suppose, my treat, just this once

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They're a lot like young teen girls in that way since guys usually age a bit slower but yeah most of them are like 16-17, which is legal usually anyway so technically all theyre doing wrong is not following grindr policy but eh who the fuck does anyway right?
Colleges and high schools are a good hunting ground for that as these zoomers nowadays really are pretty cute and some of those guys even take estro without actually being trannies.

One of my friends bet me that I couldn't find dick on tinder within an hour. Only ended up taking me 34 minutes

I got one secret and a question: i have phymosis and i will probably take the surgery this year, but i have one problem, i need to staying resting or can i work?

Not being rude I'm guessing that english isn't your first language. Would you mind rewriting that as I don't really understand?

I work in a fast food

My wife draws loli and hentai. She likes the tentacles.

and you're telling me this hottie takes your dick and dog dick on the regular too? like on a daily basis? Fuck, you're lucky but I don't get why you wouldn't join in even once to try or something

Do you have any of her (loli) work that wouldn't be identifying to share?

Huh, sorry, my english has gotten worse in two years since i stopped practicing for ridiculously reasons...
So, i want to make the phymosis surgery but i want to know if i can still working or do i need to staying at home resting?

I had a hotel suite to myself for a week and I slutted myself out. I sucked 3 different dudes and let a married guy fuck me for a couple of hrs one night. feelsgoodman.

How did she get into it? She just randomly wanted to one day?

My guess is that you would need at least a couple of down days so you don't blow out any stitches. Plus pain killers for at least a week.

>if she's white because most girls who fuck dogs are
lol. citation needed

Regularly yes but hardly daily, not the dog i mean. I mean we have sex at least daily, sure, but her and the dog? no more like once or twice a week depending on the schedule and usually on weekends. I havent but she wouldnt mind i guess. I just havent because i simply havent had any interest in it myself but maybe someday we will, who knows lol

I got her a nice scanner so she could scan it all and mess around with in Photoshop. After she scanned it all in, she tossed the originals which was promptly followed by an HDD crash (no backups, of course). Sucked big time. Some of her hentai girls were based on friends of ours.
She still occasionally will sketch the bartenders at our local pubs if they
are attractive enough.

No, not entirely randomly out of the blue or something. She actually talked to me about it and her fantasies and such before she moved in with me. Apparently a roommate she had during her time in college had drunkenly opened up about her own experiences with a dog before and it kinda got my gf somewhat interested or at least thinking about it. So she asked if it was ok to maybe try once she moved in with me and if we'd take in the dog too.
I said it was okay as long as she actually cared for him as a pet too and not just use him as some glorified sex toy. We didnt make our first attempts until a few weeks after she moved in and it wasnt even about fucking at that point just seeing if she could get him hard and let her suck him a bit, thats how it started and then slowly it escalated and here we are today, basically thats how it all went down

thats me! Im the cute litle cocksucker that big boys love to feed.

post boipussi and girldick then or you're gay, nigga

Well, my work is basically walking trough a saloon, i really need a little bit more care?

I understand you better now, I mean I can decipher it at least. No idea as this is a question your doctor should tell you. I had a circumcision when I was in my late teens and I needed the time off in order to recover. Couldn't move much due to how sensitive to pain it was when brushing something. Don't know if similar operation but if it is I recommend taking the time off if you can afford it.

Interesting, thanks user. Any more pics? Any of she and the dog?

ok skippy. Men love me in panties but im not posting it it. too paranoid. Im def a little cocksucking bottom bitch but not gay cuz I still shag a lot of chicks lol.

Since my teens I only had limited internet access '(50MB/week), so for watching porno, I couldn't use images and videos. I depended on texts, and in a way, they caused most of the fetishes that I have.

As of now, I have multiple reddit accounts for roleplaying, and I play different genders on different accounts. I'm so fucking addicted to ERPing and sexting that I dropped out as I'd do it for hours and hours, ignoring all my classes and tests and even food.

not posting boipussi or girldick makes you gay, like i said :u too bad i guess tho.
had this been said some 10 years ago or so i absolutely wouldve called bull on that but nowadays im willing to grant way more in terms of what people want, what they say and what they actually end up doing. plenty of the "girls" or "guys" ive banged who are biologically male simply just enjoy the fantasy, fetish or the whole scenario of it. i actually think it's pretty based, it's like a light version of agp or some shit but theyre straight/bi, have girlfriends at times even and just kinda wanna indulge a bit and not commit entirely to being trannies or femboys and i think thats pretty based actually. What is ironic of course is that the agp trannies who genuinely do try, who go through the effort with the hormones and all that end up passing worse than those guys on grindr who almost put in no effort and can still pull it off way better. Natures little joke at the expense of those people who end up offing themselves anyway kek

How very probable

Hmm, one more and then i actually have to go for a few hours and be back either in the evening or later tonight at least, who knows i might bring the gf then to answer some questions on her own if she feels like it and if people would want to. We've been careful with taking any pics or vids of her with the dog but some do exist i just dont post them on Yea Forums for obvious reasons i'll maybe share at some point on something like kik or so but for now, no

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Pathetic, every man finds a way to get the porn he needs as a teenager.

Also, you’re okay with her getting railed by your dog? From an ethical point of view, what’s is your guys’ position on it?

> years ago
> be me, 14 yo boy
> hanging with my 18 girl cousin
> she lives in a village, i lives in a city nearby
> rarely see eachother
> she’s attractive, natural darkbrown hair, dark eyes, a bit skinny (not to much)
> small village, nothing much to do
> walking around, seeing other people from the village
> summertime, wheather is good
> she takes off her shoes, walking barefoot casually
> i’m a footfag (important info for later)
> hanging with others at a park, sitting on a bench
> she puts her feet on my lap
> feet are good, no colored toenails, soft soles, even though she was barefoot almost all day long
> cannot focus on the topic
> small boner
> playing with her toes casually
> medium boner
> bench not comfortable, she’s moving around
> accidentally touching my dingdong with her soles
> decent boner
> getting awkward, i stand up saying i need to take a leak

Probably in the more progressive countries. I'd probably be beaten to death if I was discovered.


> few_hours_later_meme.png

> early night, we are at home
> her mom (my aunt) is already sleeping
> she showered, body is steamy
> smells amazing
> watching Scary Movie, having potato chips
> i sit to the side of the bed to having soda
> she puts her soles against my naked back
> they are soft and still warm from shower
> funny feeling in my dingdong
> having some coke and laying back
> no visible boner
> her feet on my lap again beside the bowl of chips
> i put a piece of chips between her toes – for fun
> she raises her foot to my mouth
> i get the chips with
> i feel her toes on my lips
> repeat it for 4-5 times
> she’s trying to get the chips with her toes for me, playful laughs
> ‘nah, now it’s all salty’ she says
> ‘dont worry’ i say
> lick her toes, waiting for reaction

I read that first as "you're okay with getting railed by the dog", which i wouldve answered no to since again, im not into it, she is, and yeah i'm okay with it, i probably wouldve protested if the dog himself would have shown any signs during or after but no he seems to enjoy it too so no harm done really, and she takes good care of him outside of that like she promised she would.
Im not sure either of us really thought about it too deep, we did have a bit of a conversation about it but we just came to the decision that we'd try, see where it went and if anything went awry too much too often or too early then we would stop but it well went down pretty smoothly at a decent pace so there wasnt anything that suggested we should've stopped or that we should stop now

I have a huge collection of fakes with my exes, friends and workmates getting fucked in all sorts of positions. They can be as cunty as they cant to me but at the end of the day I can blow my load watching them get gangbanged by huge black guys


> soft simle, eyes saying “keep going”
> licking toes
> licking between her toes
> licking and kissing her soles
> she definetly likes it
> ‘you are into it, arent you?’ she askes with smile
> get embaressed. i stop
> ‘Im sorry’ i say
> ‘Im also into it’ she says
> boner maximus
> continue licking. now both feet.
> I grab my dingdong through the short
> felt it wrong, saying “im sorry again”
> “no no no, it’s okay dont stop” she said and touch my dingdong with with one foot
> i’m jerking and licking
> she’s biting her lips like a shy porn chick
> im about to shoot my load
> ‘dont cum on me, please’ she askes me softly ‘do it on the floor’
> i obey
> i cannot hold it anymore
> i cum on the floor while im sucking on her toe like a lollipop
> she smiles
> im panting
> ‘it was awesome’ i say
> cleaning up the mess
> watching another movie
> now we cuddling
> only one kiss happened before the sleep, a sloppy one with no tounge.
> we sleep.

Never happend again. Never talked about it again

I hate children with a burning passion. I am disgusted every time I see one. Theyre so fucking loud, dirty and time consuming. You can watch rated R movies with them, you cant fuck them, you cant even do drugs with them. I dont get it. They completely pointless and fucking expensive to boot. Why people actually want them and will spend thousands on them and to get them is something I will never understand.

And because of this today I need to break up with my fiance. Shes been pushing kids real hard. I see it now, once they happen, sex is gone and my wallet is a free for all. Fuck that. wish me luck, she's gonna cry a fuck ton Im sure

Thanks for the reply. Yea I definitely understand, some people are absolutely horrible to animals and torture them/dog fighting, fuck those people. If a woman loves and cares for her dog, who cares if she enjoys screwing it too? My wife is interested but is hesitant to try. I wish we could talk to people who are into it

Those countries typically have the largest underground porn collections and sex work available.

I feel this to my core. Fuck.

I've been cheating on my gf with her older sister

No worries, m8. Yeah that was always my concern but seeing how things turned out and during the progress i felt less and less worried. My gf was just a bit hesitant to start, not so much to try but even when i first gave her the okay she took a good 5 weeks or so to bring it up again and for us to actually start doing something at least (which was usually just playing with him and trying to get him comfortable with her touching him everywhere and the best way for her to get him fully erect quickly). Like i said before, we're not technically "into it" in that sense since i dont share her enthusiasm or interest for it, i just like being supportive and helping her out at the start so im not sure we'd be the best to talk to for that but best of luck to you with your wife.
Gotta go for now, take care everyone, if anyone wants a Q&A with the gf or something later in this thread or any secrets thread or maybe a standalone one then feel free to reply and i'll check the barchives later when i get home

what breed?

I’m married but used to always masturbate when I’m driving by myself and just finish in my shorts. I wait for a hot girl to drive by then follow alongside until I cum. Nobody has seen me to my knowledge but I get off so fast vs watching porn

what do you do for a living? And you work out and exercise at all?

sharing my roommate's gf's fitbit capture...

the orgasm!

Attached: roommates gf springbreak heartrate with orgasm.png (1440x2560, 146.99K)

I made a nasty quiz with girls I knew
I love seeing the results
Try it if you want

Attached: 0000.jpg (646x784, 103.16K)

my 2 cents on this, make sure you get a good therapist, not someone who just goes over superficial stuff and is essentially just trying to keep the peace. I had a therapist like that and it did not help at all

That would be illegal, so of course not