Shota thread!

shota thread!

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I love little boys enjoying food, help expand my folder! or post hardcore gay stuff, I also like that.

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Any guys here ever get to enjoy lewd group fun with their buds all as shows growing up together?

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: nice dubs ;
> " I love little boys enjoying food " ;

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Oh my this is nice!

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Don't tell Gon, but Killua had to trade a blow-job to get that condom off Kagamine Len.

Len told me that the trade was worth every suck that he got for it, so he's open to more trades and he's ordered another bumper variety pack to make sure he doesn't run out.

Attached: Len offers to trade a boy-size condom in exchange for a blow-job off Killua .png (1920x1080, 746.06K)

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Hello bros

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How come your pic related always has a bandaid plastered across his nose ( and other bits ) & tweaking his nipple, & blocking off the end of his knob with his thumb when he's about to cum?

Do you think he's some sort of degenerate suicidal sado-masochist?

> pic related

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I wish I had a shotacon bf

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Scratches are boyish and cute.

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>Shota Riku
>tfw no cute asthmatic shota little bro to protecc

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this is the hottest fucking thing. how can anyone deny this is hot

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he’s eating it wrong who could ever love this boy

Tfw spent an entire summer nekkid once, i miss being a shota

I like him - he is trying to be polite and well mannered.
Surely there's no harm in that is there?

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Imagine forcing a sporty, boyish shota to crossdress, wear makeup, and take female hormones. He starts to get more emotional, cries easily, and slowly goes from one of his school's most skilled and confident athletes to a shy, sensitive weakling. All the while, his boobs are growing in, and his little cock is getting even littler and cuter...

Still searching for the magic spell that will turn my gf into a cute little Mexican boy.

Were you ever naked with a group of shots buds your age during that summer? Any lewd fun go down if so?

Fuck off rabbi transwoman, boys are designed to be strong and big.

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No Yea Forumsro
that is definitely NOT what I want to imagine.
Shotas should be masculine and very confident in their virility

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That's yaoi, not shota.

They were cousins and it wasnt that lewd

You'll never know the past glory of antique greece...

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> " You'll never know the past glory of antique greece... " ;

..... it's called "ancient Greece";
and I know it very well.

> pic related

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Ew. Just get a real boy.

I've wrestled like this before, ama

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How long have you guys been shotafags? I've known since I was 5

Since when I was 12.

I bet you find adult men attractive too, faggot
That's why it's so hot when they have it stripped away from them.
For pedos you guys sure are prudes.

now THIS is art.

Since I was 10. I want to have my own son one day, as dark as that sounds

You and how many buds did this together, did it ever lead to a fun orgy or two?

I tried looking for pics with shotas eating while having gay sex, but no such luck

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>Taking a perfectly good shota and turning it to shit with feminine anythings

No not at all. There's nothing hotter than an androgynous looking but masculing acting shota being turned into a bitch.

> " I've wrestled like this before, " ;
Yeah, me too.
When I was (I think) 11y.o., I had to do an Ancient History school project - it could have been about Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome,
One of my friends and I settled of Greece for our topic, and we got some books from the Library as source material. I think one of them was written by Robert Graves (good, but not many pictures) and another one that had lots of pictures, that we copy into our project. The Trojans (I guess) trained their young kids in all sorts of athletic events - all done naked (according to the pictures). Apparently the best / perfectly formed youths were awarded trophy ribbons round their best parts, a ribbon round the bicep orf the discus winner, a ribbon round the thigh of the sprint ace.
It amused me that the Frederick, Lord Leighton painting [ pic related ]
had a trophy ribbon round the little archer boy's ass & dick, but I have no clue what he did to earn it.

After completing the Project & getting it back, I showed to to a much closer friend (who was one grade below me, but only about three weeks younger) and as we often wrestled for fun anyhow, it occurred to us to wrestle naked like the ancient Greeks did. It was pretty good fun - especially getting the boners in the tight clinches, when we were about 12y.o.

> "... ama " ;
no u

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> " I tried looking for pics with shotas eating while having gay sex, but no such luck " ;

> pic not related (no food to eat)

There is one that is a shota birthday party, with cake etc. on the table, and some of the birthday presents include stuff dildos are unwrapped on the floor, and the shotas are ass fuckinjg etc.

It's been posted on Yea Forums shota threads a lot, but I couldn't find it , so I guess I thought it was a bit too risque.

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Nah it wasnt lewd

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only bad boys look at naughty cartoons, i'm telling

Nice, how did you know? I remember trying to get peeks at babies (boys) a lot