This is what the perfect female body looks like. Most of you fags in here could even handle a woman like this.
This is what the perfect female body looks like. Most of you fags in here could even handle a woman like this
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>this thread
Yeah that's actually pretty delightful
> perfect female body
perfect body, yes, now go cut those ugly body hairs
spotted the faggot
Her tits are fake
Theres a lot that could be better but the hair is based.
The legs and ass are shaved so no that if false
>pussy hair
>body hair anywhere else
Fuck that shit
Perfect female body? What kind of retarded faggot are you? THIS (pic) is the perfect female body type.
Nope. All natural just as the hair on her body.
A bunch of fags in here. Just as I imagined.
You imagine fags all the time?
Bleeds when I tug on the skin
Couldn't handle the smell for sure, could you imagine the stink in those hairs......
moar hairy wemen!
Everything except for the head is on point.
You smell like a virgin.
She's cute. She could get it.
I know she has her haters but not me :)
Kill yourself.
spotted the dick eater
>Sees female in her natural state
>Thinks about eating dicks
Yeah, you're a faggot.
I'm gonna have to dig up this check's set. I love pits and legs hairy, but her treasure trail is something else.
Anyone got a mega?
somebody uploaded them to imgur ages ago:
I don't think that's all sets she ever did but most of them
imagine the stink
probably similar to yours I would imagine. unless, uh well, you shave your entire body...
the difference is that the smell sweat on men turns women on, but sweat on women is fucking disgusting
what the fuck does body hair have to do with smelling bad you stupid virgin.
you're an idiot, its that simple. maybe when you finally leave your mom's basement and meet a woman, your attitude might change.
Girls with happy trails who are actually cute are too damn rare.
holy shit
>no one posting our goddess warmskin
they definitely exist
fucked both, and hairy women smell worse.
what you white knights won't understand is that women don't really take care of their hygiene. we as men find it natural to shower every day, but 80% of women don't. A whopping 33% only takes a shower every third day.
if your armpits and your cooch are hairy, all of your sweat and bacteria stays in those hairs. if you're clean shaven, most of it gets absorbed into your clothes, which somewhat mitigates the stench that forms after three days of not washing yourself.
if you find this attractive you are a faggot in denial and should kill yourself immediately
I couldn't handle a woman like that because I'll gag from the stench of her
Even more samefagging. Yawn.
Found the hairy cunt
Having preference In women being hairy or not is fucken dumb. Any woman that isn't a land whale or old as shit is fine. By the way, 99/100 women shave their pits and legs. Half of them shave their cents. Good luck finding this porn fantasy in the real world.
Eh, too Asian.
Serious thanks.
If you DONT find this attractive you are a faggot in denial and should kill yourself immediately.
The only thing you've ever fucked is your chubby, greasy, disgusting hand.
kill yourself loser
You're getting suspiciously defensive for a guy who claims to be a heterosexual.
the fact that you chimp out at that just proves even more that you're a virgin. everyone who actually fucks will tell you that the vast majority of women are fucking disgusting
>everyone who actually fucks will tell you that the vast majority of women are fucking disgusting
Incel logic
>um uhh um but YOU'RE LIKE GAY
found the woman
kill yourself, kill yourself, kill yourself... yawn.
wheres the creativity? god you're so boring.
There are too many gay incels in this thread.
She should shave though. Bitch probably smells musty.
>NOOO my precious wahmen are all KWEEEEENS
>they all smell like strawberries and taste like vanilla!!!!!
>you're an incel if you think anything different!!!
hope she sees this bro, maybe she'll let you lick Chad's cum out of her pussy this time