Oh no no no

oh no no no


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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah fucking right. If you're that short standing next to David fucking Spade you're blatantly lying. Jesus fucking christ

hahaha this manlet beaner thinks he's 6'1"

>tfw saw a girl on tinder with a hobo johnson shirt
god help us

David Spade is 5'7". if you remove the blue cap there's easily a 6" difference

>look at this dude
>edit profile
is this dude... you?

reddit personified right here

What a fag

Mac and Earl are both 5'11" and he has a few inches on both

Imagine posing next to Joe Rogan for cred

Attached: tumblr_oah4cgP7FJ1vacbk4o1_640.jpg (617x204, 23K)


literally so beta

its really pointing out hes a nobody and they're somebodies

>hmu if your music taste is on point
>listens to Death Grips, Mac Demarco, Earl Sweatshirt, Ringo Deathstarr
like pottery

Pretty sure this image originally was from /soc/ where someone asked for Tinder profile advice

Why anyone thinks Yea Forums is going to give genuine/helpful advice instead of just "roasting" you is beyond me

god I wish that was me

pretty sure that dude posts here

Fuck. I guess these people are all way taller than I thought. I imagined Earl was kind of short for some reason.

how small is your brain

I always thought Earl was a smaller guy too, he has a small frame.

I thought Mac was 5'8" - 5'9", kind of ruins him that he has a Chad height of 5'11" (that's the cutoff for Chad, see: Leo, Brad Pitt, etc.)

>tfw I look like the skinnier version of him
what the fuck do I do to make myself look better?
it almost feels like Yea Forums is making fun of me instead
no pics btw

wear form fitting clothes
get tatted up

solid advice, thanks bro

no prob bro

also the OP isn't hideously ugly at all, people are laughing because of his surface level mucore taste/flaunting of it

this guy was literally in a thread a few days ago but blurred out his face

Meanwhile us Chads can write whatever we want to girls and theyll still like it, LMAO!

Attached: interpals74.png (697x456, 41K)

literally go drain gang mode and stop giving a fuck
OP sucks ass because he's being a poser. trying to replace music as personality

ok idk why this legit made me horny as fuck

how do i get to this level? is it pure looks or is it a mindset

lmao jesus

If it's online, then looks is a huge factor

If you actually run game in real life it can be pure mindset, some of the best guys are chubby manlets with little talent but having strong mental frame and getting girls drawn into their reality

What do you think?

Be 6'+
Be white
Be handsome

That's the answer to everything with women. Are you dumb?

>some of the best guys are chubby manlets with little talent but having strong mental frame and getting girls drawn into their reality

lmao at anyone who believes this PUA bullshit. Never met a "chubby manlet" who gets hot girls and never will.

It's all tall white (and sometimes black) Chads/Tyrones.

>Never met a "chubby manlet" who gets hot girls and never will.
because you don't go outside

just be white

I've been through two university degrees and now work for a living. I've seen a shitload of life and that bullshit doesn't exist.

JBW is legit as fuck. Peace bro.

Trying to get women if you are a nonwhite is like trying to win a pole vault from a wheelchair.

>hot girls only fuck tall model looking white and black men

You sound like an angry asian or some shit

t. white guy who can smell the incel off you

>I've seen a shitload of life and that bullshit doesn't exist.
keep telling yourself that

I am an asian. Not mad though or incel. Volcel or MGTOW maybe. All the dates I can get online or from matchmakers are terrible so I don't want to bother anymore.

White guys are gods in dating.

just be yourself

Attached: interpals76.png (682x249, 19K)

maybe not chubby manlets specifically, but you see ugly guys with girls wayyyyy out of their league a lot if you really look

Being white is like living life on easy mode. The entirety of history has been chiseled to give whites the upper edge and somehow some people still fuck that up

>you see ugly guys with girls wayyyyy out of their league a lot if you really look

Never do. If a guy is with a hot girl, he's either some combo of tall, massive frame, handsome, white, or black, universally. The guy doesn't have to have all those things. But some combo.

I remember once I was at a wedding and after my mom pointed out to me one of the guys who was with a hot girl as an example of an "ugly guy" who got a hot girl.

Dude was like 6'4" and 200+ lb. Yeah he was ugly facially but who gives a fuck? Anyone that big isn't playing the same game as a short scrawny ugly guy.

OK, you're clearly not white and are angry about it.

Get the fuck off MGTOW/r9k/sluthate or whatever incel bullshit youre going on.

You seriously sound mentally ill/brainwashed thinking you have to be Brad Pitt to bang attractive girls.

I'm a 5'8" skinnyfat white dude who has banged tons of hot girls and even had hot girls. I also have a lot of other "issues" but I have a few drinks in me and I'm charismatic as fuck

I could have easily given up too but I didn't.

Not Brad Pitt. Just average and white.

A 5'8" white guy will do fine.

My cousin is 5'9" and white and he's had girls feel him up in clubs often etc. because he's mildly handsome and white/buff.

Try changing your profile pic to a 5'7" Chinese guy and see how much your charisma helps you then.

this board is reddit anyways.

>I'm a 5'8" skinnyfat white dude who has banged tons of hot girls and even had hot girls
>I'm white and have a shit ton of problems but women fuck me anyway
huh......................... interesting point never made before in this thread

>huh......................... interesting point never made before in this thread


Where are all the short ugly Indian and Chinese guys claiming to bang lots of hot girls? Oh they don't exist because that's not an actual thing.

its not super super common but im telling you, ive personally been friends with so many people that are DEAD ugly but have pulled insanely hot girls

was literally talking to my friend about this earlier about how one kid in particular fucking confused me. had to be like 5'7 max, had tons of acne, pig nose and chubby. hooked up and dated with some of the hottest women ive ever seen. for years ive tried to figure it out and have yet to know.

other kid off the top of my head was this fairly unattractive ginger kid. pale as fuck with goofy ears and curly ginger hair. was charismatic as fuck and i legit saw him with a different girl every other weekend

sooo many other example that i can give if u want but i just dont know how its done. i hate to say this but being white is p much a requirement. am south asian but am 6', wear nice ass clothes and model occasionally. getting girls is crazy hard for me. thinking about it now however ive had many opportunities for things but always ruin it because socially im really behind the curve...glowed up really late (like senior year of high school basically) and so i have literally zero exp with women. i get attention every once in a while from women but no one ever really throws themselves at me often

>hate to say this but being white is p much a requirement. am south asian but am 6', wear nice ass clothes and model occasionally. getting girls is crazy hard for me.

So we agree.

If you're white and at least basically normal looking, anything is possible.

If you're nonwhite, you have to be a 6' male model to compete on the same level.

can you get girls if you have a weak chin

>profile pic

Stop relying on your phone and learn game

You diss "PUA" but I doubt you've ever actually consistently tried honing your skills

I get it, being white is a huge advantage. Don't obsess over it though.

>i get attention every once in a while from women but no one ever really throws themselves at me often

You probably won't even believe this but I have legit fucked 100+ women and never once has a women approached me out in public or even given me signals that most guys claim to get at least a few times

It's always me putting myself on the line and risking rejection (which I've had, plenty of times)

How did your dad get laid? And the hundreds years of his ancestry?

online dating is shit if you're non-white
if ur black. you better act like your stereotype or ur done

stick to meeting girls irl
better quality and less bs

>How did your dad get laid? And the hundreds years of his ancestry?
Interracial dating was a huge taboo not too long ago. Especially in minority circles. But now that no one gives a shit anymore, the floodgates have opened.

My half-white half-asian friend was having a really tough time finding girls to match with him online and he showed me his profile. All I had to do was choose the pictures where he looked the whitest, get rid of his taiwan flag on his profile, and he got matches almost every single day.

lmao. I used to do PUA before The Game was even released.

Insane time investment for marginal results. You have to spend an hour getting ready, pay a cab to a venue, pay cover, then stand around in a sausage fest club where most of the guys are taller, buffer, better looking, and whiter, and most of the girls are fat. Then you have to try to shout over the music to girls who immediately reply with sneers, disdain, "I have a boyfriend", ignore you, or entertain you politely for a few minutes at best.

Spend 2-3 hours doing that, then go home drunk, tired, and worn out for the next day.

It's a horrible way to live. If that's what it's going to be, I'd rather opt out or buy hookers. Been there done that.

And for the record I'm no autist. I'm very well liked and successful IRL socially.

The only time I ever had success with PUA was when I had a good looking white friend with me, because that's the #1 key for unlocking vagina.

>How did your dad get laid? And the hundreds years of his ancestry?

My dad betabuxed like a champ. My mom was poor and he bought her affection. Not something I want to do. If I'm doing that I'd rather rent than buy (ie. hooker, not wife).

>guys like OP need to stick with offline

That guy's good looking enough. He could get dates online as well.

i literally just said that ive known crazy unattractive guys who have gotten girls and gave 2 examples lol

but yeah ill agree on the white part. im a tall skinny brown kid with good facial structure and style. if i was white i would get crazy amounts of girls bc girls die over tall skinny white guys. not even self hating my race or anything, its just a facet of american culture where obv white and black people are the most prevalent and therefore are seen as more attractive. just an observation about how it sucks haha

>It's always me putting myself on the line and risking rejection (which I've had, plenty of times)

honestly need to start doing this more. once again im a little behind socially but i think with a little practice and some cocaine (lol) ill be able to just shoot my shot a bunch til it works. i approach and start conversations and it goes well, like the women are genuinely interested in me but after a line or two i literally just dont know what to say and kinda blank and then just move on. im not even nervous or anything i just legit dont know what to say

where do you mostly meet girls like that? clubs? i go to a lot of raves and shows where the women there are so my type and attractive to me. i wanna start just approaching everyone but dont wanna be seen as creepy or annoying or whatever

sure he could, but with more effort than needed.
if he needs to go on /soc/ or here for advice. clearly hes having trouble getting what he desires
anyway both is best ideal. but online is heavily in the girls favor

>where obv white and black people are the most prevalent and therefore are seen as more attractive

That's stupid. White people are the most attractive because they are objectively better looking. They have better nasal structure, brighter skin, colorful eyes, and better hair (until they go bald).

Whites are objectively best looking. Blacks are objectively the most dominant and fearsome looking. That is why they are the top two races and most women won't touch Indian/Chinese men.

>I'm very well liked and successful IRL socially.

Well bro I'll tell you this, I work fucking retail (despite a college degree) and am socially awkward as fuck but get laid at in insane amount when drunk (and can be alpha, literally just -be- it, all the beta thoughts are gone and I just execute)

Being able to be naturally social/well liked is a huge part of the battle and I envy you for that, no matter how hard I try I can't do that shit sober.

Also, I'm not sure if you keep up with PUA but RSD (especially like 2011+)'s shit is 10000x better than Neil Strauss The Game shit.

I dunno, all I can say is that alcohol taught me it was all about my attitude, girls NEVER flirt/give me looks, etc. with me when I'm sober and weird but when I'm buzzed (which just makes me act "normal") suddenly I can execute all the PUA shit I learned.

>where do you mostly meet girls like that? clubs? i go to a lot of raves and shows where the women there are so my type and attractive to me. i wanna start just approaching everyone but dont wanna be seen as creepy or annoying or whatever

Oh also, I'm sorry for being a misleading faggot, I meet all these girls from Tinder/online and yes even as a white guy I have never cold apprioached picked up a girl, as my experiences have been a lot like you've said.

But also, I can't say it "doesn't work" because I too have only tried it like.....2 times. And both times were so fucking wack that I didn't want to again. Tinder I like because I meet htem and then I can just go BAM into "game mode" without worrying if they have a bf, if they are interested at all, etc.

Max out your online profile for sure, and yeah I understand not being white sucks but what's your alternative? At least give it an honest shot, this is the body you were born in

i wish i could drink. have ibs and makes my stomach hurt
can only smoke weed

>objectively the best looking
off what standard? standards that white people have established

If we are going off evolution alone then why is it that tall people are actually the minority? And you aren't even saying anything that hasn't been said before. People think white guys are more attractive, therefore women want to date white guys.

Damn man, sorry to hear. Well...maybe not, not like I can do this long term before my shit gets fucked. Plus limp dick has become a cruel problem..

I would suggest trying different substances then interacting with girls, they reveal that a shiiiit ton of your problems are the way you're interacting with girls, beyond your looks.

I'm just a weird fucking dude sober, have a controlling dad so that manifested itself and a lot of Indian/Chinese guys have that too actually. A lot of the best guys I know at game are ones who grew up without a dad

These kind of mystery meat brown guys are so boring. Say what you will about black people but at least they have a unique personality and culture. These kinds of brown guys are just more boring and less attractive white guys.

earl is 5'11 and he is probably around 2in taller.

i just started back smoking weed. so im itching on how it goes
i drank some Hennessy and went out on a date and was really on point.
but stomach was killing me the next day so wasnt worth the sex

So you're white, you pick up girls off Tinder with ease, and haven't done cold approach, but you're telling me who is a short ugly ethnic who has actually done hundreds to thousands of cold approaches what it is like?

Typical jackass.

Change your Tinder profile to a below average Chink and tell me how many dates you get.

>off what standard? standards that white people have established

The standards of NATURE. Bright skin has been sought out by every country and nation and people for millenia long before whites were so clearly the dominant race.

A pointy nose is the opposite of a simian nose and thus is desirable. Looking like a chimp means looking unevolved.

Colorful eyes are objectively beautiful and look like marbles.

I'm trying to help someone out. We have different disadvantages but doesn't mean I can't still offer perspective.

I also understand where you're coming from as I feel this towards of resentment towards anyone who is 6'0+, they truly do live a different type of life (beyond just dating, respect from other men, ability to advance to CEO potions, etc.) than us 5'9" and under guys.

But dwelling on this shit really does no good. It's good to be at the stage where you "get it" but after that you just have to move forward.

Who starts their bio off with their height?

Someone who's insecure about their obviously

guys who realize women love tall men

comes off as try hard though. similiar to taking an abs pic but not as blatant because girls flat up ask you for your height on tinder a lot

>tfw black and 5'9 and still have 100 + matches and gotten laid 13 times
soon as they find out im an autist they run but its too late by then lads :)

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i hope you've fucked a copious amount of white women

white and latina
black girls dont like me :(

lmaoo knew it would come to this

would argue with you about how beauty is completely a societal construct and how obviously right now anglosaxian (or just western in general) forms of beauty are dominant and therefore those who dont confine to those are seen as unattractive but im not even gonna bother cuz i know youre not gonna change your mind lol. if u wanna hear actual sound thoughts read up on some Aesthetics but hell i know you dont read :^)

whats PUA and RSD?

and yea i dont really care ab that im confident in my body and style (it was enough for me to get steady modeling gigs in a hyper competitive city) but it was more the social aspect for me. my experiences are a lot similar to yours when it comes to alcohol, i open up much more but still i just need that little extra step before ill be good

tinder goes well for me but i just dont have the energy to keep up with it desu. might have low blood pressure issues or something cuz im always crazy tired.
how many matches do you get on average? i get like 4 on a good day and then obviously less on worse days. but even there i just...dont know how to really speak to girls over it. do i be direct? do i act friendly and act "normal" as everyone says? go chad mode and dont give a fuck about what they want? i have girls hitting me up first sometimes and ive gotten a bunch of snaps/numbers but from there i dont really know how to escalate. have been offered to go over 3 different girls places but was busy in all of the cases

if you can try xanax or any other benzo. obviously research and be responsible enough to not get addicted but take a quarter or half of one and see all your anxiety go away and become a social butterfly. first semester of college i used to take half a xan, drink and do coke and i would become a social monster. social life was (and still is) amazing just due to the amount of people ive met and have loved me. obv didnt work w girls im into tho lol

>after that you just have to move forward

Well I just decided to MGTOW because it's a fucking waste of time. I make > $240k per year before taxes and I can't even get a decent date. There's nothing more I can do. I look the best I can.

The last girl (only girl I ever successful dated from online) ended up having a major disability. I saw a professional matchmaker for a trial match and she set me up with a fat ugly girl.

Why even bother? It's pointless.

>xan, drink and do coke
i used to abuse that shit during highschool. part of why i think my stomach is fucked up

yeah i understand what u talking about. my friend says there's a gluten free beer. imma try that

6'2 black guy here why do black women ignore me but white and latina women fawn over me

White skin is proven more attractive biologically. There are loads of studies that show people interpret brighter, rosier, and more golden skin as healthier.

>The standards of NATURE
lmao must be why having tanned skin was popular a few years back?

idk bro and it pisses me off
i prefer black women. but im invisible to them

yoo you have celiac? thats what i have ahah my stomach is super sensitive too but i just power thru it

coke wont mess up your stomach and if moderated correct can be a really good social tool. same with xans

and dont bother with gf beer, get alcoholic ciders. angry orchards were my shit for a while. get you fucked up and taste soooo good but i mostly just stick to liquor cuz its cheaper

LMAO ofc im hit with pseduoscience on race

and im south asian and have golden skin idk what youre talking about my guy. also white people run so fast to get their skin tanned and look as dark as they can and so many see "tall, tan and handsome" as being the golden standard

fuuuck sucks my guy light skinned black girls are top tier. ive gotten a decent amount of attention from black girls feels good

The triad of attractive skin is bright, golden, and rosy.

All of those are white traits. Tanning makes you more golden. Avoiding sun makes you brighter. Blush makes you rosier.

But no one in history has been more attractive for having shitskin.

>whats PUA and RSD?

pickup artists
real social dynamics (the best company)


Watch this sometime (or throw on in background, watch in chunks), Tyler is fucking amazing, the real deal. He's white....but 5'9", balding, gay voice, small hands, chubby as hell....watch it.

A man who has never known hardship will believe sawing a 2x4 in half is hard, then tell a lumberjack that he just needs to work harder if he can't cut through a tree

That's the difference between white people and non-whites. Having a rough time dating for whites is "man, I haven't been on a good date in weeks" while having a rough time dating for nonwhties is "I've tried to talk to women for months and they won't even look at me"

Not really that bad. Could be a lot worse, that's for sure.

hmm is this shit really real? not even asking in a confrontational way, i thought the general consensus was that this stuff was all kinda bullshit

also ofc this moron goes mgtow cause obv youre retarded. if i was making a quarter of a million dollars a year i wouldnt give a single fuck about women. just go to expensive clubs and get hookers or something wtf

>south asian and have golden skin

No. This is golden skin.

Attached: model-jordan-barrett-attends-the-the-daily-front-rows-4th-annual-picture-id600659168[1].jpg (423x612, 42K)

And this is what happens when you color him as a gook.

Attached: 9tFWP4b[1].jpg (1356x1480, 172K)

Most people's initial reaction to PUA is that it's bullshit because they only remember Neil Strauss/The Game and people saying "pickup lines" and wearing top hats and shit....it's not that.

I thought it was too, someone posted Tyler in a thread on /fit/ like 5 years ago and really changed my life. Just give it a shot, at least watch 5 min of it and see if he seems like someone you want to keep listening to.

ill take your word for it user. have you seen any real results? or has it just been just a greater understanding into the dynamics of things? either way ill give it a chance just wondering

>The Game
aw fuck

Haha gooks btfod. Nonwhites are ugly as fuck

My money is one of the only good things I have in my life but it doesn't go as far as you think. Gov't takes 40% straight out. $60k more a year to mortgage. Down to $84K. I'm $150K in debt from student loans. $100K behind on my taxes because it cost me a lot on my house downpayment. Phone/internet/Credit card/groceries add up as well.

In the end I've done the math and I can afford $1-2K per month for a sugar baby which would buy me a moderate grade one at the expense of putting off paying off my debts.

So that's why I went MGTOW. Right now I don't care enough to waste the money. When I do that's what I will do. Otherwise I'm not turning my life upside down just to try to date some fat and old chick who at most would want my money.

5'11" is prince of manlets, 6'0" is king of those genetic freaks.

Yeah and that's one of the best looking guys on earth. Take away his white sharp nose, incredible cheekbones/jawline, and strong eye structure and you can easily understand why women hate us.

My understanding has expanded 1000xfold, to an insane amount really. Guy is the best self-development dude in general since it's all rooted in getting laid, tangible results not just feel good bullshit. He's also a genuinely good guy too though.

Results? I've fucked 200+ girls from online dating. And not because I'm some Chad who just invites them over, again, I'm 5'8" and I can look like a legit 3/10 if I just take a selfie right now but in proper lighting/good angles I can look presentable

But I know how to set up a date, meet at bar, escalate and then fuck (be it at their place, a car...live with senpai so can't even take them to mine usually). I've fucked really hot girls and have also been rejected by considerably ugly girls, part of the lesson is rejection does not fucking matter.

live with senpai was meant to say f a m aka family lol

so did u just watch his videos everyday and get drunk?

Impossible without being at least white and 5+/10. If you're nonwhite and sub 5 you won't even get matches or replies.

Try it with someone like this and tell me your results.

Attached: th[1].jpg (474x316, 20K)

I'm an Indian guy and this has always been true. Even our own women are marrying white boys because we're "too abusive" when I'd never even think about scratching a toilet.

Funniest part. Indian and Chinese men are the highest educated in America and the least likely to be involved in crime or violence against anyone.

Women would rather be a human toilet for a white guy than be loved by a curry/rice man.


And "drunk" would be too far, just enough to get a buzz usually and take the edge off but I do have sober success as well.

On that note though, Tyler himself doesn't drink.

And curry rice men rather be a human toilet for a Stacy slut than loved by a ricewoman

Rice women are disgustingly ugly. I don't blame women in general for hating rice men because rice women are horribly ugly as well. Rice people are some of the ugliest on earth.

Blacks are ugly but at least they have their heights, athleticism, muscularity, and big dicks/tits/ass.

Rice people have no redeeming features at all except the women are small framed.

>has GBV lyrics at bio

you should be repping GBV shirts, not fucking death grips

based GBVfan

Can y'all stop posting my shit on here?

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this is actually funny af lmao

How has online dating been treating you in general?

JFL If you thought a hot white girl like that would date you.


Hahaha good thing im not a gook just got a little middle eastern dna in me. Sucks for the 6+ billion shitskin bugpeople of the world

>revealing that they're a catfish for no fucking reason in the screencap
How do I know you're either of those two people?

ITT: SEETHING laurenfags

Attached: Untitled.png (640x647, 801K)

>just got a little middle eastern dna in me

Not as bad but enough that a girl like that still won't date you man.

It's just how it goes. You could pass for Indian/Mexican/Arabic and women hate all those things. Not as much as they hate rice men but enough.

With your features, if you were white you'd be coasting on easy mode.

It's been good, but taking a break and currently on a 1k calorie deficit to lose some weight before I start lifting. My last relationship was in December.

Ahhh fuck, I look like shit in all my old pics, stop.

You look fine mate and seem like a cool dude, would hang with.

Everyone on Yea Forums is a bitter dork so don't worry about this thread

Fuck i forgot the image

Attached: 20190509_232213.png (2392x1345, 1.33M)

Im mostly slavic and german (a grandparent was full german) light eyes very nice hair. I am on easy mode when it comes to girls feelsgoodman

The absolute greatest bitterness I have in life has been the now decades of endless rejection by women no matter what I do in favor of taller, whiter, better looking men.

I can't even imagine how at peace I would be if I didn't have to carry those memories.

Since getting women is a fundamental biological drive, nothing I've ever done has been enough to make up for it.

You're lucky.

you ever tried kidnapping and enslavement?

Sadly, I'm not that sadistic or cruel. I'm a pretty moral person. Always been. That doesn't appeal to me.

There are many and I mean MANY fatter/uglier/somewhat undesirable women who are just as desperate as you to get fucked. You can start with gain confidence get fit and move up and up. You have 2 choices: continue on your fruitless path or start somewhere. You could bang a chick today if you let your standards fall way down.

Ho ly shit

yeah i feel bad in a way u look fine my guy just get a better sense of style and get a nice body, youre not butt ugly and clearly not a virgin so ur good

i cant even imagine mu getting a hand on my social shit like that, people will roast you even if youre a 10 lmao

lol this guy is an incel and so he talks about how bad it is for nonwhite people to make himself feel better for the fact that he hasnt has sex in ages (or even ever)

have sex

Oh I know that. But here's the thing. I'm actually a doctor and I've seen loads of women naked in my life. Hundreds. I know what fat/gross chicks look like naked and I wouldn't want to go anywhere near them. Hence MGTOW. I don't even blame women for hating me for being unattractive, because I don't like unattractive women either. As I see it, I am damned to always be unhappy because either I bang fat/ugly girls and I'm unhappy or I bang no one and I'm unhappy or I pay for hot girls and I'm unhappy.

The thing I want - to be attractive and get with attractive girls can't happen so I've accepted that.

The absolute fucking state of this thread

>likes mac and niggers
>"music taste on point"

the lack of self awareness is shocking

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i-is this copypasta?

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Thought this was the worst thread tonight then went over to Yea Forums

Warwick Davis is a hot new meme, better than the usual shit on Yea Forums