What are some other Beatles albums that aren't real albums?

What are some other Beatles albums that aren't real albums?

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The other two are Yellow Submarine and Let It Be. Though people will argue with you on every one of those and say they are real albums

How is Let It Be not a real album?

Leftover songs from Abbey Road

This one comes to mind.

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Pretty sure Abbey Road was recorded AFTER Let It Be, but released before.

Also pic related is not a "real" album.

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just because somethings b-sides or compilation etc... doesnt mean its not an album... its just a different kind of album...

Dude LSD lmao

recycled a bunch of motifs from earlier work yet didn't really "move forward" with it

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Ah, always thought it was the other way round.

Basically they had these sessions that were never released but planned for an album. Let It Be was just mixed without much involvement from them, and Paul especially strongly objected to how it was produced. By the time it was released they had already broke up

How is this not a real album? Fuck your arbitrary criteria, faggot

an album is literally just a piece or pieces of recorded music that are published for home listening... dont see how any of that makes these "not real"

I’m not in the “it’s not an album camp,” I like Let It Be. I’m just explaining why some other people don’t consider it a “proper release”

>Paul especially strongly objected to how it was produced.
Is Let It Be Naked the paul-approved version of the album? or at least closer to his vision? I know that Paul hated how they put an orchestra in Long and Winding Road, but what other parts did he (or the other beatles) not like?

Basically the Beatles got tired of all the overdubbing stuff and wanted to record an album live and go on tour. The idea was this album would be like a new debut, and everything would be played in one full take. Unfortunately, they broke up and never toured and the album was mixed with a ton of strings and overdubs, which is why Paul and some purists objected to it
There was a first cut made by a producer named Glyn Johns, which was more rough and less produced. It’s been bootlegged a bunch and is easy to find. I don’t know if it’s better than Let It Be though

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I dont get why Ringo is lower than the others

>Leftover songs from the Get Back sessions

All of the 2009 mono remasters are not real albums

Thankyou Senpai

The only real Beatles album is Everyday Chemistry. The rest are fake