You ever get freaky with your sis Yea Forums?

You ever get freaky with your sis Yea Forums?
Also incest thread cause that's what this will inevitably turn into

Pic not related

>father and mother were horny latchkey kids who had me really really early, like 18 yo
>father dips and leaves mom to raise me
>mother ends up marrying two other men and having a child with each of them, one sister and one brother.
>father ends up doing the same, marrying one woman and having two kids with her, one sister and one brother.
>never really close with my bro on my moms side but we always got along, bro on my dads side was too young to form a relationship with although i would hardly ever see him anyway
>not very close with my siblings on my moms side, growing up was really shitty for me and made me resent my family a bit, but definite typical sibling interactions and fights and shit from the ones on my mothers side
>fathers side is a bit different, never really interacted with my father or his family in any way until i was around 7 years old
>was never bothered by not having a father figure since i was independent enough to not really need one
>always liked guy stuff and love to hunt and cook and am good with my hands, tech, building/fixing things etc, taught myself how to shave etc, plus had a grandfather i was really close with and would help me figure shit out
>anyway, meeting my siblings on my dad's side was.. interesting
>one day when i was like 11, my dad invited me to stay over at his place and kinda just be around that side of my family for a while
>we were all still kids when we met and my sister who ill call V was a typical girly girl, my little brother was still a toddler and too young to really remember me

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>V was never really clingy or overly interested in me
>i think she liked having an older brother though, as whenever i wasn't there she was the oldest sibling and never really much attention
>whenever i did go over which was very infrequent she would always be near me in the house usually staying in the same room as me
>noticed her following me through her house one time when i was pretending i couldn't see her
>I think i stayed at their place around 3 times in total my whole life and i think collectively the amount of time I've spent around my father and his family throughout my entire life has to be less than 2 weeks total
>i do remember one night though, i was sleeping in their living room and was woken up to the sound of her whispering my name and asking if she could lay with me after saying she didnt wanna sleep alone
>thought nothing of it and let her crawl on the couch with me, was crampt but she had me put my legs in a position which at the time i thought was weird but as of now i know it was just to have out legs take up less space
>woke up the next morning to her backed up into me with her holding my arm around herself, luckly she was still asleep so it wasnt really awkward and i could get up without disturbing her
>nevertheless i thought it was adorable on the inside and i was kinda gushing a bit about it while brushing my teeth that morning
>she never said anything about it though and i dont think anyone else really knew she slept next to me that night

theres more, idk if anyone would want me to continue though.
i dont greentext often

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Does she like black penis?

skip story and lets see if this chicks pussy is as unkempt as I assume

probably not, none of her family is black and the only black people she probably sees are random people walking down the street with their pants half down wearing a puffy Louis Vuitton jacket that they bought with their life savings

I got caught molesting my little sister. Was absolutely not worth it. Had to go to counseling and my parents basically disowned me. She’s never said anything about it, but I’m sure she’s just going to stab me in the throat someday

Greentext. NOW.

so she a racist bitch

also quit samefagging retard
i can smell your ethnicity from here, smells like shea butter and cheap greasy food

captcha: WON8K

now get out of my thread nigger, you're all so annoying

pls continue ignore these faggots

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sure thing user

skip to earlier last year

>important event happens where my dad and his family are invited
>see my sister for the first time in maybe 13 years and almost dont recognize her at first
>feels weird to admit but she was really cute
>for some reason she seems overly excited to be there but i figure its probably because were about to go eat at a nice place and since lockdown no one has really done much or gone out for a while
>we get seated and wait for extended family to arrive
>girlfriend who is now my ex arrives and i introduce her to my siblings on my dads side
>my ex says something about my sister being bi for having a certain pin on her bag or some shit
>extended family arrives, V asks to switch seats with my aunt who was sitting on my left because she "was cold next to this vent"
>sister sits down and tries getting my attention
>im talking to my ex and V calls my name while tapping me on my shoulder
>i turn to her and she asks for my number so we can stay in touch, this wasn't out of the ordinary as i had to do this exchange of numbers with a few family members at the gathering
>whole time while we eat whenever id turn my attention to my sister, my ex would get visibly anxious and would try and say or do something to get my attention

they look like good sisters user, anything like this happen to you before?

Fuck me that's hot.

>my ex says something about my sister being bi for having a certain pin on her bag or some shit
Should've killed the bitch right there. Death to all homosexuals.

>Be 15
>Sister 11
>Hanging out in the basement watching tv
>She’s in one of those long nightgown shirts
>Don’t remember what we were watching but her nipples were rock hard
>Start pushing my feet against her
>She slaps them away
>We start wrestling
>Flip her over onto all fours
>White panties with pink flowers
>I pull them down to her knees and start hot-dogging her ass
>Try to put it in but she’s too tight
>Rock hard and determined
>Get the head in and she yelps
>Cover her mouth and tell her to relax
>Feel hands around my throat from behind
>My mom pulls me off of her and I cum

Messed around when younger

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>Feel hands around my throat from behind
>My mom pulls me off of her and I cum
Holy shit user lmao

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My sister became a drunk that sleeps around. I feel responsible


Sort of. Me and my sister shared a room, and around teens I used to get horny, and flash my sister. She'd flash back. This continued for a while, before one night I pulled down my pants and started to jerk on my bed, and she also pulled her pants down and started to rub her pussy. We only masturbated together, though. And it stopped when I went to uni, now I just feel awkward around her. Neither of us dared to start it again.

Women are all fucked up mentally. She would've still become a whore due to influence from her friends even if you had stayed 10 feet away from her her whole life, it's not your fault. At least you tasted the forbidden fruit.

Sounds kinda hot

I’ve been debating whether to bring it up to see how she feels about it.

Do NOT do that under ANY circumstances, user. I guarantee you will end up jobless and publicly humiliated. Females are scum, she will try to ruin your life 100%.

godamn. that plot twist at the end.ayy

OP here, last little bit

not much happened during the rest of the time at the gathering. got to see my extended family and see my siblings who i hadn't seen in years and over all it was a good time.
fast forward to 2 weeks ago..

>girlfriend breaks up with me and is very outward about it on social media
>bla bla you never did anything i asked, never wanted me to hang out with my guy friends bla bla etc etc
>family eventually finds out and my father shoots me a text one day out of the blue asking if im alright and asking how ive been since the party
>tell him im fine and ill just focus on myself for a bit etc.
>few days later V texts me asking for my socials
>thought it was a bit weird since if she wanted to talk we could do so through text cause she already has my number but i go with it anyway
>immediately starts striking conversations in my dm's at least once a day
>always sending me pictures of her and her pets, or what shes doing and asking what im doing
>sends me a picture of her "getting ready for bed" wearing a bra and some sweats
>wants me to try to come over more often and spend a few days at our dads house
>says there's a bunch of cool places we could go see together

i dont really know what to think here anons, shes quite a bit younger than me not to mention being my sister, although i dont wanna be mean and i dont exactly wanna tell her no either.
idk why her interaction with me got so much more frequent after things ended with my ex, idk why shes so adamant on seeing me.

if im being honest i wouldn't oppose the idea of what her actions are implying.
she's really cute and an adorable loving sister has always been something ive wanted but could never with the one on my moms side cause shes emotionally a bitch and mentally narcissistic. also shes mixed and im not racist but ive never really 'liked' black people

also i think people are getting mixed between my sister on my moms side who is half black and a bitch, vs sister on my dads side

Yeah, I still remember how excited we'd feel when we were left alone when mom and dad would go out. We're from a very repressive nation, and that sort of sex is bad mentality was hammered into us. That's why we didn't dare go further. And that's why we found it exciting, as it was the only source of sexual experience for us then.
But I remember when I'd close the door when mom and dad would leave, go to our room, and find her naked, and telling me to get naked as well.

>sends me a picture of her "getting ready for bed" wearing a bra and some sweats
Post it

sorry user, but no
its too great of a treasure

You're a fucking faggot. Kill yourself, I hope you suffer in life, nigger.


Well this makes me wanna see it too

>nds me a picture of her "getting ready for bed" wearing a bra and some swe

pic or it didn't happen

Leave her for a black man to fuck. She probably loves black penis.

your sisters name vicky?

Sisters always seemed too close family wise, although I did jerk off to one in the bathtub once.
Fooled around with my cousins a lot though.

I was 17 and sister was 16 at the time. We always used to be really comfortable around each other and sometimes had taken our clothes fully off to stay cool during summer when mom was asleep. One night when i was sleeping naked in the finished basement we have, my sister came over to me and said do you like my boobs, i said yes, do you wanna touch them, i said yes again. Eventually it was to the point i was touching her pussy and she was touching my dick. I came up with the idea to 69 and she was into it. I still dont regret doing that. She was surprisingly good at sucking my dick and id eat her pussy again if i could. I came pretty fast in her mouth. She swallowed and moaned as i licked her clit like crazy. Eventually she grabbed my hair and moaned loudly. After we both came we cleaned up, she kissed me, and we slept naked together. We've talked about it since and we'd never do it again but we don't regret it

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Pic of sister?

uhh what

wow nice going retard

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She doesn’t post a lot on her IG. Mostly just puts up basic Snap shit

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When she was 11 I mean

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You expect me to jack off to that? She looks 30 user what the fuck

What a let down! At least the guy who was strangled by his mom got to penetrate something!

Does she remember that it happened?

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I’m sure she does.

>tfw no mom to strangle you while you cum on your loli sister

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that's adorable

Of course you feel closer to your actual sister, she's the same subspecies of human as you.
Go see her and bond with her more, what's the worst that could happen, she wants guidance.

i remember having pissing contests where we would see who could piss farther, grew up in the middle of nowhere so we had lots of time without parents
also remember running around the house naked after school, not sure why, was more funny than anything

Most I ever did was stick my hand down her panties and grab her ass while she was sleeping and jerk off. I used to watch her get in and out of the shower as well.

op here, sounds like you had a nice childhood.
im happy for you user.

i didnt get to have that great of a childhood.
i constantly moved around.
there is no where i can say i grew up in.
my mother was bi polar and took lithium.
she was violent often.
I can remember a time when we lived in a two bedroom apartment (i know now it was around 720 sq feet)
we call it the 'box house'

one day in that house her cellphone had an outdated version of some app on it and the app had a pop up ad she clicked on and it made her phone lag and kinda stop working.
she got so mad and filled with emotion that she threw her phone past my face into the wall beside me making a dent.

i can remember one day before Christmas we realized we forgot to remind her about getting cookie dough to leave 'cookies for santa' or whatever bullshit so she could take a picture and she was so angry that we forgot to remind her, just the fact that we forgot made her decide to ruin it for everyone and return all the gifts she got. i hadnt asked for anything that year as there wasnt much i wanted but, there was going to be a family get together and because she didnt wanna go anymore and because when our family asked her why, she decided to talk absolute shit about me and my siblings to all of them right in front of us.

my sister under my mother, subsequently takes after my mother.

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naughty naughty

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Oh I also made her grab my dick once (again in her sleep). I was pretty exciting.

She is sexually attracted to you. Play your cards right and you'll get to experience the finest bliss of which man can ever partake. Play your cards wrong and you're fucked in the not-fun way.

Choice is yours, but don't act like you don't know what she wants.


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Believe me or don't I don't care.

I fucking hate amateur novelist threads

no i do believe you man, its just dont you ever think she may have done the same to you?
every thought of asking her?

the fuck is a novelist?

A person who writes novels. People come up with story ideas and post them here for feedback, while hiding that it's made up bullshit.

yeah or maybe they are hiding behind the fact that everyone rightfully and already assumes its made up.

Your mum sounds like a piece of work, sometimes it's best to cut family out as much as you can for your own sanity.

this is a very solid policy it gives people freedom, they can just call it fiction
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Nah she isn't a very sexual person. I would have liked it if she did though. I didn't want to ruin the family if I asked and was wrong. She didn't freak out if I walked in on her accidentally when she was naked though. One time she had gotten a white Coca-Cola swimsuit from my aunt for Christmas. When spring came we were in the pool and she noticed you could see her pubes. Instead of going and changing she just relaxed on the floaty chair and me and my younger bro would steal glances. Maybe an exhibitionist but I don't think anything more was on the table. We played doctor when we were younger and it never progressed from there.

It was a white suit that when it got wet showed her full bush.

>the fuck is a novelist?
I weep for my board. Read a fucking book, you nigger.

newfag spotted
"i miss old Yea Forums" wah wah kike
hang your family and take a bath with a toaster you parasite

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Shut up. Stop posting for two years. Spend that time reading books. Delete your Netflix. Delete your Facebook. Delete your Reddit. Delete yourself.