I eat shit then i stink and shit

I eat shit then i stink and shit

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that background is from god of war 3 isnt it

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It's from red alert


>stink and shit
You stink and then you shit? Or you shit and its all stinky? Or maybe you stink and hang out with stinky shit? Either way, moar?

Yes, dubs confirm. All day I think of stinky shit.

stinky and shitty?

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I stepped in some shit walking into this thread. Anybody hungry?

Thick and juicy recycled food ONLY

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If you stepped in it, how did it end up all over your fat stupid face?

from all the LOGGING

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CLOGGING, shit for brains

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>shit for brains
ngl, that's pretty steamy

Why would somebody leave a warm fresh stinky turd in my sink? Nobody wants it?

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Cool story bro

Who doesn't want some stink in the sink?

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kys logposter faggot

I can't hear you over the sound of all this farting.

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imagine the smell

>imagine the smell
after a whole night of taco bell

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I farted once, if that counts

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>stink in the sink

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is that as high as you can count?

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Have you tried the Sacrament of the Sixx? 40 days and 40 nights of all the taco bell you can eat and endless clogging and logging.

Just leave if you can't handle the stench

Yes pls

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I can get higher than that


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I got way too clogged after a week that it started coming out the other end. Then I tried inserting shit into the other end to reverse the shitflow and then it started slidding again. So much throte action, very steamy. I couldn't handle it yet.

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just once? Why'd you quit?

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ran out of fuel

If you say so. Want me to get stinky too?

stink up this dude instead

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take your meds and go to bed, e

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When are you autistic fags ever going to leave this site, fucking christ
I can't wait until your neetbucks run out and your left starving on the street.

>autistic fags
who are you talking to? It's all just me, by myself.

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leaked poom screenshot lol

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dubs confirm, goty

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That looks so dreamy and high in protein.


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Are you in need of some? Do you prefer it FRESH and JUICY?