Ylyl: no politics edition

ylyl: no politics edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.easyreadernews.com/archives/news2001/0621/rb Shortridge.php

1. True
2. True
3. False, Jews are the ones who do

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The thing is even if any of those things are true, that isn't justification for racially profiling people, which is what people who push that narrative actually want. They want to be able to accuse black people of stealing stuff and jews of everything conceivable and so on without having to prove it. They just want power over people that they don't deserve to have. Nobody is required to wear the stigma of being born looking like someone else that commits crimes. That's not rational even if statics are real.

Sadly, the last two are not bullshit, so given this criteria...

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The point is so what? What is your endgame by showing this? Its an excuse for racial profiling right? Black people deserve increased scrutiny regardless of evidence just because they happened t9 be black? Presumption of guilt is forbidden by our constitution.


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>even if any of those things are true, that isn't justification for racially profiling people
It is, though. It is. They should be racially profiled single-file onto a boat back to Africa.

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Niggers aren't human by our original constitution.

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>Its an excuse for racial profiling right?
no son, it's trying to get you to open your eyes. since when did the Truth need a reason to be discussed? since when was Reality not an appropriate topic of conversation and had to be justified to be talked about? why are you shying away from discussing truth?

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The last one is bullshit

YLYL is not /pol/

All of you /pol/cel niggers who shit up threads with your trans and your jew retardation need to be dragged into the streets and shot.

Get the fuck out of here already. You are not welcome.

>inb4 hurr durr dilate tranny
I'm not trans. Just like you're not intelligent.

maybe if you post it a few more times it will work. fucking kek

False. Poverty levels and educational resources do.

But hey, don't let me interrupt you being a retarded racist /pol/lack nigger.

I bet you're a Jewish tranny


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Another pol/schizo thread..

The last two aren't bullshit. Therefore, the first one isn't either.

It's time to take your hrt faggot

Redlining and gentrification.

>that isn't justification for racially profiling people
Yes it is. It is entirely logical to be more suspicious of the group that commits more crimes.

We really should find a way to murder them all.


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The Constitution also restricted voting to white landowning men.

no no, i'm asking for a source, not two words. do you have statistics that contradict the statistics posted? or just some emotions you're feeling right now?

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Time for you to return to your lass retardation containment unit and never shit up a thread on Yea Forums again.

>We really should find a way to murder them all.
Whenever you're ready.

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this kind of dumbass bigotry is why you guys are losing, and because you don't pay attention to it, you'll never learn to get out of it

The Right is the enemy. They invaded and they shit up this site and social media everywhere they go. They are subhuman filth and should be dealt with the way they unironically want to deal with minorities.

>you guys are losing
ok groomer

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>ylyl: no politics edition
>posts and image that is blatently political

Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8 out of 8.

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newfag detected

crawl back to your safespace niggerfaggot

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How is that political?

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I know you faggots are busy burning math books, but maybe you should understand just how few trans people there actually are and maybe then you'll come to realize how fucking imbecilic you are when you assume/argue from the stance of claiming that everyone you disagree with is a tranny.

Numbers and facts matter, no matter how hard the right wing filth try stick their retardations in front of them.

Property crimes tend to soar in places that have less black people while violent crimes skyrocket in places that have more... I wonder why that is. It's almost like those damn hoodrats break into and steal things from nicer neighborhoods. "He was just jogging though..."

Right, cancel culture is unamerican.

ITT: unfunny /pol/cel crybabies who need a massive dose of copium.

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I try not to be racist but getting attacked is not worth it, so I just choose to avoid them.

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>maybe you should understand just how few trans people there actually are
far, far too many

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>that isn't justification for racially profiling people
When a crime is committed, the investigating officers consult a profile of the typical perpetrator of the type of crime they are investigating. That profile includes all kinds of details, including race. They literally racially profile suspects because it's effective

Race and politics go hand in hand. At least in the US. The whole point of saying
>no politics
is to avoid shitting up a thread with discussion of the sort.

Interestingly enough the "protected" things that you aren't allowed to speak up against are the ones that create the most discussion. Religion, politics, race, gender. Age not so much.

My point is that any of those topics will make your thread look like ./pol/. Instead of people posting actually funny things, instead we have people (especially one in particular) posting statistics. You killed your own thread before it could even get started. Unless you wanted a /pol/ thread.

>I'm not trans
Out of nowhere he claims to not be trans. Very suspicious if you ask me

Ok goy, that ones pretty funny

My Safespace is not a very nice place to be. You don't want me there. I'm happiest and calmest when I'm allowed to let loose and beat the absolute shit out of trash like you.

this is the most reddit answer you could have possibly given, kudos faggot

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Baby's first trollpost?

post address so I can come hate crime you

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>Replies: 60
>Posters: 18
Somebody is contributing more than their fair share. I'm guessing the tranny

hey man i'm posting funny things, too
don't be mean to me

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This you?

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bitches like you DO seem mentally retarded

>Race and politics go hand in hand.
And you fuckwits wonder why no minority ever votes for your fucked up band of grifting losers.

>haha I found a republican pedo, that totally cancels out all the leftist pedophilia!
all pedos must hang, and the overwhelming majority of them are leftists

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U seem desperate to point the finger :^)

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didn't Trump have the highest votes of blacks in the last 50 years or some bullshit?

really makes you wonder why you keep swallowing the narrative

aping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.


Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.


Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.

archive.easyreadernews.com/archives/news2001/0621/rb Shortridge.php

Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.


Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.


Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.


Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.


Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.


Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.


Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.


Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.


Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.


Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.


Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.


Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.


Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

why are they always wh*te?

Funny how in denial these morons are. Anyone with an IQ above 110 and an internet connection can work out that jews are more privileged than whites and that jews can pretends to be white when it suits, and they are one of the smallest minorities. The reason the left wont accept it is because they cannot imagine a world were they would hate a minority, even though by their own standards, jews are worse than whites.

Five people, coaches and administrators at the private Midland Christian School, and anti-LGBTIQ and anti-choice school, for covering up the sexual assault of a student. Here is a timeline of the coverup.

752 Nebraska state senator Mike Groene has resigned after initially denying the accusation that he took sexually inappropriate photos of his legislative aide.

753 Barry Morphew, who was once drafted by the Toronto Blue Jays, has been arrested for killing his wife and then casting her ballot for Trump.
755 Kevin Hohn, former Republican Mayor of Brookville, FL, has been charged with the possession and distribution of images of the sexual abuse of children.

756 Gary Clark, the former mayor Zillah, WA who retired after losing in 2020, has been accused by more than one person of child rape.

757 Severance, CO, Mayor Donald Marceau McLeod, a Republican, resigned after being arrested for child prostitution.

758 Kenneth Lewis Barrett, Republican Mayor of Winston, OR was caught in an undercover sting, thinking he was meeting with a 14-year-old girl
Jeremy Filbert, Republican former Mayor of Mitchellville, IA, was charged with rape and sodomy of a child in Kansas. Here is the verdict.

760 Valley Mills TX Mayor, Rodney Burl Nichols, child indecency. After he shot himself in the stomach, he was indicted for child indecency and then indicted for ten further charges alleging he raped a child under 14 several times and also raped another child. They tried to charge him 14 years earlier in 2005, but the grand jury declined to indict.
761 John J, Griffin, former CNN producer and registered Republican, child sex abuse. He enticed mothers to bring their minor children to him in exchange for gifts. Child enticement and molestation.

and we could find the same number of articles about pedo dems
when will you idiots learn that neither party is good, wholesome, or actually fighting for you?
you vote for the conmen that will push policies you agree with. if you get caught up in defending that particular group, you lose. period.

Neil Gardner, a former Republican Highway Superintendent, settled with a woman who accused him sexually molesting her since she was twelve, that he took pictures of her to sell.

763 Terry Peters, Arizona Republican donor, and husband of Bush Transportation Secretary Mary Peters, was sentenced to 14 years for child molestation

764 Michigan House candidate Republican Robert “RJ” Regan claimed he tells his daughters to “lie back and enjoy it” if rape is inevitable.

765 Brandon Beckham, Republican Utah State Senate candidate, has been charged with forcible sexual assault

766 Paul Dyal, Jacksonville Florida pastor and registered Republican, was arrested for capital sexual battery of a child 11 or younger. The abuse is alleged to affect many people going back 30 years.

767 William Henry Randall, 1998 Republican candidate for Congress in FL, was sentenced to 20 years for child sexual battery

768 Stephen Bates, Ted Cruz-endorsing pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Nashua, NH, arrested for child pornography

769 Sen. Joey Hensley of Tennessee was put on medical probation for prescribing to family members. He also prescribed to and had an affair with one of his employees, his second cousin. They are consenting adults, BUT he is her employer and her prescribing physician, making this an improper influence relationship.

770 Danielle Neuschwanger, the leading candidate in the GOP primary for governor, has been twice arrested for domestic violence and had a permanent restraining order requested by her ex-boyfriend who was the victim in the domestic violence incidents. She now claims he was the abuser, but that was not what she told the police.

771 Former GOP legislative candidate, John Myser, has been accused of domestic assault.

772 Former Blasdell NY Mayor Michael McGuire, a Republican, has been accused by three former students of sexual abuse while they were minors.

Yeah, again, you're really not understanding. I'm not a republican, you retarded faggot. All pedos must hang. It's the gay leftist jewish community pushing it into the mainstream.

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1. True
2. False
3. True

701 Texas GOP Congressional candidate Monica de la Cruz is accused of child abuse

702 Michigan Republican state Sen. John Bizon is charged with assault after inappropriately touching a nurse practitioner and her assistant

703 Former conservative Orchard Prairie, WA, school-board candidate Dr. Ronald Ilg: Too much to list. hiring people on dark web to beat and torture women, imprisoning woman in bunker until she signed sex slave contract. More.

704 GOP Mega-donor T. Denny Sanford was implicated in a child pornography investigation in South Dakota and referred to the federal government since the investigation crossed state lines. The feds have so far not taken action.

705 Former Republican staffer and current mayor of Cambridge, MD, has been charged with 50 counts of distributing revenge porn.

706 Anti-tax, conservative city council member Brian Mackenzie in Craig, CO, has been sentenced to 10 years probation for attempted sexual assault of a child

707 Republican Mayor Ed Reinhardt of Lockport, LA resigned after an investigation into complaints of sexual harassment
709 Republican actress Heather Locklear (and volunteer for Bush campaign) has been arrested for domestic violence as well as battery of a police officer

712 Felicia Killings, self-proclaimed “Conscious Black Conservative” of the Conscious Conservative Media Network pleaded “no contest” to raping her students. In a memoir, she claims false arrest, but she pleaded no contest.

713 8-Chan/8kun owner and QAnon peddler Jim Watkins hosts child porn sites on his service.

714 William Dalton Milam, a Republican Baptist pastor, crusades against drinking, but probably not child porn. He’s been charged with promoting the sexual perfor710 mance of a child and possession of child pornography

>begins numbering in the 700s
im not a calculus professor, but i'm calling your bullshit

Jews living rent free these faggots heads lol.

Jesus Christ you cringy fucking retard. nobody is going to real all this sperg shit.

this is true

>reported for spam
more likely than you think

is that right?

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The desperate GOP are the ones pushing it into the mainstream because it's their current generic insult du jour. Lumping LGBT with pedophiles and the Democrats all together as a pathetically ham handed attempt at creating a platform for their retarded subhuman voters. It's entirely bullshit and projection.

The right wing trumperniggers can't read it anyway.

You have earned a shekel

>rent free
the most pathetic insult possible
>thinking about anything means 'rent free' lol gottem!
how much time do you spend seething about trump or republicans or whites or whatever bullshit gets you mad? is that shit living rent free in your little dome?

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So these idiots actually know what's happening and they are literally telling themselves to ignore it.

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This nigga SEETHING like there's no tomorrow!

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Doesn't have to be an excuse for racial profiling, but do you think there is gender profiling in policing? Do you think we throw more force at men than women?

really, all of us could do with acknowledging reality: as tough as it is...