I'm still unvaxxed

>I'm still unvaxxed.
>Take 3mg Ivermectin daily as a profilactic.
>Work job with high crowd exposure.
Still alive. Never had COVID.
God I love not being a sheep

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>Take Ivermectin
>not a sheep
pick one

the sheep believe the horse dewormer should have killed me by now.
the free thinkers know its why I've still never got COVID

So let me get this straight you won't take the vaccine but you will take pills everyday I don't get it

No evidence horse dewormers helps against Covid
Enough evidence vaccines help against Covid.


His choice is it not

>Take 3mg Ivermectin
lmao imagine fell for the meme this hard

I understand the concept of protease inhibition

prove you aren't a retard and explain to me what a 3mg Ivermectin does means.

you can't

Hi rabbi

I've taken nothing, been unvaxxed, havent gave a single fuck throughout the past 3 years, no mask, no problem, no one bitches at me.
>Take 3mg Ivermectin
>not being a sheep
choose one.

so you live in your basement and interact with no other humans than?

Its all fine and dandy until you get it, a mate of mine was unvaxxed and our whole friend group got covid and became sick. but the only guy that became really really sick was the unvaxxed guy, the rest of us just felt like having a cold

No, i work petrochemical demolition, interact with many people daily, have had minimal disturbance to my routine throughout, the only issue has been the lack of contracts in Europe for 3 years.

i'll cross that bridge when i come to it, if i end up fucked, then it's my own stupid fault, but as it stands, fuck all has happened to me.

apon infection increase IVermectin dosage to 20mg/daily for 3 days. add vitamin d supplement.

Monoclonal is the top tier treatment. Ivermectin is decent but avoid getting it you want zinc, copper (cuz of the zinc) and atleast 5k IU of vitamin D each day. Eat lots of vegetables and fish aswell as some fruit and combine it with good exercise to be pretty much immune to disease.

apon? I expect nothing less from you roodypoo incels.

Unvaxxed and caught covid it was nothing really just felt a bit shitty and still went about my daily routine and still went into work fuck that isolating bullshit

op is a government shill trying to get us to consume poison for population control. fuck off

>take 20mg vitamin c everyday
>never been attacked by a bear
>vitamin c is bear repellent, prove me wrong
This is how magatards think.

Holy fuck, are you a brainwashed idiot. lol

Why because i believe vaccines actually work instead of thinking its some evil venom injected by the government to dumb down the population like a dumb redneck ?
You probably believe the earth is flat to topkek

As opposed to left who's thought process is : TV says so, must be true

You think that needle you took in your arm was a vaccine just like every other one you've ever taken? Kmao

There's a reason they needed emergency use authorization for that mass experiment.

You volunteer3d for the clinical trial

True but it worked for me, im not dead and got covid once but didn't even feel sick really and recovered in days while unvaxxed people got extra foked up catching it

>No evidence horse dewormers helps against Covid
>Enough evidence vaccines help against Covid.


>Take 3mg Ivermectin
>God I love not being a sheep

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>it's like a seat belt

>while unvaxxed people got extra foked up catching it

I am a worldly man. I am a knowledgeable man. Some might describe me as a renaissance man but I'm far too humble to describe myself as that. Ha ha.

I like to keep up to date with current affairs and stay informed so I can have informed opinions on world events. I find the drivel put out on the "MSM" quite frankly unsatisfactory and clearly aimed at those with sub par IQ's.

>For me it's facebook, the Chan's, Twitter, yootoobers, podcasters, bitchute and anecdotal stories from my wife's son

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U seem upset :^)


>lying on the internet

and you still have no idea what long term side effects you volunteered for.

if you are under 60 it was a retarded risk to take


Only Americans on Facebook have experienced detrimental effects.


I hear smoking cock every day keeps you healthy.

Neither do we know the long term side effects of catching covid, vaccines are just antigens to help your immune system react to the virus in advance.
Might aswell turn out that covid has some detrimental long term effects for immune systems that where unvaxxed

you didn't take a vaccine...

are you open to evidence that disproves this statement or are you just going to double down in this delusion no matter what is presented to you?

you STILL think that needle you put into your arm is the same as the typical vaccine we've used throughout history?

user, you're ngmi


You fucking moron, the ivermectin Rogan took wasn't even the horse dewormer. Please tell me you didn't take the horse dewormer version.
Bruh why does every single person I know who gets the vaccine instantly come down with a case of covid?

Well what do you think i took then ? Link me some stuff. So far as im aware it works with antigens like any other vaccine

you better get jabbed asshat!

or else...

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>>Take 3mg Ivermectin daily as a profilactic.
>God I love not being a sheep

hey sheep

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U seem upset :^)

this was my previous comment our whole friendgroup got it and the only unvaxxed guy got super sick and the rest was okay within a few days.


turst the science, huh?

You do realize that the main component to the new covid pill is....ivermectin.

U seem V upset :^)

counterpoint: only 1 person in my friend group got vaccinated, and when we all got covid, he died and nobody else even got sick

how is it any different then trusting the science behind any ivermectin studies.


Ivermectin was designed for human use in the Korean War you dumb NPC nigger.

Keep repeating diarrhea you heard on Reddit.

So tell me, what pre-existing condition does he have? Yes being a fat ass counts as having a pre-existing condition.
He's got you there user:

uh huh

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I dunno bro weird maybe you guys get different vaccines in the US, our whole country in the Netherlands basically got vaccinated by now. I chose the Jansen vaccine at the time

yeah that looks like a human on the horse paste

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Is there a more retarded group of people than the one STILL calling Ivermectin a horse dewormer?