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Other urls found in this thread:

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berry good

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I love her

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Attached: 여자친구 GFRIEND TODAY - #20170207 신비 엄지 졸업식-59DmnmrIB3I-[03.15.696-03.19.632].web (1920x1080, 3M)

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Attached: DahyunIEM.png (1295x570, 483K)

somebody get bts out of LA now i'm having panic attacks ever since that ariana/jungkook picture

none whatsoever

How can you not love these girls?

Attached: [Special Clips] 여자친구 GFRIEND - 'LOL' Jacket Shooting Behind-NTRv_yJsTHA-[04.48.288 (1280x720, 2.74M)

face up feet up thats the way we like to

h8 the lord

miss worldwide

you don't say
here, have the holy grail of momogay

Attached: 1554606587613.jpg (875x1079, 108K)

Dahyun is a good Christian girl

praise the lord for that dubutt

no way this is real right?

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reminder all kpop is equally bad.

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Does she use it on stage?

Did you know about the CHEN 2 live imageboard that also happens to have a /kr/ board with active members?
It's really neat!

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how new
its as real as you or me

did they?

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eunha could you please move aside? i'm with umji.

Yeah, you can see it in fancams.

my wrists after this happened...

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umji is hot now guys

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this is my new way of telling roasties to kys

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Attached: [Special Clip] 세러데이 (유키, 아연) - 상어가족-9UmcKp4NOns-[00.16.583-00.22.723].webm (1002x888, 2.9M)

dubu confirmed purest twice?

Would literally let Eunha poop on me

I love dubu. But pretty hypocritical to larp as a hardcore christian with her profession

video is pretty nice so far, but momo is pushing dubu

Attached: momo_dubu.png (806x472, 585K)

Attached: 1556927625239.jpg (1080x1349, 224K)

No for real. its can't be just a coincidence. And thx for the video.

Attached: 1551621675125.jpg (1200x675, 114K)

are there any good twice b-sides?

knowing a couple verses and wearing a cross doesn't make you a hardcore christian

Absolutely fucking based and Christpilled just when I thought Dubu couldn't get more perfect

>let's not turn this rape into a murder

jungkook is just ariana's gay fanboy

lads post your best momos.

Attached: 1557154068203.jpg (1200x1920, 148K)

Who do I blast to today?

Attached: 1556812872662.png (442x458, 207K)

fancy you and twicestagram albums are full of them

Its not a coincidence, its just fanservice

Article: News Desk, "Seungri bought prostitution personally in 2015"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+1,726, -5] Go to the end with Burning Sun

2. [+1,023, -38] I remember back when celebrities weren't treated as anything special. We need to go back to those times for these celebrities to wake up. They need to know their place so they stop abusing their power.

3. [+820, -2] I doubt it was only in 2015

4. [+360, -3] Amazing in so many ways... He's really making a name for himself in history ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Go to the end with the investigations!!

5. [+251, -47] Give him the death penalty

6. [+87, -0] The public is not at all tired with this scandal, there are still so many things left to uncover like the extent of the police bribery. Everything needs to be unveiled.

7. [+47, -0] I wonder how much worse his crimes would be if he never got caught with Burning Sun

8. [+42, -0] Why does this keep getting categorized in the celebrity news section.. This is past the point of a celebrity scandal. It has everything from s*x crimes to assault to authority bribery to embezzlement to tax evasion..

kek at #5 korean feminists at their finest

Reminder that Dubu also remembers to thank God in her thanks section of each album

she's been hot ever since fingertip imo

Attached: C8HFuN4XkAA-rd2.jpg (959x960, 161K)

>pretty hypocritical to try to remain strong in your faith even though you're in one of the most toxics and abusive environments for a entertainer

I'll blast to dubu later. I'm gonna imagine rimming her

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the rapper from saturday is pretty cute

is this a good brand of ear phone?

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Yeah a ton.


Taiwan is not a real country

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a lot from twicetagram
1 to 10
turn it up
say you love me

these are the ones that instantly come to my mind

Attached: 1556834393669.jpg (1000x1500, 326K)

>5. [+251, -47] Give him the death penalty
halal and muslimpilled

>5. [+251, -47] Give him the death penalty
nigga wat? I bet he thinks TOP should be killed for smoking a blunt.

who """blastmaster""" here?

Attached: blastmaster.png (459x494, 366K)

Is she selling those or does she use it?
Are Muslims right? Is K-pop really a Christian psyop to subvert Islam?

From following Twice I have noticed that Momo seems to be the most liked one overall by other members in that she gets along well with everyone in Twice while some members don't get along much.

Chaeyoung as well.

Attached: images (5).jpg (600x347, 28K)

she's actually really good and has cute meme hair rn too


>showing of your body to serve as a sexual fantasy for horny young men
>tons of premartial sex
>lesbo fanservice
praise the lord

i don't think dubu larps, she was in that church video before being recruited to jyp

tfw no suicidal emo jk boyfriend who cuts his wrists every time you two have a fight

>some members don't get along much.

She uses it

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Not really surprising, Momo has a heart of gold and is always super fun. I have no idea how anyone could dislike her

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i want to marry her


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>while some members don't get along much.
Like who? I dont think ive ever seen any inclination of that.

Mina is definitely more introverted but that’s not the same thing at all

Dubu a Catholic, dubu haram

rip eyebrows

Who's currently the biggest female star in kpop? Not a group but one single person, and active one, don't bring up those fucking boomers from decades ago.

the fuck u say?

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I don't mean in dislike but more that they are akward together.

When do you see Dahyun interact with Jihyo/Nayeon/Jeongyeon/Mina for example?

>she was in that church video


still iu

>Mina is definitely more introverted
she just spends more time with boys instead of her twice members

>showing of your body to serve as a sexual fantasy for horny young me
Incel, much? It's for art
>tons of premartial sex
Fake news

pic related

kys chink shill


it's literally not even close

And why does it has to stop her from trying to have at least a bare minimum of grip on her religion? I don't see your point.
Also the premarital sex part is some delusional bs.

jihyo still salty that dahyun got placed in major first episode :^)

I would kill myself too if i had to perform the effeminate shit they have to do

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ayy lmao



she will be known as St. Dubu in the next century
>cant wait to listen to dubu sermons

no way in hell

iu. and her new album is ready soon

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Nayeon and Tzuyu are the same.

They are quite akward together and I think it's because of sixteen.

oh no no no kookie why are you wearing wristbands...

tiananmen square 1989

Why no Buddha kpop?

in korea IU, worldwide probably lisa

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You're delusional if you think an attractive girl like dubu isnt having regular sex. Especially if she's surrounded by male idol alphamales

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

It’s true. She does it in each Twice album I own.

lmao bitch looks like a bobblehead

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it was a joke from people who thinks buying prostitutes is nothing

Im not into feet but I can appreciate Irenes

thinking about dudu's christian unravaged lovecave...

taehyung mogging everyone else as usual

Why is TWICE so much better than BP? How can blackcunts even compete?

dubu confirmed the purest


meant for

Have sex

In the civilized world its nothing

>the real reason kookie cuts

sana or irene

buy fucking niggers for endorsements duh




Attached: 9953E8425C294E9E1F.jpg (3000x2000, 1M)

I have, not as much as dubu though

Seething incel

would u guys want to be a kpop star? personally no, im not sure why you would ever want to be one, although i like kpop

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move over, white boy. we like that small korean dick now

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You do know she means jyp right?


Attached: dubu_angry.webm (960x672, 2.03M)

they cant

more likable girls
more songs
better songs

yea and i'd hang out with seungri

Attached: 7 korean homosexuals.jpg (1200x800, 182K)

implying ameritards are civilized

i wanna see yg suffer before i die, whatever it takes.

You're delusional if you think she's not surrounded by managers 24/7 and can do whatever she wants.
Also anyone that thinks that GG members are fucking like rabbits is delusional as fuck, or just pretending to believe this bs.

Yes I actually prefer working a boring 9 to 5 job until I'm 70 instead of earning millions in my early teens and fucking prime idol and trainee pussy every day

I'm a fucking faggot fuck i'm so fucking gay ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

no, because i'm a dude

Attached: 1556136770882.jpg (1000x1500, 179K)

nice cope, yet still BP are more famous worldwide, especially in USA and west

I dunno guys, this defo doesn't seem like a Catholic church
Also MONSTA X went to the same church as hers. Dubu probably some form of Protestant.

Reddit says Mina and Chae are Catholic and Nayeon's parents are Christian.

The rest who the fuck knows, probably Shinto for the nips

talking about bp of course

shut up sea monkey

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Better songs
Better personalities
Better MVs
Better visuals

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pure media play, they should perform in uk and sweden for more vibrant enrichment.

why do they still bother doing fansigns
they could do one song a year and hide from the public like the beatles and still make more money than every other kpop combined

As Usual It's Mine

Attached: jd.webm (1920x1080, 1.15M)

thought you were talking about bp

the left was a basement game, not an izone concert. that's why no one was there, idiot

Attached: Sakura getting kissed by Hanachan 😙 https___t.co_ONRtFC0aJ5-[00.01.869-00.06.374].webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

kpop idols aren't rich
male kpop idols have it better though

Say it with me, kpg! He's so handsome!!

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>gg members

Attached: D5KgWEwVUAEA7cV.jpg (4096x2730, 1.53M)

baseball game*

basement lol

bp doesnt have more songs than anyone

how much for the third boy from the left?

Isnt it just as delusional to think very attractive girls in their 20 in the entertainment industry are actually virgins?

not even SK bother wasting their data on blackstink LAMO

>V's face
kek he realizes he is surrounded by homos

Every single member of A-Pink is Christian too.
Yea Forums might be surprised, but kpop is FULL of Christian idols (at least in name).
Don't know why, but maybe because it's normal to sing in churches? In my country a bunch of singers start out singing in church



me as sana

Attached: sana cops a feel.webm (918x1080, 1.99M)

jihyo has been killing it lately

Attached: jihyo_rub.webm (720x720, 651K)

>homo realizes he is surrounded by homos

disband rehearsal?


Attached: 9926C04B5C2A9BFF18.jpg (2463x3694, 1.71M)

A western roastie yes, a pure Korean girl no

sakura alone could draw a bigger crowd than that

Attached: HKT48 Zenkoku Tour -Zenkoku Toitsu Owatoranken- Final Disc 2 [2015.06.28] (Day)720p 00.54.07-00.54.1 (1280x720, 2.9M)

watched the whole thing now. momo seemed really horny

Attached: momo_dubu_0.png (771x530, 562K)

he has not reason to be homo he is actually good lucking unlike the rest

over 40% of koreans identify as christian, I would expect the distribution to be the same in kpop groups

No one implied virginity. And no one cares if she already fucked some guys. But to think all the pretty members from GG's are fucking regularly is just plain dumbness.

BLACKSTINK 3 years tops

they are going to the uk and mainland europe next, it's a proper WORLD tour afterall
quite different from mediaplay world tours by nugus who can only muster a few stops in burgerland


Which kpop idols do you think are mean bullies? I definitely think Nayeon made people cry in middle school.


homos are usually better looking than heteros


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nayeon and twiceboy, and its fucking hot. I want them to dominate me


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guess you're into fatties

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30% Christian (around 2/3 Protestant/Evangelical, 1/3 Catholic), 20% Buddhist, 50% none according to Wikipedia, but places like Seoul are more

you're fucking late

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How much do you think reproduction in Korea would increase if Kpop was banned?

Finally a cute girl

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i don't understand why she'd thank god? Does she love sucking old men's cocks that much that she'd be thankful for it?


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if god is real thjen why did he make dahyun so ugly

the things I would do to get her to sit like this but on my face

Attached: 99B8214E5C2A9C1B1A.jpg (2560x3840, 2.05M)

Well yeah I assume Jisoo will want to retire from being an idol before she hits the wall like Irene.

speaking from experience user?

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yeojin 100% without a doubt

why is she looking like doctor strange now?

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didnt u ever read the book of job

how can you support Red Velvet knowing 4/5 have had bfs?

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there she is

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my love for dubu just skyrocketted in this thread

thank you for posting my wife



Attached: everybody_walk_the_dubusaur.jpg (1400x1920, 561K)

how can anyone support twice knowing they are the ugliest group in kpop?

never had a job in my life why would i read that

who's the 1/5 who hasnt
how to look awkward at a poolparty 101

I LOVE the People's Republic of China :3

Attached: 93d1603bly1g2bi5a7v5pj20u012fe84.jpg (1080x1383, 123K)

Kill yourself

If god is real then why do I have to live all my life without tasting dubus tofuhole even once

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such as?

Attached: D53XewlUUAEkq4O.jpg (4096x2730, 1.43M)

It ain't that hard

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dubuposters will see each other again in heaven
bless you dububrothers

Attached: 9.jpg (4979x3999, 2.8M)

not very christian of you

post a straight white guy who looks better than matt bomer

Attached: matt bomer.jpg (1000x471, 69K)

Attached: 1551136316739.webm (1920x1080, 2.33M)

kpg is full of absolute disgraces that have more than one waifu.

We still support twice even though 8/9 had bfs


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they're the biggest sinners here so good luck

poor man's cavill

Attached: Henry-Cavill-920x584.jpg (920x584, 45K)

Did someone say Dubusaur?

Attached: 1551308033358.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

memes aside. wendy grew up in the west. she probably even lost her virginity with 12

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by being a roastie

remember when having good skin was a requirement to be an idol? now they can just cake you with make up and no one gives a shit

Attached: D6Eg6C3U8AAY-xs.jpg (1500x999, 984K)

>henry cavill
better face, taller, more successful, also extremely based

Attached: 5bf98c59d08120289e23f2dc6fae284f.jpg (570x855, 39K)

>if you would rain cum down on this, you're a homosexual
guess I'm gay as fuck then

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that's definitely a push up bra. dubu's dubus aren't that big.

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Why the cropped webm

Attached: 1548090134146.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

now imagine if she was at her fattest here

i am curious do any of you dubuposters are posting on eightch /christian/
because that place can be more cheerful with some dubu

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based and cavillpilled


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>henry cavill
and i still think matt is more attractive than him


how much longer until our first plus sized kpop idol

I'm bringing Dububack

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Maybe, I try not to think about that

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What kind of church allows a horse to enter it? It's clearly the end of times.


Everything about Dubu is top tier, including her back
Even her bone structure is impeccable

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>and i still think
Okay, but no one cares.

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*invites you to church*

What do?

thinking about the amount of times bogum blasted on that back

Honestly, we like Seulgi here


Churchgirls can be slutty af

Attached: bc1ee5826e81e8b21dd9d5dcda867ff2.jpg (550x706, 40K)

I unironically think Nayeon is beautiful and has the cutest personality in kpop.

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she'd instantly flop in korea

Attached: 5466.png (1903x1006, 2.5M)

probably a heretic denom church

wow shes pretty

finally the cutest girl



>ask him to post a straight guy who looks better than the gay guy i posted
>posts another gay guy
makes you think

>devoted Catholic

Attached: 56745753.jpg (800x1200, 118K)

so you have 1 homo vs 100 straight guys

Attached: seulgi-fnsgn-00.jpg (1500x1000, 1.44M)

bring back plus sized sana

Attached: fat sana.jpg (1500x2125, 521K)

that sounds cool i would go there

>"now lick"

Attached: Jisun.jpg (736x1104, 101K)

>remember when having good skin was a requirement to be an idol?

my wife is already a kpop idol

Attached: 1551163592169.jpg (1365x2048, 268K)

Not everyone is gay despite what you've heard online.

what part of heretic you dont understand

>h-he's gay too
how convenient

Make it a twice thread.....again

>wearing a hat in church

Attached: aa2[1].jpg (527x440, 42K)

he's also gay and less attractive than the first guy

i would lick every mm of makeup off my binbot's lovely face


was waiting for this

as someone living in korea, the level of fat shaming here is what I wish it was like back in the states. by that I mean bully fatties until they're forced to stop gorging on twinkies and lard. it will never happen. I even liked chubby jihyo in 17 but for anyone to call that fat is ridiculous.

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i love 80s style black thrash


>devoted Catholic

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there was piggy dolls (yea), it didn't go too well

urg the chonk is real, so cute.

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