
Shitagogue edition
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Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&genres=Trance Metal&include_child_genres=t&include=both&limit=none&countries=

Melodeath rules and Those Once Loyal is the best melodeath album

melodeath sucks

Reminder that Melodeath is just code for “Metalcore is my favorite genre of music too!”


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>at a slayer concert yesterday
>lamb of god playing their set
>suddenly everyone turns around and starts filming
>turn around
>see paramedics giving CPR to someone who is dying
>concert goes on, crowd is going on
>they pull out the defib, no apparent progress
>they just cart him off
>mfw he died during "Laid to Rest"

true story

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>Those once loyal
pick one

Meh i like some metalcore and i absolutely despise melodeath.

Similar but better /metal/ albums?

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>critical thinking
>that faggot opinion
Pick one

At least he died doing what he loved

I hope

Lol, dumb loser idiot fag died to Lamb of God, what a falsie poop nose goober boy.

That’s as good as nu-metal gets

Coincidence he died during the lamb of god set?

I was thinking the same, but i felt so bad that people were just pulling out their phones to film him in his last moments, desu he looked dead already. The police, fire dept, and emts were getting pissed.

Twilight Force - Tales of Ancient Prophecies

what about alt-metal?

What is the best release of this where the bass can actually be heard

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they want to avoid paying newstead royalties, so nowhere never ever

Earache class on that scummy move.


>people filming someone dying

I will never understand this how much of a sub-human you have to be to want to record this and I’m pretty sure they did it just so they could post it in the Instagram account and bank on those very important Instagram likes

Shit listen to Metalcore if you’re searching for alt-Metal there is some decent bands there

you really need to understand that nu metal is a complete corporate fabrication and has no real ties to any subgenre
people will say groove metal but that's probably just because some bands(specifically sepultura) happened to be both
so really nothing sounds like it
but try acid bath

i've never understood why people care
i don't listen to thrash metal caring about how much bass there is in the mix
i'm pretty sure jason has even admitted the bass lines are hard to hear in the first place since they just follow the riffs so often

based and redpilled

Well either LoG is to die for because they are that good, or they fucking suck so bad you'll die.

call acid bath numetal again and im calling the cops

>try acid bath
I did
very nice!

what bands?

i can't get over the fact that they carted him off during the middle of laid to rest. i really cant. its fuckin me up

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Well people don't really give a fuck about other people anymore.

metalcore isn't alt metal don't listen to this guy
they both use drop tunings a lot though

Duuuuuude, so metal.

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Well my point was that he was at a metal concert, at least he was in an environment that made him feel great

I hope

As I lay dying, oh sleeper, Memphis May fire second album, asking Alexandria second album, motionless in white first two albums. They’re kinda different to slipknot tho but the same people that love slipknot love this bands too

try this

I never said that Metalcore was alt-metal

Did the band know at the time?
If they did they should have paused the gig and asked for a moment of silence or the wellbeing of the guy who died.

they absolutely didn't know, the shit just continued on.

How was Slayer though?

good, i enjoyed it. solid 20 song set and Tom's vocals were good. I was concerned at first because he looks so fuckin old, but they did really well

just listen to the superior album instead

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There's versoins on youtube called And Justice For Jason.

>they want to avoid paying newstead royalties, so nowhere never ever

Are Metallica dare I say it the scummiest band in the history of mainstream metal?

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NSBM is good

Lol, it looks like a 7 year old put a Lars mask on.

Only Lars.

you're implying the statement you're quoting is even remotely factual
which it's not


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Hey it's me, some faggot who is having a terrible day, what are some depressing albums so I can can feed my depression on the long commute home?

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V: Halmstad by Shining

you probably already know this if you like grief

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Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind

Strid discography (pretty short but well worth it)
Beatrik - Requiem of December
Bethlehem - Dark Metal and Dictius Te Necare

Why is your day terrible?


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I'll be checking these out shortly.
Really dig this.
Wife and I just found out she has cervical cancer headed on a business trip next week she is pissed at me, unfortunately I can't just lose my job because shit sucks. I'll be sleeping on the couch for a while. Just the icing on the cake really.

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L.D. 50 still exists

Oh shit this is fucking awesome. What do you think about this band? Listening to their latest album and they have a very unique sound (although I’m not a death metal expert so idk).

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>they have a very unique sound

Check out Blood Incantation.

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Gerogerigegege helped me through some dark times. This "album" is very gutwrenching, disturbing and quite depressing.

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Seconding Bell Witch - Longing
>tfw "who are you, beneath your mask..."

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Well fuck... Just make sure you pamper her once you're back from your trip bud. That's rough news. She probably can't even communicate how it feels to her to find that out. Get her something nice while you're out there too. Maybe tickets to an event to distract her a bit. Hope everything turns out for the best. If she has any sense, she won't let her last conversation with you be an argument before you have to leave her alone with that kind of pain.

Rheia by Oathbreaker might help you out too.

I wish more bands made videos like these

oh good i just remembered this video

Nah, AHIG is way heavier and less silly than Iowa

>AHIG is way heavier
come on now, it has a couple of tracks that bring back that sludginess from earlier releases
but the majority is just more pop-centric metal ballads like on vol. 3 but worse
the line between slipknot and stone sour got all too blurry from that point on
i appreciate how much they pushed the boat out on the deep cuts, title track aside

Check out Dark Descent Records, if you like Tomb Mold you'll enjoy every single release they put out

Blood Incantation isn't really the band I'd compare them to at all personally.
I think all their releases are solid 8+ for recent death metal (apart from Manor of Infinite Forms which has an incredibly boring mix compared to their usually pretty well-produced stuff). Check out Finndeath if you want to hear their stylistic origins.

What's the most expensive item in your physical media collection?

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I do not own any physical media.

The final redpill is recognizing that the best metal subgrene is not hair metal or nu-metal, but rather trance metal.

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Would you consider Mesarthim to be trance metal?

not him but mesarthim has no trance elements, just spacey synths here and there

what is some trance metal?

>here and there
You mean it's disgustingly oversaturated with spacey synth.

I have an ammo crate full of death metal cassettes. The rarest item is a cassette of Logos by Antediluvian. It's one of the pre-master tapes, hand-lettered. Only 50 of them exist in the world.


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Blood Stain Child - Epsilon


final redpill is not listening to metal but listening to trance

You think I can see a pic?


based here are the rest
rateyourmusic.com/customchart?page=1&chart_type=top&type=album&year=alltime&genre_include=1&genres=Trance Metal&include_child_genres=t&include=both&limit=none&countries=

Reminder that there isn't a more based discography

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not a single good album on that chart

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Enslaved has a better one overall.

Very nice user.

I spent $80 on discogs.com/Celtic-Frost-To-Mega-Therion/release/1186066

And if we're counting box sets. I got this when it came out. discogs.com/Ulver-Trolsk-Sortmetall-19931997/release/6318347
Would've got the clear vinyl version that was limited to only 100 copies with the cool poster made from melted down tapes of the original 2 albums. But Century Media botched the release date by saying it would release in November. I woke up in October and everybody in the US got left behind.

A more onions* discography

after the war i come home we can soar
i fall into your ahaarms
we lie bie the fire you feed my desire
with me safe and wahaarm

You're cute. I bet you get a lot of instagram dms.

>we can soar
what the fuck user

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>very unique sound
literally incantation-core

I heard from a few people that the Ulver boxset were very bad pressings, specially with Nattens Madrigal, how true is this?

haha im sorry im not a good english speaker
you made me laugh

God damn bro. That's fucked. Let her have this one. She's mad and irrational but anyone would be in that situation. Like user said, definitely pamper her when you're home. All the best to you and your wife

It's weak and sore, silly
Now go forth and lyricspost

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>tfw that is kind of sad

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Reminder that everyone is a poser but me

I honestly haven't listened to any of them, other than the instrumental demo tape.
But I was thinking about trading/selling it someday anyway. Wanna hear for yourself and shoot me $275?



Sorry, we'll leave.

>Xenophobic tendencies instilled in us at birth
>Are mislabeled racism, hostilities getting worse
>Accept the fact my distant cousin we cannot live in peace
>Isolated environments may just be the key

>Human beings suspicious, soon fear grows to hate
>We'll have each other by the throat when forced to integrate
>Mothers watch their children die at each other's hand
>Cain and Abel set the course, ethnocentric command
Fuck, just how redpilled was Pete Steele?

Lol. No I'm good. Also nice CF record.

Yeah, I'm way more proud of that. The seller also had a copy of In The Sign of Evil for $80 that day. But I had already bought so much other shit. I could only walk away with CF. But it's probably my favorite Metal album of all time.

Will check them out

Thank for the suggestion

>apart from Manor of Infinite Forms which has an incredibly boring mix compared to their usually pretty well-produced stuff

I’ve been listening to that album this past hour and I quite like it

Well I will have to check out more dm then

well he was an apex chad

start with the manga

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Best post-punk Black Metal album I’ve heard in my life desu

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more like dumbpilled lmao

what makes it post punk to you?
i just remember it having a shit ton of reverb in a really good way

i wonder if varg was telling the truth

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The vocals and the tone of the guitars wouldn’t sound that out of place in a modern post punk band like Have a Nice Life

the dude literally took pictures of his best friends destroyed head for fun
i don't understand why any of this would be unbelievable knowing that

What is the best Carcass album?

need melodeath recs

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Olidous Operettas

would destroy this head

Is it worth the 33 years ?

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Post charts fags.
Also, Aevangelist is really fucking good. Was disappointed with Antestor. Still looking for chrispilled metal of quality beyond the usual 3-4 recs. Akasha is still my favourite release of the year.

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>Varg "necro pedo dhilt rules" Vikernes being besties with someone with a collection of it
Yeah, makes sense

not even the same band really so pretty hard to compare

nice brand new and mare cognitum

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No. Just listen to the '93 demo.

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It's worth a listen. Just not worth waiting that long.

Not a bad week so far

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CANCEL this Nazi shit

Ungfell is pretty good though

Took me like four listening to get into their new album but now I think that it’s actually better than their previous one



This is better than I remembered

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beautiful stuff here, boys. gonna sample this for my new rap-metal project desu :D

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Is that Sonic in the corner?

Listen to Autopsy.

Ok TY for listening user :D

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it's Matt

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I prefer Morbid Angel, sorry

>saving 'cringe' images
Yikes dude


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gonna sample some of this

BLACK METAL !!!!!! 1!!!! 1!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!111!!!!1 !

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0 post punk there

the only post-punk black metal band is lifelover

WHAT ARE U BLASTING???????????????

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ambient music :3

Guess i'll follow suit and post it once again.

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this to be specific

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thanks, you too :3c

the guy was 25 hanging around with teenaged boys, high school aged ones even. it wouldn't be surprising if he was gay

thoughts on Ragnarok?

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I was just being cheeky of course there isn’t but the vocals and guitars would definitly not sound that out of place on a post punk band

so varg's a homophobe? shant be listening to any more of HIS records then

That album cover is gangster shit.

he's not actually lol
pretty sure he has a video where he talks about how he doesn't agree with how germanic tribes treated homosexuality

>be varg
>preach traditionalism, conservative dressing for women
>preach importance of reproducing and having a big family
>preach abstinence, stop watching porn and jerkin' your wang... etc.
>be homophobic
Sounds pretty christian to me, desu

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What’s his excuse for that besides being a closeted homosexual

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the dude has 6 kids

He also said he no longer cares if different people (race, religion, sexuality, not even WOMEN) like his music as long as they stay in their own lane.

So? Lots of dads that fuck dudes outside of marriage out there

Well, his wife has six kids. Anyone seen the DNA results?

christians are idiots yea

Was he ever against that? To me Varg is a racist of course but he isn’t as extreme as your average /pol/fag

what did he mean by this?

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>as long as
lolllllllll typical

one of his kids is BLACK

next level cuckoldry

so what are you guys homophobes too then?

I was until a girl put a finger in my anus and I understood why homosexuals like it so much

Oh give it a rest. Metal has been gay since Judas Priest and homophobic about as long. It's a paradox.

If a girl fucks you with a dildo and tells you "beg for more, you little faggot sissy" it's still not gay because it's a girl.


have sex

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>nym ymmmmmn mw nynyy
cool album title dude

who invited reddit?

it was you

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should finally hit up my #1 tinder match desu. total BIRD
thanks for the reminder ^_^

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Fuck this is good. Starts out like 2nd Wave Black Metal with some melodic tinges. Second half is fucking raw as hell.

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so fucking black metal?

god i love this record

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My Own Summer is a pretty banging chune

>if I put tits on my album cover maybe people will buy it!

yes, I am so fucking black metal thank you

Tbh it goes so well with the sexy sound of the album

it worked

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rec me some ukranian red anarchist nazi blackgaze


DSBM band or indie rock band?

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you already gave it away with the filename

How to read metal album covers

lmao why these dudes always mutilating themselves

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Music for this feel

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you just need to learn the logos

pregame ritual

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really never understood cutting
especially if you're gonna do it in front of a few dozen people

pretty sure that Kim (the guy in the pic, former front-man of Lifelover) is mostly scar tissue at this point.
I wonder if he even sweats.

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ex-cutter here
there's not really a universal reason for it, a lot of people will have different reasons, some may be the same tho
for me it felt like i was actually in control of something for once where at that time in my life I felt like I had no control over anything and kept getting hurt by other folk because of it, i knew all I was doing was hurting myself but I was addicted to that sense of control it gave me

can someone explain the Demilich vocal technique

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>constantly puts out good/decent material
how does he do it?

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how do I replicate it?

I think it might be the first press of this album... got it for 5 bucks

also have a few still sealed JL america releases

Is wacken still the biggest metal festival?

Other than their influence on the Norwegian scene, why are they considered Black Metal? Their lyrics were occult at most, and the only song that resembles the bands they influenced is Visual Aggression.

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>Other than their influence on the Norwegian scene, why are they considered Black Metal?
quite literally every first wave band

Cock and Ball Torture - Aphrodisianus

that's numberwang


everything he's done is either mediocre or absolute garbage

ok fag

Some people do it because the pain of cutting helps distract them from some other pain they don't/can't deal with (usually emotional/abuse related). Others do it to look cool


What kind of metal does she listen to?

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she thinks pantera is the heaviest shit out there

>the different in texture between the skin of his face and the sling of the rest of her body

Disgusting. Fucking hate make up whores

shes cute. back off
better taste than /metal/ lbr




Sunn O)))

>shes cute. back off

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>saving onions images

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Sunn O)))

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First wave black metal is quickly becoming an inaccurate term. I've been try to push the term proto-extreme metal. All those bands were super influential to both spectrums, Bathory influenced some Death Metal, and Slaughter influenced some Black Metal, etc. That scene is just a step above just Thrash Metal and a step below Black/Death and shouldn't be pigeonholed into Black.

Too bad you actually ended up hurting everyone around you by trying to avoid it.


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About the vocals. It's not a secret, but "they" may have to kill you if I tell you. So, here we go: I didn't practice or decide to do it that way, it just happened. I think I didn't understand how grownling should have been done, and chose a completely different technique, which seems to be more natural to me, though.

I tilt my head a bit downwards (ie. jaw towards the chest), open up my throat as if I was vomiting, and force the sound out of the stomach, or at least it feels so. Obviously I blow the air from the lungs via the lower throat.

is this a quote from somewhere? or are you demilich's vocalist??

Numenorean - Adore is fucking fantastic


i m looking for info on this band formely known as "aeternitas" from australia brisbane

they then took the name "halcyon prophecy"


i can't find anything from them under this name can anyone help ?
their insta

did htey disband or something ?

fucking hell i ll kill for this the studio version or better quality live

nice reddit spacing

how come 'melodeath sucks' is a meme when people like disgusting emo-prog shit like this

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you said it yourself dimwit. it's a meme

Does anyone else really sound like GBK? I'd look at the "similar artists" on last.fm but most of those artists have basically nothing in common with them musically, just being random NSBM bands. The same seems to go for a lot of the similar artists on MA as well, oddly enough.

I was about to post this exact line

I've been on this general for 5 years n never seen that art in my life. But I do know melodeath sucks.

good. every /meal/ needs an okay ill do it

Waco Jesus

Damn son this may be the heaviest metal album ever!

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What's some metal to listen to while watching the Projared shit go down?

Recently got introduced to rings of saturn. Recommend me some good or similar death metal bands.
For any one unfamiliar:

Similar to what I'm looking for

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infant annihilator

message for /metal/

you must be above 18 etc

thanks m8. good shit

GBK has their own sound? Pretty impressive for black metal.

Job for a Cowboy
As Blood Runs Black
Hunt the Dinosaur

you people disgust me

melodeath does not suck

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listen to iron maiden right now, fags

Iron maiden is not metal

they're NWOBHM, what do you think they are

should i download bolt thrower's first album or skip right to realm of chaos?

listen to all their albums

iron maiden invented metal

germanic tribes treated it very differently, just like everything else, because they were different scattered communities with different economies. there was no big tribal union, ever.

>not even WOMEN
gee what a progress for him


looks trve

imagine unironically watching thuleanperspective

For me, it's The Illusion

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>preach traditionalism
Christianity was a universalist revolutionary movement in religious form. Big, fat period.
>preach importance of reproducing and having a big family
the Bible makes you pick one and only one: the God, or your family.
>preach abstinence, stop watching porn and jerkin' your wang...
in a stoic sense, not in Christian sense of neglecting your body in the name of God.

damn, didn't think I'd see hamish posted here. I love watching his haircut videos.

I like the pagan ASMRs
also, will he make some JOI vids?


>Hmm nice taste
>But he doesn't use the include album artist checkbox while making it
Just for future reference, metal doesn't exactly have readable logos.

Alien Fucker was the only important act of this decade.

aoty '18

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lifestyle magazine satanism

whatever you say oystein

Underrated post

what do smoked oysters taste like

It's funny that neo pagan movements got their critique of universalism from a Catholic philosopher.

this album is godlike, transcendent, so much greater than the sum of its parts

Who cares about this decadent civilization anymore though?

dangerously based

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I don't, I just write about reactionary figures for a local portal hence find the whole Christianity as universalism somewhat amusing.

December Moon > anything mayhem released

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Why not Mercenary?

>hence find the whole Christianity as universalism somewhat amusing.
Christianity already was dead in the 19th century.

Link to Mercenary?

smoked oysteins?


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Well mid 19th to mid 20th century anglo countries saw a massive revival of Catholicism which then lost around 80% of the religious since 1965. Anglo Catholic revival has a surprising number of names to the movement, you could read only their works for years and still have more.

Is there more metal like Gotsu Totsu Kotsu? Really like the groovy riffs and the bass slapping

You're missing my point, I don't care about statistics or organizations. It lost its spirit long ago.

My point as well, it was very strong in spirit until then. Politically and in terms of artistic output it was a very, very significant factor. Reactionary and fascist politics existed mostly with the affinity with the Church in a number of countries and even had power until the liberalisation, which was the point at which fighting spirit and intellectual power were lost.

Anything else like the ending of deviation won't be tolerated by Skinless? I like the artillery in the background.

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Devotion and zealotry are not the spirit of truth that was cherished in Christian culture, they are strong sentiments, terrorists and mass murderers possess no spirit. Christendom's profound link with culture was no more in the 19th century - no one could remain a devout churchgoer and a deeply honest man at the same time after the revelations of Kant and Kierkegaard, and the Churches became just another shards of a shattered premodern world.

Paysage dhiver cassetes, bought them at 3 bucks they are worth more than 100 now

Where to start with black metal? I've already heard some Burzum, Gorgoroth, Darkthrone, Plaga and Mgla. Especially like lo-fi quality shit with blastbeats.

Just pick anything from the essential charts

Haavard playing his riffs

No idea, but i have a bunch of old grindcore tapes and 7 inches that go for a lot of money today.
Also bunch of old japanese hardcore that is even more expensive.

>t. coreshit
Maybe not for you, but you'll get it once you get past the first year of listening

Ulver- Nattens Madrigal
Carpathian Forest - early demos/EPs

We're at 300 replies and the last post was made almost an hour ago, so fuck you if you say "too early faggot lol"