Björk confirmed as a rude, evil cunt

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Remember when she tried to #MeToo Lars von Trier and nobody cared

to be fair, talking was obama's only skill even though he wasn't good at that either

That situation was more Bjork relating her experiences to other women to let them know their not alone rather than her specifically trying to destroy Lars von Trier career

>to let them know their not alone
That doesn't seem necessary at all. Seems like every girl you meet has a sexual assault story and is willing to tell you about it the moment anything like a metoo movement surfaces

What's your problem?

>she tried to #MeToo Lars von Trier

what the fuck are you lying for? she specifically didn't mention him by name, how the fuck is that trying to "#MeToo" him you daft cunt?

>That doesn't seem necessary at all.

It's necessary if you have any compassion or concern for the well-being of women who have to potential to end up the same position.

>Seems like every girl you meet has a sexual assault story

That's kind of point, a lot more women have had these experiences than you'd initially expect. A lot of men do too, but the #MeToo movement is specifically gendered towards women. A lot of men have been sexually assaulted or abused too.

Wouldn't that be ideal? I assume he was getting paid for the shoot overall and not by the hour. Sounds like an easy day to me.

>Seems like every girl you meet has a sexual assault story and is willing to tell you about it the moment anything like a metoo movement surfaces

If they're victims of sexual assault they should be talking about it and often because that's a pretty major thing and it's important that the perpetrator is held accountable for their actions. But you're saying it like this is a bad thing.

She's an idiot whose artistry only makes sense in a time like 1996 when everything was basically alright for the common man.
In 2019, she's another talentless 1%'er, who has her music crafted for her by a committee of actual musicians, pointing fingers at the working class, telling them that they're the problem, like fucking everyone else who's product dumb normies refuse to stop buying for some strange reason.

based efficient bork

Yeah, so she didn't make chitchat with the dude, so what?

>has her music crafted for her

Say what you want about Bjork, she's not having her music fucking crafted for her. I don't give a shit if you hate her personally, hate her music, but such a boldfaced lie is completely unforgivable.

Why do I hate rich people? There’s something about celebrities that just really pisses me off

To be fair, she is functionally learning disabled.

I don't think much about them. Try it. They don't deserve your attention.

Do you really just see Bjork as some rich person? That's preposterous.

>muuuuuuuuh #meeeeetoooooo

>Whiney NYT faggot photographer thinks he’s worth taking to

It's not really that outrageous. Oligarchs and socialites seem to really like her.

>32 second photoshoot is bad
She made him look efficient af which by the sounds of it isn't actually the case, wanting to piss around and chat

>It's not really that outrageous

It's wildly uninformed

You don't have a mother, any sisters?

I hope the tour's good. She just doesn't make any sense anymore.

She has a net worth of 45 million dollars

Is that poor to you

Are you daft?

Americans love small talk, it's normal to smile at strangers and greet them when walking on the streets.

All women are idiots and liars. The best thing they can do is breed a seed and cook and clean, unironically that’s what they’re for. Anything else is wholly inappropriate

Americans are scumbags are narcissists and idiots. Icelanders don't need to interact with them.

No, I am stupid

based bjork putting faggots in their place

that he's a normal human being, unlike you

You sound like a poor person

What's abnormal about me?

She can go back to Iceland then

Why does she live in the US? Oh yea right because Iceland is a boring fucking shithole with a bunch of inbred looking elves who have nothing to do other than get drunk and fuck their cousins all day

I am tho.

>She can go back to Iceland then
But unlike you, she's accomplished things and has goals and aspirations and responsibilities that put her in proximity of idiotic cameramen who want to turn their menial labor into an "experience" and feel entitled to it. Fuck 'em, and fuck you.

She's owns properties in both countries and you'd know that if your schoolhouse wasn't burned down by Confederates you American pig. Piggy piggy, go eat your McDonalds and kfc, PIG.

>have nothing to do other than get drunk and fuck their cousins all day
That sounds like America though.

I'm fine with Björk's actions since I'm from Finland and the people here also appreciate personal space. I was just trying to explain why he thought it was weird. I don't understand your heavy hate for the United States though.

Your chromosome count.

Damn. Nice bro. You got me.

I'm just aimlessly trolling. I don't have any stake in any of this.

wow that is pretty evil

Is he mad because he gets paid by the hour?? This is like retail mfs trying to have a full conversation with people just trying to buy shit and go

Lol she has accomplished nothing on her own and is entitled to nothing. There are plenty of musicians who deserve to be where she is now. She does not deserve shit.

Her entire career and every move was meticulously planned by other people. Literally the only thing she ever did was write some dumb lyrics and vocal melodies and hire a bunch of people to make beats for her, play instruments, mix her music, take her pictures, design her clothes and shoot her videos. She is heralded as the queen of innovation but wasn’t even responsible for her work. Now she looks at herself as a fierce feminist who only hangs out with gay men but that is easy when her best records were made by straight men. She is 53 years old and cannot even play one instrument properly, which shows how interested in making music she is.

She does not deserve a place alongside Kate Bush, Joanna Newsom and even people like Tori Amos and PJ Harvey. She is a joke and her behavior is pathetic.

I hope she continues putting out shit albums and destroying her career.

holy fucking based

>she has accomplished nothing on her own

Angry, angry clownboy gets angrier and more irrational with every post.

Post [Elektra, 1995]
This well-regarded little item rekindles my primeval suspicion of Europeans who presume to "improve" on rock and roll (or for that matter Betty Hutton, originator of the best song here). I don't miss the Sugarcubes' guitars per se so much as their commitment to the groove, which--sporadic though it would remain, Iceland not being one of your blues hotbeds--might shore up the limited but real intrinsic interest of her eccentric instrumentation, electronic timbres, etc. Then there's her, how shall I say it, self-involved vocal devices. Which brings us to, right, her lyrics, which might hit home harder if she'd grown up speaking the English she'll die singing, but probably wouldn't. Anybody out there remember Dagmar Krause? German, Henry Cow, into artsong and proud of it? Well, take my word for it. She was no great shakes either. But at least she had politics. C+

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Look out. They're doubling up now.

>hire a bunch of people to make beats for her

trying so, so hard to troll

>muh small talks

>Well, take my word for it. She was no great shakes either. But at least she had politics.

People paid this incel to write sentence fragments for their shit music publications?

Arca and Jesse Kanda are more responsible for her current output than she is

wtf I like grimes now

>if she'd grown up speaking the English she'll die singing, but probably wouldn't

Probably wouldn't what? Grow up speaking English? She's already grown you shithead.

>In her solo career, past the juvenile Bjork (Falkinn, 1977), the Sugarcubes' singer Bjork Gudmundsdottir adopted the worst vice of their monotonous records, the propensity for trivial dance-pop, but took it to new heights. There is no question that she boasted uncommon vocal skills, although there is also no question that she is lacking in compositional skills, a fact that constantly forced her to team up with famous producers.
>We must admit she has been very good at absorbing and recycling styles and techniques of modern music in order to impose her personality. If we wanted to analyze Bjork’s career, Madonna could indeed be taken as a model. In fact, Bjork’s strategy (rather than her sound) is the same as Madonna’s. If Madonna is the symbol of alternative, provocation, affront, in a word the punk aesthetics, then Bjork is the symbol of mainstream, alignment, compliance, in a word the return to middle-class values after the punk movement. Bjork does not upset the public, she entertains it. If Madonna’s message was coarsely obvious, then Bjork’s is subliminal, but nonetheless in step with the mood of her days. Bjork can rely on a stunning voice and some creative arrangers. In the productions of both artists, music has a subordinate role.

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pretty unprofessional to publicly shit talk your client

Even they admit that's not true you dolt. They've addressed these rumors for years. She'll have one person have a minor guest appearance or feature and then people make up that she paid them to do all the work and nobody involved has ever claimed or corroborated any of this nonsense.

You're really fucking dumb if you fell for the rumors too.

Piero "If gay people can get married, I want to fuck an 8-year old" Scaruffi

Bjork had talent, but none of these artsy skanks with mental disorders belong in the same order as Kate.

Everyone does it now.

Lol. Did he write that?

Oh no, some faggot had his feefees hurt and he tweeted for some outrage
Fuck off op

Minor appearance? If you think Mark Bell did a minor appearance on Homogenic you must be retarded. It’s literally his sound. Same goes for Arca.

Yeah it was a big meme in 2012, IDK if it's still on his website but he really hates gays. He argued that if gays can marry, he should be able to marry an 8 year old, and seriously made it sound like he wants to marry one.

Quote any of them corroborating anything you're claiming. Do it.


Her schtick worked when she was young and could pull off that kawaii manic pixie dream girl act, but now that she's in her 50s...

Kate Bush had talent but Joanna Newsom surpassed her

Oh whoops, it was a 12 year old, not an 8 year old, I found the article.

>Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old?

Fuck you, it goes Kate Bush > Bjork > Joanna Newsom

Her last two albums list Arca as the producer you fucking retard

So what? That doesn't corroborate the measure of their involvement in the project. Quote anybody involved that corroborates this. You can't corroborate your allegation.

the photograph is a cunt actually: they should be glad about shooting Bjork s m h

Newsom is an annoying snowflake who isn't half as original or interesting as her press kit makes her out to be. She's sold to young guys who have a boner for exploring feminity through capital A Art. Buncha bullshit, just like Bjork. Kate takes monster shits on both.

Kate Bush never even came close to Joanna’s songwriting abilities. Maybe you prefer her music but I find Joanna’s compositions a lot more interesting, and not only because they’re a lot more complex and unusual, but also because I find them more moving. Kate was great but she didn’t really seem to develop much as far as songwriting goes (thouch her production obviously improved).

And as much as I like Björk she has no place here, sorry. She is a good vocalist and a good producer but her songwriting has never been impressive to me. Too many production tricks.

the seething in this post kek

she makes my bjork hard

The only people I see seething IRL are autistic ones who still like Obama. Everyone else moved on with their lives.

why does it make you upset arca produced her last two albums? youre aware she didnt do it herself?



>why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old?
Muhammad married 'em younger than that.

As recently as the early 1960s, it was no big deal for teens to get married. Girls were gettin' hitched at 16. Maybe 15 in some states with parental consent. That's just 3 years over 12.

Then came the sexual revolution of the mid 60s. Everything got more lax and lenient for adults, while at the same time, society began to rethink the kinds of experience teenagers were having. This was when age of consent, which is regulated by the states, not the federal government, began going up.

Humans are strange.

He isn't paid to talk. He also could be wearing some cheeser t-shirt, so it was the opposite of evil not to talk to him.


Teen marriage was really never normal except for a few toothless hicks in the South and Appalachia.

What are you even saying here? Kate was a huge popstar who was under huge pressure to put out radio-friendly music. Joanna does her own thing entirely, completely removed from the current musical landscape. Also her music is far less accessible than Kate’s and even if she is signed to a label, she clearly has a lot of input in how her music is sold, considering it’s not even on Spotify.

And Joanna is a better musician.

Kids aren't mature enough for sexual activity.

Should have taken Lotic instead.

so by adding irl you hope to be a good example of people whos moved on with their life by name dropping him in places like a fucking bjork thread

found the next mass shooter

>name dropping him in places like a fucking bjork thread
I recommend you read the OP picture you fucking retard

>Kate Bush
>Joanna Newson

Why does Yea Forums only listen to female musicians with grating over the top voices? Why not listen to actually good singers?

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Says this whilst browsing an american website. Rent free.

because she made decent pop but didnt have a great ammount of creativity or originality in her writing

Dumb you are

>one story where she’s slightly rude to one person
>wow what a rude, evil cunt


go back to, faggot

kate bush's lyrics are not good. joanna best also harp is nice.

If he was an interviewer I would understand. But he's a photographer, and he presumably got paid so what's the problem?

Also thank fuck she's starting to ditch the masks.

I saw Bjork at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When the cashier took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Bjork stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, Bjork kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

If they aren’t subjugated by us, we can just wait for Islam to do it. They already treat women like second class citizens, and they’re right to


I can think of 5 female musicians off the top of my head that have already done more and had a greater impact than your dumb faggot brain could even think of doing

Suzanne Vega [A&M, 1985]
If I walked into a folk club and came upon this woman strumming her songs, I'd be impressed too--she picks her words with evident care and conversationalizes her chosen vocal tradition with evident savvy. But that's not good enough: great lyricists either dazzle you utterly or sneak the imagery on by, and no folk-based vocal tradition ought to require conversationalizing. Despite her considerable talent, Vega is self-consciously Artistic like so many folkies before her, which means that while a rock and roll production might power her over her affectations, more likely it just wouldn't mesh--the slightly prissy precision of these arrangements is precisely what the songs demand. As for that ersatz medieval ballad (which ain't bad, actually)--it's no anomaly. B-

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Yeah but you could name a thousand times more men. The exception proves the rule. I won’t deny that some women do great things, but most are basically just drones

>All women are idiots and liars
>There are exceptions to this rule
way to move the goalpost cumsock

I said women who do great things are exceptional, but even those women are idiots and liars.

Silence, Amerifilth. Nobody likes you.

What a wanker

>tfw losing my shit over some emotionally manipulative pop diva whose only appeal was her country of heritage, looks and mysterious persona.

All those things are stripped away, and she's revealed to be a hack. aphex called it in 2001 already.

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>pointing fingers at the working class, telling them that they're the problem
lol what on earth, when has bjork done anything that could even remotely be described as this

What Aphex failed to predict is her becoming best buds with Arca.

I love Björk but that was very based. To be fair, PJ Harvey may be the worst musician in that list.
1- Björk
2- Kate Bush
3- Joanna Newsom
4- Tori Amos
5- PJ Harvey
Trying to be objective:
1- Joanna Newsom
2- Kate Bush
3- Björk
4- Tori Amos
5- PJ Harvey

Jesus Christ, how about everyone stops acting like Arca did everything in Vulnicura? He came in very late during the production.

Obviously fake but whatever

It’s too late to backtrack, the trips have said you are a stupid cumsock

Oops, this was meant for Sorry

>Producer Peter Aalbaek Jensen, who has partnered with Von Trier on many films including Dancer in the Dark, meanwhile told Jyllands Posten that he and Von Trier “were the victims”.
>“As far as I remember we were the victims. That woman was stronger than bothLars von Trierand me and our company put together. She dictated everything and was about to close a movie of 100m kroner [$16m],” he said
based Bork making abusers cry like babies to the media to save face

>every girl you meet
And you would know

>men are responsible for all Bjork's musi--

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She probably just wasn't in the best mood and wanted to get all that make up off. Maybe she even thought moving her jaw would mess up the makeup which it kind of always looks messed up

there's something really off, gross and dishonest about her entire current shtick. the money and fame got to her head, or whatever it is.
has anyone actually put on utopia after hearing it once? i instantly forgot about it and it didn't cross my mind again until now

Richard was just salty because she was friends with Stockhausen who called his music "post-African repetitions"

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Maybe her back hurt, maybe she had to take a shit. People judge people too easily

You're out of touch if you genuinely think that. That one snippet of information is what you base your argument against that detailed paragraph on? Weak.

I love Bjork but Utopia was a slog to listen to and it put me off, didn't listen to it after the first time until the other month and I liked it more.

Wish she'd ditch Arca but I doubt it, at least for her next album.

Why did he dislike her so much to write it in the first place?

it's a response to the interviewer's question highlighted in bold type, you dumdum

There's about 7 tracks from it I occasionally listen to on shuffle, half the tracklist is completely disposable. I think that album suffers from having tracks that exist for the sake of it and are very aimless, just some schizo loop going on in the background while she rambles about her divorce or new boyfriend or some shit, without a particularly strong musical idea or structure powering them.
By contrast some of the extremely stripped back songs towards the end work better, just for being so simple as to be foolproof (Tabula Rasa, Saint, Future Forever). The one track that can stand up to Vulnicura would be Losss, which does something as straightforward as switching back and forth between two themes while getting increasingly distorted until the noisy climax, but that alone gives it an emotional throughline and build that many of the other tracks totally lack.
Overall I think its real problem is being unfocused.

Take a chill pill, dude


I remember on some comment section I read (an article about Aerosmith), a guy said this:

"Ran into Joey Kramer at a car show as he was getting into his Ferrari. He had some obvious trouble walking and was in visible pain. Got real nasty when I tried to talk to him."

I find Utopia and the world it crafts simply fascinating. I listen to it twice a month.

>her best records were made by straight men.
When I first heard her in this video:
It was HER voice, which grabbed my attention, not just voice, but its modulation.
And the rest of them were just ballast, and went nowhere, though some of them came into politics.
And when I first heard Human Behaviour, it was that very uniqueness, which she brought with her through all her career. So stop being retard even when nobody knows it's you shitposting here.

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>the rest of them were just ballast, and went nowhere
okay, I probably went over the top on this one.
the music is alright, but the rapper shouldn't have been there. rap is crap

Lucky for Björk that she's not a politicians, I guess?

yeah, she has a really good voice, and had a pretty, cute face. that's enough to make it. Had she been an ugly dude she would've had to do everything herself. The music would've possibly not even left Iceland, or at least not spread around the world like it did.

>posting this passive aggressive comment simply because someone didn't talk to you

imagine trying to convince yourself obama wasn't a good speaker lol

sad but true.

men are so entitled. "im photographing you so you should talk to me" XD.

guess what? women dont owe you shit. im not obligated to talk or be nice to you...


this is almost certainly a man

> what is muses?
Girls often say "he's the head, but I'm the neck, I turn him wherever I want"
She maybe uses other musicians as instruments, but if you have ears, you can always hear it's her thing, even if the staff is all different.
Biologically her face is rather average:
It's her personality making her prettier.

that's true as well, she has a quirky personality. She's a good artist, no doubt. But fact remains that an ugly dude with the same abilities would've never gotten as far.

lol b8

well he was a good huckster in a way so in that way he was a good speaker in controlling his "flock"

if you want actual substance you'd have to go for someone else though

say it to his face

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I will

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She lives in Iceland for most of the year though.

>comparing bjork to aphex
just no. Compositionally aphex's tracks are leagues above anything bjork has ever put out. He can't hide behind a voice and a pretty face.

She's got the electrician brain from her dad and the developmental delay from her mom. Combined you get a weird combination of childishness and advanced maturity at the same time.

Look at these doods

Imagine shooting a cover for the nytimes art mag, and you finish your entire days work for the fucking cover in 32 seconds, and yet you decide to bitch about it.

I'd love to make that much money in 32 seconds, who fucking cares if your subject talks to you? You're the tool of a editorial company, you're not some kindred artistic spirit, despite what you may think.

>Imagine shooting a cover for the nytimes art mag
I'd rather not imagine that, homosexuality isn't my thing

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nobody cares about her besides Yea Forums and Reddit though

no fiddler

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Who cares, she probably had shit to do.
why are commoners so fucking entitled?

because "not worse than you are" and "who do you think you are!"

>145 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.

I miss the old shitposting around here when it wasn't all just about boring celeb gossip.

okie doke

if-if-if-if-if y'all aint seeing that's how it is, then I aint know what else I can say t'y'all, okie dokie? *3 hour libtard applause and smug snickering*

unrionically using the word libtard actually makes you way dumber than most conservatives or republicans

Imagine being smart

it always gets some cuck like you to give me a (you) though

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Oh no she didn't respect the journo's caste like a good world citizen.


go back to the soup kitchen