ITT: Instances where Yea Forums tricked you into listening to a shit album.
Pic related for me. And if that album isn't a meme I seriously don't get it.
ITT: Instances where Yea Forums tricked you into listening to a shit album
Zoomers take over this board
Neo-Yea Forums unironically likes trap, this board is beyond dead at this point
No amount of sob story will make this record less lifeless
Trap music appreciation has been on this board for at least 5 years
is right. I unironically love that album. His s/t is better tho. Also not a zoomer nor a newfag
Boomers BTFO, the album is not an amazing achievement but it’s a good album, it has some very good instrumentals, shame it is “ruined” by the vocals, overall 7/10 good solid album, could be better if he would stfu or just use that high pitched voice in some of the songs, using it everywhere “ruins” it
it's literally mutt zoomers posting this
First time I listened I hated it, second time I hated it, third time I hated it, fourth time I ejaculated in my pants halfway through Long Time. Give it a chance and you'll eventually see the light.
not just trick me into listening to it, but convincing me that listening to it like 8 more times would make me like it (not just mu my friends too, fuck all of them)
agreed on these
It may sounds childish but listen to it high, you'll understand
This is flat out fucking retarded
Half the music in the world sounds better high and the other half sounds better drunk.
these too
Bah gawd t
dude weed lmao
I agree with some of these albums posted but I will defend Loveless with my fucking life.
soundin like a hardcore faggot, just enjoy the music and accept that it's garbage
They said that about TMR and I still hear it the same way as the first (which is, it's ok, not great or anything)
Reminder: Bladee is the only trap worth a thought nowadays
why are you such a faggot OP?
Do a real drug zoomer nobody cares you get high in your mothers balcony
this thread gave me aids Im outta here
You have to be acquainted with the genre before diving into this headfirst, then it all makes sense
I only listen to flipper’s live albums honestly. Blow’n Chunks and Public Flipper Limited are great. I think flipper are the ultimate “band that sounds better live”.
>s/t is better
Cracker detected
OPs post, actually i got into sadboi soundcloud rap because someone on Yea Forums shilled this album, now it's one of my favorite genres, i'm a pro musician too and i play classical and jazz, but this shit is banging, i started learning ABleton (very different from playing actual instruments, and i suck at production, but it's fun)
I guess the only album I listned to on here that I disliked was Death Grips, but only because I already knew Radiohead, NMH, Noise rock, Grunge, and Dylan all suck.