What do these perfectly normal human beings listen to?

What do these perfectly normal human beings listen to?

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tim heidecker - i am a cuck

Toronto needs a nuke

their Boglords

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Why don't they use 'Voldemort' here? It makes just as much sense, and they use him in every other political discussion, why not this one?

because voldemort represents nazis like drumpf

billie eilish - bad guy

fun fact: Satan is the official Yea Forums animal

what do you consider normal and natural exactly
and please for the love of god do not say the nuclear family because that wasn’t true for the vast majority of societal history by any means


People who don't act and dress like freaks. Simple as that.

chad extended family vs virgin nuclear family

vague. elaborate?

Don't you mean, 'simple as'?

Not really. It's pretty self explanatory.

It's true for any society that's worth a damn

He doesn't like the clothes people wear. Therefore they're freaks.

dude who dresses like a starched shirt grampa pants nerd from the Bible belt is a freak by today's standards.

Grug beating weak faggot men to death and taking their shit and raping all their gal pals that they gossip with, propagating stronger genes while the weak useless men turn to dust and leave no trace of their existence.

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>It's true for any society that's worth a damn
modern societies ain't worth a damn.

>make a statement about homophobia of Christianity about something factually natural like homosexuality
>wear attention drawing clothes
>get called freak

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you wish you massive incel
meanwhile some bi chad dudes bang all those girls who potentially could've been with you.

homosexuality is a mental disorder

The mental is the disorder.

>your social darwinist bullshif
>anywhere near natural or scientific

DSM would disagree with you, but because some fictional book about some surfing Hippie agrees with you, I guess you're right after all!

and they all get aids and kill themselves

evidence from a peer-reviewed medical journal please


There's literally nothing wrong with what they're doing.

No your right, women are attracted to the weakest most useless men, and the human race was propagated by hiomosexuals because wombs were in men's buttholes back then.

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Literally Bootyhole music

>this false dichotomy between roided out chads and skinnyfat soiboys

your entire worldview is a groomed cartoon.

nobody’s mad, we’re just asking for proof of your claims.

Stunning rebuttal


>No your right, women are attracted to the weakest most useless men, and the human race was propagated by hiomosexuals because wombs were in men's buttholes back then.

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Bullshit dude, homosexuality USED to be in the DSM, its not anymore

Don't be daft, you know they wouldn't do something that controversial
>A mental disorder, also called a mental illness or psychiatric disorder, is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.
>can't fulfill human function of reproduction because of behavioral/mental pattern
It fits

>and the human race was propagated by hiomosexuals because wombs were in men's buttholes back then.
and yet the vast majority of men are not gay. funny how that works isn’t it?

literally never mentioned any of those words

>heh I'm gonna start shitposting when I have no arguments, I bet I'll look real clever


>the reactionary’s oversimplified interpretation of science

Come on, keep going. Show me what you got

>it's not anymore
Science is evolving, we are able to research further into topics because of evolving techniques and technology, it still disagrees with the notion that homosexuality is an illness and a disorder. What's your point? Does it suddenly not disagree with it anymore because at one point in time it agreed with it? Should we go back to the times where we used to burn people for having better crops than their neighbour and they're accused of wizardry? What's your point, faggot?


Sure, kid.

Psychology isn't science



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Fucking something cause it feels good is natural
having an attraction to the same sex is not, it's a relationship that cannot reproduce.
Homosexuality is the mental illness of equating lust with love.

>infertile people are mentally ill

You're telling me if I look at the DSM right now, it won't tell me homosexuality is not an illness?

They changed that like 30 years ago, dude, I am telling you, unless you have like a DSM III or something it aint in there

Sure, kid.

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infertility is a mental behavior?

he said due to behavioral/metal pattern you illiterate nog

Yeah, so it's not a mental illness...

Where is this?

If it's a direct result of their behavioral or mental patterns, then yes.

yeah infertile people should just stop being infertile it's not natural

you’d think it would still be considered a mental disorder if things were as simple as you’re describing them as.

Oh I wasnt following, thought you were arguing the other way
They removed it in the 70s

>sample size of one
Wew lad


My bad, meant to respond to

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A fighter who stands up for his beliefs, standing until he is forcibly removed and showing no fear. Truly admirable.

Sure, kid.

No, because it hurts people's feelings.

You know how much people hated homosexuals at the time it was removed from the DSM?

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>literally a mental illness that's against the natural instinct of reproduction

Xiu Xiu

Can I go to jail for opening this

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Homosexuality is a fetish.

Ok hes got moves


right, so it’s a big conspiracy and you aren’t just wrong.

what a simple worldview you have.

>literally "muh feelings"
lol nice "science"

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What's wrong with this? Let people have fun while you read your bible and have your fun

officer, I didn't know what this was before I clicked it

Do you?
It's irrelevant.
What is the supposed objective, scientific discovery that got it removed? That's what matters. Well, it's a topic on subjective mental patterns, so there is no scientific objectivity to be had, you can only go by the definitions of terms and whether or not it fits under those terms. How did the terms change?
Homosexuality became acceptable in our society because we made it so, taking it out of the DSM was just part of that, just like transgenderism now.

This is actually pretty good.

You don't know what is scientific research.

>the reactionary expresses that he can only put arguments into convenient boxes so he can promptly dismiss them

>putting your dick in a shit hole

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at least learn something valuable, le ebin trole

What is this suppose to prove? Emotions can't be measured objectively, it's not a science.
Explain the scientific reason why it was removed.

Are there really any people left that don't give a shit about what anyone does with their lives? We need a lot more of those man.

>Emotions can't be measured objectively, it's not a science.
You keep using that word, It doesn't mean what you think it means. Even a simple psychological survey is an "objective measurement".

The exception proves the rule. There’s absolutely no way to rightfully suggest that homosexuality is natural. It’s deviant because of it’s opposition to the structure of reproduction and it will always be that. Nobody believes homosexuality is “normal” because it so obviously isn’t and couldn’t be. If it was actually “normal and natural” like seething faggots claim, then half of humanity would die out every generation.


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>a simple psychological survey is an "objective measurement".
it's not, because he who it taking the survey could be giving bullshit answers knowingly or unknowingly, there is no way for a 3rd party verify the accuracy of the data.

>duuuuuude just sit back and 420blaze it while the mudslimes take over our society like who gives a fuck about anything at all duude

Sorry that I prefer objective scientific facts over subjective muh I feel like I this one action is unnatural

And I’m not sorry for rejecting politically motivated “science” in favor of my Holy book. Deus Vult

>politically motivated
where’s your evidence?

Sorry for insulting your glorified toilet paper. Good day, Sir!