Name a better front man

name a better front man

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Other urls found in this thread:

chadtony kedis
mike "the real thing" patton
roger daltrey
billy "not bald" corgan

kurt cobain

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Absolutely based


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Axl Rose in his prime.

Debatable but Axl is a GOAT

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this faggot

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Rod Stewart faces
Eric Clapton literally every band he’s played in
Geddy lee RUSH
Steve perry journey
Neil young crazy horse and buffalo Springfield
I can keep going

Bunch o pussies

Didn’t David lee Roth fight with eddie over whether or not he ate his pizza?

Roth era VH never made a bad album

Sammy wanted to make you party...Diamond Dave WAS the party

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>Axl Rose in his prime.

No fucking way.

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>Diamond Dave WAS the party

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holy fuck you are ignorant.

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Robin Zander

There isn't. Diamond Dave is number 1.

For me, it’s David Yow


Based Cheap Trick fan

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Zander is a great singer but so bland that he wasn't even the actual frontman. That was Rick Nielsen.

Bryan Ferry
Iggy Pop
Trent Reznor
David Bowie

Kids today really are fucking clueless as the sheer force of bombast that was classic Van Halen. There were bigger than life and one of the best live bands ever. Dave was the circus ringleader- half Al Jolson Half Jim Dandy

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check out the goosesteppin bloke from ac/dc band

The Lizard King

why cant live music be this fun these days...

trying is seen as uncool now

There isnt one.

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Dave was a showman but a pretty mediocre live singer and had to be carried by Michael Anthony most of the time.

Name another frontman who doesn't even sing.

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sammy hagar

Robert Plant
Brian Ferry

steve harris

>Going from me to Sammy Haggar is like going from speedball to milkshake

>pretty mediocre live singer

but nobody who was at the show cared. They were too busy having fun. ...of course, its telling Michael Anthony is best known for his back-up singing rather than his bass playing...

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>sammy hagar
pleb detected

>carried by Michael Anthony most of the time
this is not a factual statement


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Hagar might've been a better singer, but I'd still rather listen to DLR because he can deliver performances with a charisma and rawness that hagar never could. compare panama to dreams

not even kidding

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>women and chad audience

my dad was at US fest and he said there was one point where dave pointed out some guy in the crowd and told him he was gonna fuck his girlfriend

>Geriatric clapper who shits himself
Try again

just look at that energy

A better front man...

DLR *is* pretty damned good.

Not saying these are better, but they are worthy of being in the discussion:

Robert Plant
Neil Diamond
Mick Jagger

As for including Neil Diamond, if you haven't seen him in concert in the 70s, then you just don't know. You seriously don't know. Master showman. And the bigger the venue, the better. He'd fill these 17,000 seaters and he'd have every damn person ON THEIR FEET for most of the show.


Barney Greenwood
Neil Young
Mike Patton
Greg Puciato

David Lee Roth is a based Jew
I love both van halen and van Hagar

Jani Lane in his prime

MC Ride

Jani lane was so goofy looking the cameras had to all ways zoom far away when filming his face for a warrant video so teenage girls would think he looks like Brett Michaels instead of some goofy looking guy.

>US fest and he said there was one point where dave pointed out some guy in the crowd and told him he was gonna fuck his girlfriend

that was part of his usual schtickt...

Dave talked and drank too much before the US Festival...but check out this no of the funniest, wittiest cats in Rock and Roll

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Dude turned his hyperactivity into a career...

didn't he get in a fight with one of the other bands at US fest?


not but he told the clash to fuck off and said all music reporters looked like Elvis Costello


one of the wittiest, most quotable dudes in rock and roll...some of his best lyrics are on their most recent album

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holy shit that interview...

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Corey Taylor when Spit it out starts

>literally doing the soiface.

Jani was the life of the party on stage

>not having a rebuttal resort to nonsense.

DLR is literally the anti-onions

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The most Chad frontman ever.

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Wierd al has always been a solo act

Rip Pete

adrian belew


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I cannot

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90s Eddie Vedder unironically.


Dude could put on a show.

How do I become David Lee Roth? Even Vedder doesnt think that

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so he climbs lighting rigs...oooh what a showman.

plebs never know.

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Well no one's better than DLR. I thought the thread was just posting great frontmen, since no one could actually post anyone better.
It's exciting. He's no David Lee Roth, but you gotta admit that was a good performance.

This. Prime Ozzy cannot be beat.

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kek david wisdom is priceless

find a bitchin' guitar player, then turn your own personal monkey hour into your career.

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is that the guy from creed

Simon Le Bon was pretty great in his prime.

>Prime Ozzy cannot be beat.
LOL. I love me some Sabbath but OZZY is a fucking retard. Hes the kid that used to eat paste in grade school, throw a fit and then piss his pants in the principals office....not saying that doesnt work for him but doesnt make him a great frontman...he just lurches around the stage saying "i love you all"

David Lee Roth in comparison to Ozzy is one of the reasons Sabbath got blown off the stage every night when VH opened for them on their first tour...there was just no comparison

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This is the best answer itt. Cheap Trick is one of the GOATs.

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holy shit. that was way better than I ever thought possible. might have to check out the whole album

>implying I'm arguing.
your seethe at me pointing out the truth has been documented though.
There's also nothing "anti-onions" about that quote

He was pretty hilarious on OandA years ago, where some sports guy was trying to talk about his dark past with drugs and being in a crackhouse. He just kept telling fun cocaine stories and laughing.