Post your favorite album, guess the personality of other anons. I'll start
One of these threads
take a wild guess
rushes things
a ray of sunshine who always has a smile on his face :)
quirky uncle
>rushes things
god damnit you're not wrong
“I’m getting blackout drunk and you’re all leaving me alone”
“I hate listening to people’s dreams. It’s like flipping through a stack of old photographs. If I’m not in any of ’em and nobody’s having sex, I just don’t care“
“Smoke some cigarettes. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach”
buys all his clothes at thrift stores
chill and easygoing
“Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese”
“This music sounds like whales raping each other”
that would be Meditations, on A Love Supreme they just cuddle
14. Writes poetry in his notebook after he gets shoved and locked into his locker by Chad
Youre 20 in a relationship with a 16 year old. Your mom kicked you out because of this, and you live with your girlfriends parents now, mooching off of them and eating their food, watching pawn stars on the sofa until your underage girlfriend gets home from school so you can show her what generic Yea Forumscore you found on Yea Forums today.
You're a girl with a dick.
You're a teenager from north Dakota, wishing you were from Manchester, so much that you exclusively masturbate to hideous British women.
You're 15 and about to fail the 10th grade. You constantly try to fit in with niggers even though you're white, and they laugh at you when you try to show them that you like rap by blasting kanye west. You think they're laughing with you, when they're actually laughing at you.
You have hardly any testosterone whatsoever. You constantly cry about the girl who broke your heart, while blaming yourself for the breakup, even though shes the one who cheated on you.
You're 18 years old. You just got into jazz, and you think it's the end-all-be-all of music when in reality its shitskins bashing a bunch of pots and pans together, thinking they're actually as smart as the caucasian race.
>you’re 15
Try 22
Rest of it is invalidated since I havent Been in school since my teens.
>a ray of sunshine who always has a smile on his face :)
You're actually a lot closer to the truth than you think.
you only got into classical music because /pol/ told you it's every white man's duty to be "cultured"
your favorite writer is Evola and you swear you'll read Plato one day
It's funny how Yea Forums always brings up the /pol/ boogeyman but everything I said is commonly accepted on every board expect Yea Forums. Thats because Yea Forums is the most reddit board on this entire site. Plus I've never been on /pol/ other than once for sheer curiosity.
t. An /o/ regular
quiet, reserved, you think you have a quirky personality
you're obsessed with how aesthetic your loneliness is
relatable normie
you're what everyone thinks of when people say "hipster" - good or bad.
probably young, disorganized, wannabe extrovert
30 something, stubborn, probably pretentious
really quiet and introverted, you hate talking about music
typical redchanner who designs his opinions around appearing intelligent to the lowest common denominator
reserved but cheeky
heavily romanctizved the idea of depression
Comes off as a pseud a lot of the time but isn’t actually
Actually a pseud
adults dont listen to (c)rap
used to flaps hands and run to class at full speed in high school
once told his gf hes gonna an hero himself if she leaves him
asked his dad if he still has any of his 80s windbreakers laying around on multiple occasions
faked a british accent to pick up chicks once
enjoys going on instagram live
enjoys black coffee
yells at roommates when trying to study even when they’re doing their best to stay quiet
enjoys walking down the beach in the cold weather thinking about what could have been
wears leather jackets
quiet guy who hates everyone but shreds at every instrument he picks up
just passed PSYCH100 with a B-
oh yeah heres my favorite album
Upper-class white guy who never suffered in life thanks to mom and dad's money and the neighborhood's private school
Guy who copes as he can from Tool's non-release of any albums yet
Would spend a time tripping on DMT with
Intelligent guy i would drink with
Romanticizes the idea of depression as much as the other guy
the word "mortgage" defines you in some way
Favorite album is Talking Heads Remain In Light
You use jukeboxes whenever available. Whenever you leave an area with a jukebox you put certain tracks on multiple plays like It's Not Unusual ten times in a row.
You're a smart fucker.
You got attacked by a certain animal not in that photo, you prefer all other animals as a result.
>The fact that anyone lists Beatles as the greatest or most influential pop group only goes to show how far Pop Music is from becoming a legitimate art
Always has something funny to say even during bad days
Le sad boy :(
You are often sincere but you come off as rude to people
Always get drunk in parties, no matter what kind of party it is.
Prefers strong black coffee over sugary rubbish
You are really close to your parents.
Hipster but always deny being that
Is based :)
Can't go 2 weeks straight without a haircut.
possible bisexual tendencies
I do like black coffee as long as the roast is good
Lou Reed is overrated.
My dad
guess my sexuality
Are those men? If so, my take is that you're closeted homo
you are very depressed
you listen to music while laying in bed in the dark
you're creative and fun to be around
you might be creative and expressive and like a niche sport
you might enjoy literature, stress out a lot
you might enjoy literature and be the insightful friend in your circle
you might enjoy ironic humor and manage time well
you might be interested in politics and pizza
you might love the outdoors and act more reserved in social situations than you rly are
Chill stoner
Doesn't go out much
Friendly but sarcastic
Into black and white art house films
white bread accountant from the suburbs
a genius
listens to music as an attempt to fit in
fit in to what? I hate this board and would never want to "fit in"
smokes weed which is your personality
thinks extreme metal is shit even though you just don't like the vocals and haven't listened to much of it at all
only likes this album because it's a precursor to your actual favorite stoner bands like sleep and electric wizard but you don't want to sound like an entry level loser who likes those bands
Based Japanese music poster
my dad because he's literally blasting this right now
Damn that is some nice album art
Reserved among most people but become a lot more outgoing when its just you and your tight-knit group of friends. Great favorite album btw
i need attention
Quirky but cool
Smells like tobacco. Probably in college
Loves Cathedrals
Doesn’t shower quite regularly enough but still cool as fuck. Likes flannel.
Highly intelligent and has impeccable taste. >EBM bro
Bisexual male who tries to be metrosexual but fails
Smart but introverted. Younger. In their teens.
Has poor taste
Does not follow the pack. Makes his own decisions about things.
Likes muscle cars
Is a slow cautious driver and is terminally depressed
A tad OCD and likes his whereabouts organized and clean. Might be gay.
sexually frustrated but chill
everyone say it with me now
Enjoys filming minors in sex acts.
Patricians ITT
You're a straightforward person with an "in your face" attitude. You rarely give a damn about what others think. You dislike elitists, but actually are somewhat of an elitist yourself
You truly believe that you can make a positive and significant contribution to society during your lifetime. Good for you!
You have gone through several "phases" in college, and, frankly, you feel like you don't know yourself just yet.
I'm the who posted the mac demarco pic, it's like you know me
The album you posted gives me major "confusion" vibes, so I thought you might be a person who feels a bit lost in your identity. It's as if you cannot choose one personality
either this or Replica by Oneohtrix Point Never
likes psychedelics or is incredibly chill
goes to parties often
Likes to read books and enjoys having breakfast with friends
Enjoys conlanging and worldbuilding
Worries too much about what their mom thinks of them
idk but nice album
listens to music as an attempt to fit in
odds are those aren't even your favorite albums, you just pretend they are for others
you are trying to fit in even harder than before now
Nope. I'm the suicide poster. Album flows so cohesively for me and I love the tone it keeps throughout.
>Album flows so cohesively for me and I love the tone it keeps throughout.
That's such a generic response it could be said about almost any album ever.
Stop pretending.
What else you want me to say? What props will I get for Suicide's self titled being my favorite album as say the blue album? None. You're retarded. What else do you want me to say? I could be biased cause Vega is one of my top 5 musicians.
Stop pretending.
>What props will I get for Suicide's self titled being my favorite album as say the blue album? None.
That's right, and that doesn't stop people form pretending anyways, you know? I'm just saying you are being dishonest if you call that your favorite album.
>could be said for almost any album ever
uh... no
I'm not. cause it's my favorite album...I probably listen to it every day desu. It's quite short which makes it not a chore to listen to, its straight to the point.
>Album flows so cohesively for me and I love the tone it keeps throughout.
It works for every Yea Forumscore album.
>cause it's my favorite album
It's not. You are only saying it is.
ay yo faggot please post your favorite album
aren't we all saying our favorite albums here desu?
Sure. It's Cupid & Psyche by Scritti Politti.
Most of us are, but users like the ones quoted here are not.
>Favorite album
>Didn't even get the full title right
The 85 part is omitted in reissues, so both titles are correct, I prefer omitting the 85 because it just looks weird, but I understand why it was added to the title initially. Now fuck off and post your actual favorite.
# You're my best friend
quiet, emotional, loves writing
depressed as fuck
wanna be popular, isnt
Dirt - Alice in Chains
you're 5'8