/gg/ Guitar and bass general

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Ear training:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

old thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I should be practicing my set right now but I'd rather play video games and shitpost

>his waifu doesn't play guitar
>his waifu doesn't play an ESP snapper
>he doesn't play the same guitar as his waifu

Explain yourself.

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My waifu is a gfur twink cd and musical instruments are not relevant to his lewd plot lines so guitars don't even come into play.
No homo of course
PS Deans are way more rad

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Why is everything in the MEGA folder jazz or metal related? Christ it's hard as funk to find good funk, gospel, and rnb.

Those of you looking for some funk, check this guy out. AWESOME tutorial video. He died fairly recently... ;(


lol dumb wife edition

R8 and h8

Is the Fender Rumble 500 2x10 Combo a good bass amp? About to start gigging, and I need an actual performance bass amp.


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You're gonna need at least a hundred watts. Bass doesn't cut through the mix as much

It's 500W,

Then you're fine. Outside of lead bass playing no one cares how a bass sounds

I care though. What do you think of the Orange Crush 100W bass amp?
Glenn Hughes likes them, and I'm a fan of him.

No idea.

>he hasn't collected souls for Satan

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wow. i suck at guitar :(


but by continually blaming wood, fret counts, pickups, bridge types, and brand for your bad tone and buying a bunch of shit instead of practicing you could become this guy (quoted) instead of this guy (pictured)

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Are ESP Grassroots good quality?

it's a japanese market ESP LTD

the only japan-only ESP worth buying is the based snapper

So I'm a beginner fag(about a few months in) and I'm getting the hang of chord progressions and learning theory for improv and all this bullshit but I'm wondering, how can I improve my stamina in my playing? I can play a few songs in a row with no issues but about 15-20 minutes of playing non stop gives my fretting hand cramps. My guitar is set up properly, strings have good tension, and I'm fairly sure I'm holding it right. How can I strengthen my fingers and last longer?

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After playing for about 10 months I’m seriously losing interest since I feel I’ve hit a wall by only being able to practice alone without anyone else. I’ll be moving to another city soon soo have to hold off until then since I don’t want to meet people and immediately say goodbye to them. I think I’m just at a pint where I want to make music with other people right now but I’m alone at the moment. Maybe I can take a break and learn some synthesis and do a Two Feet thing on my own for a bit.

Practice by playing as light as possible. This is something that’ll come with more time, anything else besides practice can hurt yourself. A famous European pianist, I forget his name, had a problem with his hand strength so he tried to train it intensely. He developed crippling tendinitis and never touched a piano again.

Get a Quilter

You're out of the band, Brian. We voted and we all agreed.

youre likely fretting too hard. even little kids have enough finger strength to play guitar properly

For gigging I recommend not buying a combo but a seperate head and cab. So in case you're sharing the backline with other bands you might only need to bring your head.
Get the Fender basshead if you like it. I recommend the Markbass Little Mark III.
For cabs I would start with a 4x10 with 8 Ohm and get another 1x15 8 Ohm afterwards for the full stack. Or just a 6x10 with 4 Ohm should be enough aswell.

>tfw you start recording and find out how terrible you actually are

Can't even get basic shit down without like 10 takes

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what the FUCK? i've been posting here for 10 years and i followed somebody's directions. they said to take a squenchy log of kaka and force it from between my asscheeks (where my asshole is) and, so long as it was nice and cakey like a soft plopping assbiscuit, I could rub it all over my telecaster.

this was supposed to help me become a better, faster, more fluid player.

now i just have a guitar with kaka all over it. my dad came into my room while i was noodling and he said "This room... SMELLS LIKE KAKA!!!!!"

I went downstairs to get some cereal and he was talking to his girlfriend about my guitar playing and the fact that there was kaka on my guitar

what do I do? my playing still sucks and my guitar is caked with shit. my ass is really hairy, too, so the shit came out of my ass and got tangled into asshairs making my guitar have stinky kaka asshair pie all over it.


Disdain for poorfags

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Me with starting to record a song. I can never fucking figure out the tempo in the first five seconds

Use a metronome?

Are there any good alternatives to this?
>hard tail
>24 frets
>compound radius fretboard
>strat shape
Likely going to replace the pickups and tuners.

Forgot link

I don't have a waifu because I'm a faggot with a bf.
He plays a banjo, I play an Ibanez.

>tfw you start recording after several years and find out that you keep almost perfect time instinctively now

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Try not to press so hard on the strings. It's something I struggle with too but just sit with your guitar and try different pressures on the frets with your fingers while playing scales. Start slow and focus on your hands.

Get yourself a Darkglass rig m8

How can I make my bass this chunky youtube.com/watch?v=Oa7FaiR_qvs

If evens, my next guitar will be red. If odds, grey. If dubs, I won't buy a new one.



How many of you could play this song

I can barely even remember two songs. How do you approach learning the set?

I tried every trick in the book and the only thing that helped me was getting a different neck profile

The bocote Ibanez AZ looks hot, but god damn 1300 smackeroos for an Indonesian made guitbox? I'd pay maybe half that.

Play it again and again and again and again and again and again. Then play it some more. It also helps if you put it together in such a way that you can use mnemonics, i.e. come up with a small story linking songs together. Or maybe sort them alphabetically. Or sort them by key.
That said, I'm having trouble learning my own band's set right now. All the songs in D are in one gigantic clusterfuck and I can't think of any good mnemonics. Afterwards it's all peachy; the last of the songs in D is the only D song where I play a solo, and is followed by the only non-D song where I play another solo. That one is in G. After that comes the only one in F# and that's it.
I'm also too shortsighted to read set lists, no matter how big you write them (unless they're hilariously oversized, as in letters almost as big as my pedalboard).

I think it's
>Intro (D)
>HH (D)
>A (D)
>KK (D)
>Blind (D, Solo)
>IR (G, Solo)
>SP (F#)

Maybe I should just print these abbreviations in gigantic letters and crouch down between songs to read that setlist. Doesn't really help that I open most of the songs with just the guitar.

In addition to what the other anons said:
And relax

If you're going to start turdpolishing it, you might aswell invest the money into a proper upgrade. Charvel and Jackson both offer hardtail versions in higher price brackets.

my waifu plays violin i´m also a violinist.

I'd likely end up replacing the pickups on a more expensive guitar as well, unless I was spending 2-3k on one that has them stock. That's WAY more than I'm willing to spend.
Here's what I'll do: I'll order a mid-ranged guitar and see if I like how it feels stock. If I don't, I return it and buy an expensive one. If I do like it, I'll keep it and replace the parts I listed and end up with an instrument that satisfies my needs while saving about 500 €.

never used anything thinner than 13-62

>while saving about 500 €.
Or more.

Low IQ post. You need to have used Ernie Ball Slinkies at least once so you can appreciate heavier strings.

sorry, I use only baritone strings on my 25.5

Which pickups do you use

Old thread


What chord is this

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Kaka Kakinson signature chord


I got a Hofner violin bass, now how do I cop the perfect tweed era Fender tone?

Without spending cash on some vintage unit.

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oh you play bass?

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guitar amp

SansAmp bass pedal?

I’m pretty sure the original bassman was meant for bass, but got a following on guitar. A lot of vintage amps work for both bass and guitar, oddly enough.

wow thats so amazing you must be so smart to know stuff like that

who pooped in your cornflakes this morning???

oh dude ha ha ha your so funny how can i learn to be so smart and witty like you

Reported for extremely low quality post.

Announcing reports is a bannable offence ;)

What a truely remarkable piece of history that no one else knows about, I mean you can't even tell by the name of the amp.

I should find this gaudy and the Dean logo makes me sick inside
But if I'm being honest I really like this. Maybe not the jagged, edgy shape but the stained glass effect is fucking RAD

I'm selling my edgey metal guitar.
I had lots of fun with it but I play it like a toy, I don't really want to play metal. It was neat to play with all of the harmonic resonance from the actives and the tone is fucking balls deep. Its a great guitar for what it's made to do.

So, farewell to that. I'm selling it for $500, should I get an Epi LP or a MIM HSS strat for that price?

Are there significant structural differences between an Epi LP and a real Gibby?

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I think you will prefer the MIM HSS strat just because you will have more tonal options.

Honestly outside of Chinkshit Dean is one of the only people innovating and experimenting with guitars some times it works sometimes it doesnt. Now compare that to some companies that somehow claim they are closer to 1958 spec than the year before.


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Get a dean thoroughbred deluxe. I have no idea how the new select series is. On one hand its made in the Cort factory on the other hand its in Indonesia.

>he's still not over his Dean buyers remorse yet
thats gonna be a big ol' yikes from me my guy

>I'm moving away from edgy metal guitars
>fucktard tells me to buy an edgy metal guitar
Don't reply to me, I don't care what you have to say about anything.

>haven't learned anything new on guitar in a year
>just keep doing pentatonic shit and power chords and the occasional few open chords
How the fuck do I get back the motivation to properly learn?

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I bought it for $960, I think $500 is a fair used price. I can't afford extra right now, I'm out of work due to health issues.

Did your wife teach you how to read?

>I'm out of work due to health issues
great googly moogly its trachefag all over again

Start learning all your favorite songs note-for-note.
Learning note-for-note forces you to not skip difficult stuff and is important for growth, plus you get the benefit of being able to play your favorite songs.

I don't know who that is. I'm 39 and have worked all my life until now, you're not going to shame me.

>sells metal guitar
>gets another humbucker equipped metal plank

I was leaning in that direction also, for the same reasons. I dont really want another HH guitar I think

Since when are LP's metal planks?

The best parts about strats is if you ever want a different pickup configuration you only have to buy a new pickguard, no routing. HSS strats are awesome, I have one with a coil tap on the bridge and it’s perfect.

not surprising, welfair queens rarely ever feel shame from what i understand

Two humbuckers also Euronymous and one dude from Ulver played one

Are you a fucking retard. Since when are lp shaped guitars edgy metal planks? Real special brain you have there

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>tfw only a Gibson™ is good enough

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go back to /pol/ and cry some more about how your red welfare state is being ruined by caliornians

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What exactly didn't you understand about Epi LP or a MIM HSS? Stupid fuck.

>not an edgy metal plank

dont be so hard on him m8 hes a bit slow




Real edgy right here.
I gave you a better recommendation that does all that the epi does. Save up and get another job

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Ok I didn't know about that, thanks for telling me. I try not to give grief to people with special needs who can't do any better. I'll just ignore him from now on.

Watch what happens when I take off my trip though


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no problem. i feel bad for him sometimes because people here bully him so much and he just does the posting equivalent of drooling all over himself in response. my bother is mentally challenged so it hurts to see it happen. i wish /gg/ wasnt like that but it is

>I try not to give grief to people with special needs who can't do any better.
You mean like you and your lack of a job?

Don't feel bad for me friend I have a happy life I hope you're having a great day friend tell your mother and father you love them.

That looks like a guitar for an edgy blues faggot.

And you "play" Deans. Notice the quotes, you talentless cumstain.
Anyway I'm selling it so why do you care. It was a great guitar for what it's meant to do, I just don't want to play strictly metal anymore. It's boring. I want to get back to my classic rock roots.

People still know it’s you posting because you and your wife are stupid

Yeah, that sucks. You're a nice guy for trying to protect him though. The hero /gg/ dosen't deserve.

My deans were made in the same factory as your SCHECTER retard. Get a dean thoroughbred and throw In an Emerson metric Jimmy page wired harness. YOU'RE WELCOME BONAFIDE DUMBFUCK

Just remember that this is the guy who is giving you guitar advice

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This didn't even make sense. You're trying too hard.
What can I say. My fan club loves me.

And this is what I recorded right after

Let's hear your improv jazz playing homie.

Yes they're both WMI guitars, but the quality of each brand is stil different because of the materials and build specifications given to the manufacturer. Also Schecter does it's QC and setups here in the States.

Schecter is a good brand. I had an Omen 6 before this Hellraiser and loved it.

Every Dean I've ever played felt like a fucking toy or a prop or something. Not a real guitar. I will never own one.

>he thinks that’s jazz

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My latest dean came from Dean factory in Tampa. Yeah dean uses thicker veneers while SCHECTER uses cheap ass foto flame. BONAFIDE DUMBFUCK STRIKES AGAIN. LMFAO YOU CAN EVEN AFFORD A DEAN YOU FUCKING BUM GET A JOB.

what the fuck was this
jcum, you are TERRIBLE. easily the worst guitarist I have ever heard that has the confidence to share their music.
You are truly delusional.

OK then what genre is it?

Pentatonic box hugging lol you didn’t even play “the lick”

Bassist here and I fucking hate new strings, they sound shit for about a month until they're worn in.

>lmfao you don't follow internet trends like a sheep like me
Weird flex but OK.
Also that wasn't the pentatonic scale I used.

>$960 Hellraiser with REAL maple veneer (that foto flame shit is a lie, I just looked it up) and REAL abalone inlays vs $250 Dean shitplank made out of plywood and elmers glue

jesus you're delusional

Look at me I’m jcum ;^)

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Let's hear your jazz improv homie. I know you read that part. Why are you acting like you didn't? Fact of the matter is until you upload something with an audio timestamp I'm better than you by default.

lol Suhr trying to sound bad on purpose still sounds 298374872439823749 times better than jcum or pretty much anyone else in this thread

So if I’m playing alone with no intention of playing for an audience or in a band for a couple years I’m fine with a 25w practice amp?

Then I can just buy a big watt head later?


pink suhr can you shoop an anime face onto his red dean and put a jester hat on it

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Oooo you gave me a good idea

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>paid 960 for Korean made guitar
Lmfao go ahead and keep trying to convince yourself that you're not the BONAFIDE DUMBFUCK you really are.
Where are you getting plywood from? Do you have a maple cap plus veneer or just the veneer. My dean has the cap and the veneer. Epiphone makes caps out of 5+ pieces of wood and they're known to use wood like alder in the caps instead of just maple. And then they veneer the back so you won't see the 6 piece body

lole use this pic >Kin/gg/ Samuel
>Court Jester Jcum


Should I get a Gibson Thunderbird?


you've been saying this for a year

>this guitar that i think sounded great can only be used for metal, it just looks too edgy to play jazz fusion

I think you'll regret this when you get a cheapo beaner fender and find out you can only play surf music on it.

How long will it take to sand a thin ntiro finish off a guitar? A few hours?

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try a few MONTHS

Learning blues-y fingerpicking right now mainly by ear, want to know a bit more about the theory.

Are there any good books or should I just pick up a classical one? (any recs for either would be good)

stop hecking with me, nerd

I built my pc a few months ago why would I buy an interface before?




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>theory books
poseur faggot

It sounded great for metal. I don't like that active pups for anything else, and I want something with a single-coil in the neck. The tapped humbucker just doesn't sound the same as a real single-coil.
If I go HSS I can still get pretty harsh with the bridge pup.

How much you trying to sand back? Just the finish or the paint too? Get some 1000 grit and wet sand.

omg. saved
im going to repost this every time he posts that fucking shitplank

I honestly expected better.

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That’s the Blonde. It is supposed to be a Fender in a box and by following the manual guide you can do the Bassman sound. Joyo has the American Sound which is a copy of the Blonde but it’s better on bass than the Blonde is and it’s cheaper. Wampler has some of the better amp in a box pedals out there. Sadly they are no longer for sale. They were the Tweed 57 and the Black 65 both really good on guitar and bass. Catalinbread has the 5F6 and Formula 55. While the 5F6 is your standard Bassman, their 55 is based on the small tweed combo amps, it can get that sag and gain much better if that’s what you’re looking for. I love that small amp sound and Bearfoot FX has the Model G which is based on some discontinued Gibson amp, it sounds amazing on bass. I can’t speak for the newer Fender pedals by Lovepedal but the Les Lius is excellent on bass.

Those early Bassmans aren’t the greatest bass amps to use but they do break up nicely so my suggestion is getting something like the Way Huge Red Llama and stack it with a Dod 250 overdrive and you can get a sweet gain section to feed the Joyo American Sound with. You can get clones of the 250 and Red Llama for cheap online. Use the American Sound as your EQ tone control and you’re set!

>it just looks too edgy to play jazz fusion
Doesn't every fusion player use a superstrat?

Too bad thats not mine

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finish and paint. I want a natural wood look.

I like it but your first was a home run.

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Get fishman fluences then. Why the hell would you sell a $960 guitar that's arguably higher quality than beaner fender and dollar store gibson when you just want to try different pickups?

The guitars you're mentioning are honestly about the same quality as a $400 squire, you just pay extra to remove the squire logo. Keep your guitar, change the pickups, and grab a used up beater stratalike down the road. Now you have two guitars and you'll be happier.

everyone uses theory m8

really needs pic related on top

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>buying stratocasters for good single coil sounds
>not telecasters

what are you not understanding about wanting single-coil? this is routed for hummers, i cant put single-coils in this

wait this one might be better

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Well then go balls to the wall.
Get orbital sander and use 600 grit. Use can use rougher grit but you have to be careful it won't cut in too deep. Then once you have it to bare wood raise the grain fill it and then sand it smooth at 600. Then use some rattle can sealer. What finish are you going for poly or nitro? Let's see the shit plank in question.
The first one is definitely better. This new one looks low effort.


Fishman humbuckers sound better "split" than EMGs. EMGs just suck for anything but metal and jazzy cleans, desu.

Also yes you can, with humbucker sized singles and adapters for itsy bitsy pickups lrn2guitar

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Well to be honest it kind of was

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I actually didn't know that, but do they sound the same? did they just put the poles in the middle so it looks like a p90 or something?

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i swear to god my hands slow down when i'm sad

if you play a guitar that is shaped identically to a les paul, strat, sg, tele, etc that is not the genuine article i have zero respect for you

While the EMG guitar pickups are definitely not my thing, I think they make some killer bass pickups.

Even for metal, the EMG guitar pups sound kinda meh to me. Their 66/57 set is pretty impressive, but I still prefer my passive high outputs more.

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I’ve never needed one

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So you're only happy when you're jacking off into homemade fleshlights?
What if I have both?
Put the hat on the headstock retard.

Yeah and you could also get P-rails which sound better in their various modes than basic bitch coil splitting with passive humbuckers

the difference is 2 notes of range and a fuckload use PRS guitars and regular strats

>Put the hat on the headstock retard.
I don’t like tall images

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>What if I have both?
sell the copy and get something original

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omg it's perfect

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But what if the copy checks all the boxes and saves me 3k?

Never underestimate the snootiness of guitar players.

Sounds like photography isn't for you.

>owning unlicensed knock-offs of iconic american brands


Don't underestimate my ability to literally not give a fuck about what others think. Let's see your collection friend.

That’s how brands like Ibanez started and nobody gives them shit. If you’re not a fan of them people will try and crucify you.

>how to criticize ibanez:
>"metal axes for manchildren"
>"ps: metal is for manchildren"
>be immune from further rebuttal

Thanks for a serious reply. Normally I get told to buy a 300W even though I won’t leave my room for a year at least and then I can just buy a bigger one if I ever need it.
I guess a 25W is loud if I’m alone isn’t it?

Also for a marginal price difference, would it be worth buying a 25W modelling bass amp over just a normal one?

Sorry I'm not gonna support nigson.
But I support prs fender suhr kiesel USA dean Taylor and Martin American made guitars. And don't forget about i dependant Luthiers. They all make superior American made products. Lmfao imagine being a yuropoor.

Sounds like you're just trying to be a cheapskate. Get what makes you happy and what you will want to play.

Considering how much people love my shoops I think your just jealous

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No, I was saying that others will still give you shit. No shame in not owning an actual Gibson. Don’t let other people tell you otherwise.

look up "clean headroom" unless you want power amp distortion all the time

low wattage amps are for apartment recording and going for that sound

but jcum you're literally a wetback day laborer who can't play so who cares what you support? lole did you forget?

Shoddy QC, terrible customer service
Bad-on-purpose guitars. People may have found a way to play around their flaws but they're just for when you only have a little over a thousand to spend and can't get a gibson or PRS.
Fender clones
>i'm not gonna support the best guitar brand
Must be aware that your skill level does not warrant buying a guitar that nice

If a guitar feels good sounds good and is finished right then it's usable no matter the brand on the headstock.


>weeb autists
Choose one.

Just try doing one on the headstock to see how it looks.

So that disqualifies 99% of gibshits

I do it for the fans like you user. I would tell you to hit the subscribe button but it looks like you already are subscribed.

Which is why only a Gibson™ is good enough.

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Until the cheap finish wears off, the soft and inferior quality metals in the hardware show signs of accelerated wear, and glue joints start coming apart.

quality today can become trash in ten years and you can't tell if it was made right unless you've seen it being made, with the perspective of an experienced luthier and full knowledge of the materials used. this is why vintage guitars are desired - the wires might be corroded but they've been proven to be well made just by not falling apart over the years.

lol so you did forget for a second there? thats funny

>best guitar brand
Do I need to remind you of their shitty QC that led to them filing a bankruptcy?

Sadly modern Gibson falls short but even the 50s guitars have assymetrical fret inlays and shit. Boomers have just been fooled by marketing into thinking its desirable.

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>not understanding rule of thirds

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Make the hat a bit smaller make it proportional. Looks better desu

I've seen higher quality bigfoot pictures.

>their shitty QC that led to them filing a bankruptcy
It actually didn't but leave it to seething poorfa/gg/s to try to justify the sourest of their grapes.

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Fender is actually making improvements with their American line. Not ibanez-good but change has to be slow so boomers won't be alarmed.

And they started making guitars with normal and compound radiuses years ago so where does the baseball bat meme come from

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Not an argument.
American pro is best strat

Lol no

You're right, it's a fact that picture sucks. No argument.


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Nah I’m not totally, I mean I’m quite happy to drop 600 on my first bass. Just wondering if 25W would be fine since I’ll be learning alone for ages anyway? If I get a 300W or something it seems kinda wasted to play on lowest volume or headphones so that’s why I’m hesitant to buy it right off.

So then it’s fine in my situation.

Tell me then, what year is your guitar? If you’re talking about the LP Customs, yeah, they’re gonna be good any year.

The pictures quality is in direct proportion to the instrument being photographed. Do you even know anything about photography?

whats a good beginner acoustic guitar for 100

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lol you have no idea how much it pains me to tell this to you SEETHING poorfa/gg/s but Gibson has never had any problems selling guitars:

The guitar part of Gibsons business is profitable and always has been, the problem is they were highly over leveraged because they bought up a bunch of side companies that caused the company to hemorrhage money. This is why they went bankrupt, not because you're poor and couldn't afford to buy one.

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Just get this and call it a day. Invest more into your bass


You don’t even know what the rule of thirds are

Answer the question. What year is your Gibson(s)?

OK cool. We are expecting that timestamp in your next post proving you're not a poorfa/gg/ troll.

Relax boys, facts and arguments (or lack thereof) are free!

Anyone else remember when Sammy was literally begging for money on Yea Forums for new strings?

>people think schecters are metal guitars when they are actually jazz/hard rock/nu metal guitars with metal inlays

This is a metal guitar.

Notice that it is black, and notice that it doubles as a spear.

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>plebeian obsessed with the kin/gg/
lol just as it should be

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T. Poorfa/gg/
Lmfao this is pathetic


Ain't that that YouTube dudes brand?

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Remember when sammy kicked your ass during the last duel? Is that why he’s been living
>rent free

I don’t really want to spend more than a fender player/mim since I actually have no idea what I like yet. If I did then totally agree.

I'm sure you've watched his xvideos as well then since he is your kin/gg/

Rent free? Damn and we all know Jcum could really use the money too! Ain't that a bitch?!?

>kicked my ass
>in a obviously setup duel.
I'll take a loss we're 2-1 now.

nobody thinks schecter is metal. even dean is more metal than schecter.

schecter is the guitar brand of that guy who says his favorite band is roselia. schecter makes the guitar you play when you're not sure which you like more, evanescence, or girl's dead monster. when you buy a schecter, a trenchcoat and oversized fake sword come as free gifts. what i'm saying is they look anime as all fuck.

a grand total of one actual metal artist reps them. they aren't metal.

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and you're our court jester! your dances are hilarious!

You have a shitar center or scam ash by you? Try out different ones. Take notes of what feels good to you specific neck shapes and such. A quick Google search will show the specs. Decide what pickups you want too. So a sound test is ideal

>he's still this salty he lost
Wew. Imagine being you right now.

How was it
>obviously setup?
I was there, the event practically shut down /gg/ for the entire Sunday. He ass blasted you like team rocket so hard you dropped your trip for a couple days.

>not because you're poor and couldn't afford to buy one

They are try hard guitars for sure. It's for dudes that think spiderweb tats look good on their elbows.
Don't forget to smash that like button. But I don't dance by myself I always have the court retards to assist so I'm never alone.

I had suggested a backing track it was accepted and I recorded to it and then at last minute the arbitrator chose another one. It wasn't fair but oh well

Man, these threads sure are shitty lately.

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>so I'm never alone
jesus christ they were right, you really are just sad and lonely

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When do the contestants ever pick their own backing track? Never. Constants don’t pick backtracks because you could have already heard it therefore it’s cheating. How do you not understand that?

I'll take the trip off and let's see how slower it gets
Why have you been projecting that for like a week now?

It's because they're designed and manufactured by asians that think the final fantasy aesthetic is classy. The more understated ones are alright though and they play as well as other guitars in the price range.

Just don't get one packaged with EMGs, EMGs make every guitar sound dead unless you EQ the fuck out of them.

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Oh this is getting screenshotted RIGHT NOW

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>I'll take the trip off and let's see how slower it gets

I literally chose the most recently uploaded YouTube backing track so it could be fair and not a backing track someone has heard or practiced to before you absolute faggot


You don’t make the rules. Why are you so autistic?


Here you go

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How are the Epiphones? People usually recommend me the F335. Tried to buy one from guitar center but the cunts cancelled the order

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Oh I get it, you just want me to reply because you’re lonely

good if you want to experience the gibson QC meme, because unlike nice gibsons they actually have their share of lemons

>Tfw work in a guitar store
>Tfw at least once a week, someone comes in and tries this ibanez that is on the wall out in front
>Almost everyone loves it and can't put it down
>Tfw see this happen every time
>They look it over and then they stop looking at this spot on the neck where the scarf joint is visible
>visible look of disgust/disappointment
>all of a sudden they don't like it and act frustrated with the tone
>usually buy a fender

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>57 of 58 matches
>I'll take the trip off and let's see how slower it gets
>bossman is yelling at me to get off my goddamn phone and push those barrels of broken bricks up the hill and now I have to leave for a while to get to work so I won't be attention whoring for a while

Remember to drinks lots of water and lift with your legs!

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People that care about that much would have already noticed before playing

I won’t believe he has a job until he posts a picture of his tiny little work boots :) I bet he’s a temp if anything

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Was... was that supposed to be jazz?

Is there a genre name for music that sounds like you just learned the major scale and recorded yourself noodling over the first backing track you could find?

If there's one thing the nips know, it's joints in their wood work.

It's the first wall you see when you walk in. The bottom 2/3s are almost entirely squire and jackson, but we put this ibanez jem (a little more expensive) square in the middle of the second row (about eye level) so it'll stand out. People just grab it and play it first since it looks nice in a sea of cheap guitars. But this one has a really obvious scarf joint and the moment someone sees it is the moment they want to put it down or act like they can't get it to sound good.

You can try and tell them "you looked like you were enjoying it until you noticed that" listen with your ears instead of your eyes but then you're just trying to talk them into a fake guitar. And then they walk out with a fancier contemporary squire, MIM/player strat, or sometimes an epiphone. We can't fucking sell this thing but it's obviously an enjoyable and good sounding guitar when you can't see the scarf joint for the headstock.

clear your head, inhale, relax your muscles, exhale
don't press any harder than necessary to make every note ring out.
try barre-ing with your barre finger sideways
make sure you're not bending your wrist. to prevent this, hold your guitar at an angle, like classical guitar players

lol, that's good shit, but shit nonetheless

at that price point i'd consider LTD, schecter and yamaha

so just replace the emgs with passive pickups, why are you throwing away a good guitar?

>$1000 locking trem guitar from the high end line of a semi-obscure korean brand that has to make quality to sell guitars (except for the guitar center special C-1s which have photo-flame tops and inferior hardware for ~$200 less than a real C-1)
>"guys i want to sell it for half its original value for a budget guitar because i don't like the pickups"

He doesn’t like the metal aesthetic. Sometimes you have to grow up man

did you mean to not mute those extra strings towards the beginning? sounded kinda off

you're also picking hard, which clashes with the rest of the band. try picking a bit lighter, or use your fingers. maybe just roll off the tone

Already did that for both, I have no preference for the necks bc I’m not at the level where it makes a difference for me to notice desu.

Sound is the same I like both no real preference but I’ll just go with a jazz.

>he wants to be like Samuel so he top-wrapped his Korean shitplank

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i dunno about you, but to me, quilted tops scream jazz fusion, and the headstock looks like a prs headstock

He's already said he was a spic day laborer who works different construction jobs when the temp agency says they're available. He just cleans up construction site debris all day from the sound of it. Considering his drug abuse/alcoholism and the squalid ghetto he lives in he's probably the truth. I remember him saying something about not having any work around Christmas because all the construction companies closed for two weeks during the Christmas/New Years holidays.

He's a 30 year old who does various manual labor odd jobs at construction sites and lives with his Mom because he's a manchild who just wants to smoke weed, get drunk, and listen to shitty metal music. Just your classic arrested development loser.

Perfect cannon fodder for me to poop on ;^)

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>metal aesthetic

it's a PRS clone.

Yeah let me roll off the tone on my acoustic guitar. It was some C chord

Lemmy used 100 watts

Maybe a pj bass then?

>he's dancing as hard as he can


New 2019 Gibsons are out
Supposed to be better
Installed the pickup upside-down
Fucking idiots


His poor mom has to support jcum, jcum’s low iq wife and their poverty child. He shouldnt be lonely but that would make me sad

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I can tell it’s jcum by the filename. He must be getting mad or something

>tfw you can tell when Sam posts because he literally can not write a sentence that makes sense.

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Point out the grammatical errors jcum. Also
>rent free

you're still playing painfully out of key
i lost count of how many chord changes you couldn't keep on top of
you need to walk before you can run dude

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Jcum is sam’s number 1 fan, it’s actually kind of cute :)

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lets see your jazz improv then faggot

He's STILL dancing
This is sad. I'm out

I like how you steal phrases that only pertain to you

>Bossman's gettin' mad!
>I'm out


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I just want them to reissue the Ripper.

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ain't it a gas

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>you repeat childlike mannerisms into saying defecation
wait this guy makes fun of sams english? oh my goodness

This is why it gets boring shit posting. All this kid has is words but no notes to back it up.

Is that why jcum?

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Yeah I want to play guitar and shitpos that's why I'm in this thread if I just wanted to shit post id go to /r9k/. You use the same shtick. It's boring now.

>got so mad he rage quit
Now hold on thee just a minute, Jcum. You were pretending you were the one trolling, remember?

That's not how it works, sweety!
>acted like a fool and got his feelings hurt
You just suck, bro. Sorry, end of discussion.

Learn to play if you don't like being told the truth. No one's stopping you.

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lol bye then

Shut up you three oh my goodness. . .

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My colleague told me today that I've inspired him to start playing guitar again from having seen some of my posts on instagram. :3

First to post an original vocaroo wins

I just burst out laughing in public like a tard

look at that DEAN hahahaha

I thought you were out? What, bossman went to the porta potty?

Well, I'm happy for you. It's not every day the bossman shitting lets you get one more in, as I'm sure you know.


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Thank you for this and much appreciated.

well i think this thread went splendidly
>next up five /gg/uys for lunch

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>admits to not having a job

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dude whatever you do don't mention your dad because jcum will FREAK OUT

lol are you copying me?

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I feel as if I heard this roo before


Maybe the melody is just familiar

You actually copied me. Take a look at the archive.

back by popular demand

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Just checked you copied me. Look it up

Burden of proof lies on you since you made the claim.

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Ass to Ass - The Guitar.

here's my jazz improv "homie"

Wouldn't it be head to head?