I feel like I don't connect with music much anymore. It scares me...

I feel like I don't connect with music much anymore. It scares me. Certain pieces of music used to fill my body with the most visceral sensations I've ever experienced but lately, everything I'm listening to just never hits as hard. It feels like I've grown a tolerance to a drug. But I thought that something as fundamental as music would be immune to this intuition.

Anybody else experience this?
What music made you feel lately?

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Probably cause you listen to it so much dinky pants.

Dinky pants is code word for retard. Fucking retard, I hate you.

The thing is, I really don't. I listen to it probably for 1 hour about every other day. I used to listen to it way more a few years ago in high school.

Don't worry, I love you.

Sounds like you should try some drugs

Drugs make me anxious

You just haven't found the right one

acid bruv

sounds like you need to get exploring and find some out there stuff unlike anything you've heard before. it's worked for me a few times.

Yes. I've experienced this off and on more and more as I get older. I've brought it up on here before and people don't seem to get it. But yeah, you're not alone.

But sometimes the more visceral feelings, as you say, come back and music hits harder. But it does not happen nearly as often as it used to.

Ketamine is pretty neat.

I feel this way about my favorite band but I know it's because I listened to nothing but them every day for nearly two years straight...I haven't really listened to them as vigorously as then, and the music definitely doesn't hit the same way. But I think those specific albums resonated with me so strongly because of where I was in life.

Maybe you need to get out and make some new memories with some new music.

Anxiety can sometimes be an expression of something within you that is being ignored. If this is the case for you, you are cut off from yourself and certain emotional faculties. This kind of muted existence could certainly lead to music losing its potency or ability to provoke feeling. Ask yourself honestly if you are doing this and address it if so.

Going to Tokyo in June. Hopefully that helps. glad I'm not alone
thanks brother

If one were to feel they were doing this how would you even go about addressing it?

Time to drop the monkey beats and start listening to classical like an adult.

Any recommendations?

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I get where you're coming from, but it's really not that. I'm constantly listening to new music actually. I listen to music frequently. Like I said, the times music really hits me hard come and go but I've gotten used to going through periods where it just doesn't resonate as strongly. Then suddenly there will be a stretch of a few days to a few weeks where it hits really hard again. I've just grown used to it over the last few years.

But I've really never been one to over listen to any bands or artists. Even when I was younger and music ALWAYS sounded good I would make sure not to over-do it with my favorite albums because I didn't want to grow tired of them.


Either take a break and explore other forms of art, or explore new music and get out of your comfort zone.

I remember one day I was chllin listening to Rhoda on repeat and some radio station (college) guy came by and said NO YOU CANT LISTEN TO IT OVER AND OVER YOULL RUIN IT

fuck that - get into the consciousness of minimalism, tone row repetitions, the shit that leads to branca, sy, swans - if youre falling out, youre doing it wrong. change your consciousness.

ps I hope no animals were hurt making this thread.

take a break from music for a while, unless you get a strong urge to listen to something. in the meantime, find another past time you love

Therapy is probably the best place to start. If you're on your parents' health insurance, check to see if mental health care is covered. My plan covered up to 5 sessions which I took advantage of. I learned a lot of ways of navigating and processing my emotions from my short time with my therapist. Good luck brother.

the dog fly