this man right here will be responsible for the new sound of hip hop that is happening in 2019 and will be popularized in 2020+
This man right here will be responsible for the new sound of hip hop that is happening in 2019 and will be popularized...
are we supposed to disagree with you?
Hmmm thinking of saying the N word right now, not sure
If this dude is gonna get any kind of respect then my man James Ferraro deserves it more. He was doing shit similar to peggy, production wise, well before peggy was around.
Death Grips plus identity politics. There's better post-rap out there.
>super-referential hip-hop that is not lit but just clever and kinda fun
nah sorry
not really at all actually but okay bro you do you.
Where is it?
its boring and has been done better, its only experimental if you only listen to pop rap
i could see that, but I could also see something more akin to what City Morgue is doing right now being on the rise. I love both artists, so I really hope that both of their styles give rise to new genres over the next couple years
wow just wow. I guess you're fetishising his black skin huh bro? Better send yourself to re-education camp.
>taking JPEGMafia and James Ferraro seriously
>being an adult with a functioning brain
Choose one.
1539 N. Calvert is a pretty top tier song
i've been waiting for this
links please :)
Definitely has
oy vey
>thinking you have to take music seriously to enjoy it
>not being a pleb
choose one
Was this the first post-hop album?
this means we will have more fuck-crackers-kill-whitey-core to listen to!
>not realizing his ironic attitude toward identity politics
Not even close. That belongs to Divine Skyler.