Why is the left so obsessed with permanent face diaper mandates?

Why is the left so obsessed with permanent face diaper mandates?

Attached: face diaper.png (1321x851, 753.96K)

Because trannies dont want to see theur own faces
Inb4 rent

Then why the fuck do they care if other people are wearing it?

They want to destroy as much of the planet as they can in the shortest amount of time.

Attached: facemasksocean-702x363.jpg (702x363, 59.31K)

It's sad that people who defend this ridiculous bullshit are suddenly nowhere to be found


It's about control. Authoritarians crave control over anything else.

>a year or so

yikes. pandemics dont just go away over night. sorry to inconvenience you cleetus, but it hasnt really been that long unless youre a retard who cant remember last week

Because they're power tripping faggots. It doesn't matter how small or how petty the power trip is, they'll still do it because it makes them feel good.
It doesn't even have anything to do with masks specifically. It's about them showing up, yelling at people, bothering them, and trying to force bullshit on people. The masks are just a very convenient pretext that they use so people can't tell how fucking insane they are.

A year? We're 3 years into this now and more than a year with vaccines. There is no reason at all to continue these retarded mask mandates, especially on fucking planes. Enough with this bullshit already.