He's not going to die

>It ain't happening

Attached: Brian-Wilson.jpg (1000x601, 178K)


My dubs say otherwise

Attached: 1556083689454.gif (240x180, 3.39M)

He dies on June 30th, 2019. Dubs confirm.

anyone can get dubs

july 4th

you can't faggot

Oh, I can't?



dubs and he dies december 24 2020

Attached: the last thing brian wilson sees christmas day.gif (480x360, 3.8M)


Please pleb step aside. Watch

what a fag lol

i'm thinking of seeing the zombies and he's playing with them. are the stories i've heard about his awful live show true?

How does he have such a nice head of hair and I'm bald at 20.

their dubs confirm

baldness is a deformation of the soul

you right

Dubs and he dies next week

Attached: 400.jpg (585x331, 124K)

I hope his last words are "I was just fucking with you guys."

hell be fine

in regards to what? the schizophrenia?


He's been mentally dead for decades