What is the best way to understand the deepstate...

What is the best way to understand the deepstate? What collection of institutions/people determine the direction of the United States? Is it even real or is it an intangible Big Other?

>inb4 "jews" which is a non-answer

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It’s an Industry, basically

actuary tables help, very dense stuff though.

Like an abstraction from the work of MIC, finance, and Rand Corp types?

you do not know what you are talking about.

sorry you didn't beat the game

You cant, the AI of the Megamachine and Capital is impossible escape.

Eisenhower warned not only of the "military industrial complex" but ALSO the "scientific technological elite" who will control the flow of information and public opinion.

areas of focus should be:
Woke educators
Woke media
Social media sites/apps

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It's actually kind of boring.
If you've ever seen or been in a big corporate meeting, there you go.
It's all profit motivated. And the role of government is to create a stage where goals can be accomplished.
Which is to grow the economy, increase profits, and sell consumer goods to the global masses.

"big money"
that's all it needs to be

cow chicken pig grain natural resources hippies children and stars
I think i missed a few.

>Woke educators
>Woke media
>Social media

All of these are way further down the ladder. They are the results of capital pressure but not the ones who orchestrate the flow of capital

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So you think the "deepstate" is a Big Other? A fake emergence?

if this was perfect, but bailout and subsides have kinda fucked this up

always has been

Thats interesting. I definitely think this is a possibility but its harder to wrap your head around compared to pointing fingers at one org.

it is more progressive though it can be a woman too

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that's kinda the point
it's easier to point fingers at specifics institutions, but big money will then just move elsewhere and you'll be no smarter

it's the system
big money protects itself

doesn't even have to be anything nefarious about it either, when you get that much money/power in one spot, weird shit starts to happen to protect it

Yes lol. I mean, if you're wealthy, why not make more? Common interest, eh.

They just abuse taxpayer income to run the companies on more debt. thats why growth is so crucial. miss one quarter and the whole thing implodes.

As I understand it, it’s like a 4 headed dragon (pic related). Intelligence communities have infiltrated and control both parties, so they control the leadership and elections.

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Venezuela really opened my eyes to how quickly good intentions can really destroy well everything, 2015 was scary shit.

tell that to farmers,

This is the most gay and fake shit I've read for a month. And mind you, ive been reading articles from Russia

There is literally no “deep state “in this country, grow up and stop being such a fucking faggot

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So you’re a stupid right wing dip shit. Good
that means I can pick on you the rest of the thread

Farmers aren't corporations.

Lol I am literally not right wing. If you cant see past that dichotomy of course you can't see the bigger picture.

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Yes they are dumb ass, they’re almost all LLCs

Then why did you post that picture Sparky
Why did you get triggered when it was pointed out to you there is no deep state? I think you’re lying faggot

I agree that it isnt nefarious, but more of a invisible hand/ capital as AI sort of thing. With that said, there have to be at least a handful of institutions who have an extreme amount of influence in protecting these goals

Because always sunny is funny and it was a good response to your non-answer.

If you can see past the dichotomy why post something about liberal bullshit

"deep state" is a buzzword created by the corrupt right wing elite to keep their fanbase occupied. Just look at who's installing puppets, reducing your rights, implementing fascist laws, pocketing money from Big Corp, and you'll see what the real dep state is. You got it: Republicans.

Kennedy got killed for one reason only: he was about to reduce their power. Then Nixon and Reagan came along and strengthened the grip. Decades later, it was cemented by Trump.

agreed, I do not know where i was going with this. Think it was about farmers being paid to not grow crops and the rise of fields getting turned into cash crops then fallowed as an income stream. witch does not seem relavant.

ding ding ding ding ding ding

>ITT anons incapable of humor

There is no tangible difference between republicans and democrats. Both of them are controlled by the same capital AI we all are. The real power is in institutions such as the MIC, intelligence, and high finance. But my question is if this is the deepstate or if there is something else going on.

So you can’t even admit you’re a stupid right wing dip shit

The ONLY way is to understand that the 'deepstate' is just another republicunt LIE.
Just like Obamagate, Hunters laptop, critical race theory and all the other republicunt LIES.

Im done arguing with you retard. Stop with the right wing / left wing dichotomy as if it really means anything at all.

Yes there is you stupid Trumper. Democrats don’t ban Muslims, kick transgender is out of the military, they believe in human rights, democrats believe in climate change, I could go on and on and you’d still be posting like a fucking faggot

Oh fuck, OP’s he’s really gonna be mad now

Only right wing retards believe there’s a deep state

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OK frogposter

Fields lay fallow to regain nutrients lost in growing. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s maintaining soil quality.

You don’t believe in climate change? Let me guess, it’s still hot in summer and cold in winter where you are so the world climate can’t possibly be changing as it has many times over millions of years.

Where did you get that impression? I’m a Democrat. Democrats believe in climate change. Republicans don’t. Right there is a major difference between the two parties, don’t never post that stupid faggot shit again

I believe 93% of it ngl. It’s actual schizo territory that does draw on that line but I think it’s the truth. But so do people in psychosis.

T girlfriends dad was in the Air Force

Sesrch for neo reactionaries writings

Republicans dont believe in climate change, democrats do nothing about climate change. Makes no difference, President Xi plz save us

>Limited Liability Company
Is not apublicy held multinational corporation.
Please go inhale car exhaust.

I just lost The Game

To that I'd add, "anyone who hires or pays others to lie on the internet, or is a person otherwise known as a multinational corporation not subject to the same laws as other people." I could go on of course, but there's so much more in Frontline alone that I wouldn't know where to stop. This is also apt, though it omits how the Democrats adapt by adjusting to the right, as Republicans push the whole system ever further to the Right. Hazlitt's comparison "the insolent Tory and the cowardly Whig" reminds me of how that works.

The best way to understand is this: Realize that the people behind the scenes are as divided as any group of people. Everyone wants money, power, and influence, and there are limited amounts to fight over.
>Lobbies of various kinds (NRA, etc.)
>The Military-Industrial Complex
>Big Oil
>Big Tech
>Other large corporations

Do evil shit happen behind the scenes due to the power struggle between such forces? Yes, naturally.
But that only serves to illustrate how ludicrous the idea is of a harmoniously operating "deep state" in which all of those forces work together against the people.

You were told to shut up stupid kid

Good description user

It’s still a corporation you fucking pseudo intellectual Republican dip shit

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I did not give you permission to post again.

JIDF going crazy today

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There are literally no Jews in this thread you stupid fat little kid

NSA then

Nobody’s clicking on your stupid faggot antisemitic pictures either fatty

Ask your mom to get your therapy for your undiagnosed paranoia faggot

a cabal of people who have immeasureable influence in the factors that determine the direction of a country, such as manipulating the market by being in control of monopolies, shifting the public opinion using new media, amplifying and muzzling certain voices by owning social media, lobbying in lawmaking, reaching high ranks in security agencies (how the jew cia killed kennedy), etc.
They do not necesarilly hold the names that you'd think are hte people who rule the country, like the president or prime minister, but they are behind and all the way around them

I won this thread you stupid fat little kid. If you ever try posting this shit again you’ll get rekt