>you wake up
>He is the President of the United States of America
Wat do?
>you wake up
>He is the President of the United States of America
Wat do?
start abusing poppers to chase the ever elusive sissygasm
start the german communist revolution of 1918, only 2.0 with trannies on twitter calling him hitler
I'd probably try to figure out where 'le timelines' diverged.
Considering Hitler would be mega dead by now, that probably means the Nazis cured aging/death.
Maybe this world is better for their existence, not because their ideology was morally righteous or even based in logic, but the absurd circumstances caused by their victory proved better for humanity in the long run.
I would probably try to reintroduce the ideals I value today into this new world, and we can keep the advancements they've made.
Get ready for work, and walk down the safe local streets with a skip in my step, whilst whistling a cheerful tune.
Find a crazy black bitch and start killing Nazis.
Drive to closest synogogue and unload my clip
pich myself and cry tears of joy
>not because their ideology was morally righteous or even based in logic
implying it wasn't