Rock Against Bush!

Rock Against Bush!

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Why did people hate Bush so much?

lol if only they knew what was coming in the next decade.... DRUUUUUMPPPFFF!!!!

Bush was just a poor-man's Pearl Jam

not even american but trump is the best president you lot have had in decades

Wait, why was every band on this thing washed up dadpunk groups from the 80s?

because his last name is Bush
because le war for oil meme
because screeching liberals are loud

Here here. The man is based. Only communists and idiots think differently.

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>1+ trillion debt on 2 pointless wars
>turn the ME into a bigger mess than it was already
>crashed the economy
all fake news amirite tho, dem libtards lolol #MAGA fellow pede

This stuff was so cringey even back then


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Yeah we know NOFX and Jello Biafra were dadpunk by the 2000s but plenty of more current groups were on there.

> I don't know how, but i'm going to make this about Donald Trump and dem pesky 'servatives that took mah jerb.

Daily reminder that Bush did nothing wrong

I'm a Canadian and we all loved him. He was funny. He seemed like a chill funny dude who somehow managed to become president and he was like "lol oh shit im the president? Sheeeeeeeeeeeit"

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and then obongo further destabilized the region with libya and syria intervention, bailed out the banker criminals, further vastly increased the surveillance state, creating the largest deficits in history

Id rather gwb live forever than have NOFX make another song

Weapons of mass destruction
Would also like to add trump is funny too but in a different way. He seems kind of like a dick but that's funny.

right, I'm sure anyone using the "screeching liberal" is not a magatard but an Enlightened Centrist™

She listens to this.

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With Bush at least they waited until he was 3 years into his presidency and had started a war. They put out that Rock Against Trump thing before the dude had even taken office.

So what you're saying is that this is a bipartisan problem, that both wings of US politics are hellbent on jewing the majority until they have nothing? Surely this must be a conspiracy theory of some kind, that should discredit it entirely.

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The War on Errorism [Fat Wreck Chords, 2003]
Unlike most punk lifers, they've always yukked it up, accepted outsiders, and thought about their feelings. So I was pleased rather than surprised to learn that they'd made their politics explicit. Their attacks on religion and hater hating are right on, and why shouldn't the guy who reads Zinn and Chomsky and then votes Nader be confused? Concomitantly, I was disappointed rather than surprised to find that the songs about their personal world are deeper than those about our political one. So I'm glad quadriplegic Nubs gets her impolitic two minutes. And my hopes for all humanity leap when a boy and girl fall in love over the vinyl they both own. A-

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>iraq war
>lied about WMD
>tax cuts for the wealthy while invading multiple countries
>torture programs
>illegal detention of US citizens

both the right and left in am*rica are imperialist dogs, the difference is that democrats are able to sprinkle on their support for fags and minorities so they look like good guys

> He still thinks political stances on a left-centre-right dichotomy have any meaning.
If you aren't looking beyond what they tell you to put faith in, you deserve to be blind. Your vote is meaningless and the elite have won. Good day, sir.

>white man burns house down
>black man pisses on the ashes

more like
>man 1 causes problem
>man 2 campaigns on being able to fix all man 1's problems
>man 2 was man 1 in disguise the whole time, but worse
dumb fuck

>pisses on the ashes
more like puts out the fire and then covers the house with gasoline again. he didn’t reform shit, Obamacare is a disaster for a lot of americans, he never closed gitmo. you only like him because he’s le cool smiling black man.

lmfao so Obama is worse than Bush because he didn't fix Dubya's mess. LOOOOL

this is your mind in Trumpism

people thought he was legitimately retarded and that exacerbated the negative reaction to things the legislature was doing at the time

no obama is worse than bush because he pretended to be something different while simultaneously acting exactly like him. that make him worse by defauly

obama didn't do a worse job though. sure he was a mediocre milquetoast neoliberal but he wasn't as catastrophic as bush. he wasnt good but bush was definitely worse, bush crashed the economy in the first place and started the war on terror mess

But even Bush didn't put gay pride colors on the White House or stir up a race riot every two weeks.


>stir up a race riot every two weeks.
you mean like Trump coddling with neo nazis and white supremists?

oh right, it's "freeze peach"

>stir up a race riot every two weeks
how did Obama "stir up race riots"?

>Obamacare is a disaster for a lot of americans,

it's far better than what we had before but what we really need is UNIVERSAL SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE

imagine unironically defending a united states president on Yea Forums

literally extortion and a shitty compromise to appease republicans
nationalize it or fuck off

>single payer
>pay for healthcare
No. Medicare for all, aka universal free healthcare. A person's health shouldn't be measured by a dollar amount.

>A person's health shouldn't be measured by a dollar amount.
Health care still has to be paid for whether it's government operated or not. Nothing's free, pal.

What's to like?

you know what they mean
>muh tax dollars
your tax dollars go to 50 aircraft carriers and foreign aid to a certain middle east country, i'd rather they go towards things that benefit the populace at large

patriot act

fuck america, fuck drumpf, fuck racism, fuck nazism, fuck fascism, fuck the KKK, fuck republicunts, fuck conservatards, fuck homophobes, fuck transphobes, fuck pedophobes, fuck cuckophobes, fuck cishets, fuck capitalism, fuck libertarianism, fuck corporations, fuck money, fuck mcdonalds, fuck white nationalism, fuck sexism, fuck misogynists, fuck islamophobia, fuck antisemitism, fuck christianity, fuck gun rights, fuck prolifers, fuck the NRA, fuck men and fuck white people

30% of US GDP goes to entitlements and defense spending just slightly over 3%.

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Thomas jefferson was an ancap

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Lol what.

He was a Republican, and he was president during the peak of the Democrat-alligned media apparatus. Not saying he was a good president mind you, he was quite shit, but Clinton and Obama were just as bad in most respects yet they got treated with kid gloves.

More like half of the budget goes to social security, medicare and medicaid

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Clinton's HUD department laid the groundwork for the collapse of the housing market.

same reason they hate trump but claim it's different this time

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did you translate it like that? not "both are cunts"?

Uhhhhh, what?

>the birther movement, the latte salute, his vacation days, executive action, "is he a muslim that wants to destroy america???"

>not even american but trump is the best president you lot have had in decades
This so much. My favorite thing about him is his loyalty and commitment to Israel.
So fucking based and redpilled.

Did Christgau eventually realize he had become a meme? Or was he never in on the joke?

he hasn’t invaded any countrys yet so he’s automatically better than the last 5 presidents

Hated Bush for starting two bullshit wars in the Middle East

Hate Trump for being a lying, demented sack of shit

>the birther movement
Democrats have their own version of this anyway, it's something about Trump being a Russian s00per sekrit spy.

>he hasn’t invaded any countrys yet so he’s automatically better than the last 5 presidents
Since when were the right wing against war?
You Trumpfags are such pussies, I swear.

The 2000s election was pretty insane. It was the first election i remember as a kid. Bush stole it by using the supreme court. Everyone hated him. Then 9/11 happened and everyone forgot about the whole election thing. For a small period post 9/11 everyone came together in their patriotic duty. But then bush started two pointless wars in iraq and afghanistan based on made up claims of "WMD"S. When they could no longer lie about wmds, they changed the motive to "Spreading democracy". And we have been at war since i was junior high.

Near the end of his presidency his poll numbers were at historic lows, even republicans were starting to turn on him. And then the world economy collapsed and obama got elected

Us older people are looking at you sjw zoomers who hate trump and its like, hahahahah, you dont know true evil

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im not even american you weirdo

I hope you're not voting for Biden then

i hate trumptards but anybody being anti war and anti-imperialist is a good thing my guy

>Bush invades Iraq
>warmonger!! criminal
>trump doesn’t invade any country
the state of you

Lmao fuck no, jesus H christ are you serious.
I'm not that guy but for me personally this is how I'd vote
1. Sanders
2. Gabbard
3. Yang
4. Trump

>dude Trump is great
>not American btw
Why do you fags do this?
Nice try, but I voted for Bush twice.

>Since when were the right wing against war?
What sane person likes war? That's not a left or right thing.

why do i have opinions on things? i don’t know. why are americans retarded?

Give It All is the best song on it.

Oh yeah, bush also used 9.11 as an excuse to expand the surveillance state and spying on people

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yep, patriot act and expanding the nsa was another cherry on top the shit sundae

Hillary promised to start World War III with Russia if elected.

I honestly think the marginalization of rock music in favor of "poptamism" was a government psyop, rock was the only one who had the balls to shit on the goverment

I mean, after trump won you have these pop idiots running around not knowing what to do and scared they might offend an audience segment

so you hated bill and hillary too?

also if you are right wing dont defend bush, dude is a centerist neocon piece of shit

trump to me is hilarious, like i dont get why people get so worked up about him. Oh nooooo he did a mean tweet :(

Might have something to do with people in his campaign frequently making contact with Russian operatives, Trump's tendency to praise Putin despite Putin's history of anti-US rhetoric, the fact that Russia actually did use their resources to influence voters through an online propaganda network that spread false information about Trump's opponents, Michael Flynn's known connections to Russia and Trump's decision to fire Comey (the guy investigating Flynn), etc.

And of course the Mueller Report confirmed that Russia did attempt to engage the Trump campaign, and members of the Trump campaign reciprocated, just not to the extent that any action resulting from that engagement impacted the Trump campaign's ability to attack Hillary (though not for lack of trying). And Trump himself was worried that his campaign's interactions with Russia might have actually been criminal activities, which is why he worked so hard to snuff out the Special Counsel's investigation the entire time it was ongoing.

So, if Trump did nothing wrong or had a clear conscience the entire time he insisted on his innocence, why do he and his administration keep acting so goddamn guilty?



>bush also used 9.11 as an excuse to expand the surveillance state and spying on people
Uhh I'm pretty sure, Obama, Hilary Clinton and George Soros did that.
Hold on, let me go fact check on r/The_Donald.

he pushes for big business capitalism like any other republican so he gets the obligatory hate for that. the additional hate is because sometimes he wink winks nudge nudges to racists with his remarks

Incubus fell off the radar after they made this

republican bad! democrat good! ooga booga!


Literrly everyone in both parties are capitalists, also i, little zoomer, i was the first generation raised on the internt and all i can tell you is, maybe you should stop being a double nigger

there are no republicans or democrats, there is only rich and poor.

Politcs is not a sport but sjws and alt right sure do act like it

He's funny, but me makes me embarrassed to be an American.
We could have an intelligent Republican President instead of him.
>underage is a Trump supporter
Every time.

If Sanders picks Kamala as his VP, he's winning. I'm convinced of that. He'll have the minority/female/SJW vote on lock.


Politness and decorum are bourgeoisie. I love that he is mean i love that he is ruining all their plans i love that he cant keep his mouth shut.
Fuck you rich fucks

>acting like a neanderthal is okay because it justifies my low standards for leaders

ok lol

so original

>Fuck you rich fucks
>while he supports a greedy rich fuck who calls him an idiot right to his face
really activates the almonds

wait a minute
this isn't a music thread with a politics mask, it's a politics thread with a music mask!

Literal meme human. I bet you smoke weed, watch Rick & Morty, and follow I Fucking Love Science on Facebook.

>he thinks trump is rich

why do you think he won't reveal his tax returns lol

memes are good, user.


>NOFX should campaign for George W Bush: albums like The War On Errorism (Wreck Chords, 2003), that seem out to prove how incompetent anti-war supporters are, would convince even the ultimate skeptics that Bush is right. Anyway, for what it's worth, the music is innocuous and charming hardcore for aging punks, that occasionally unleashes irresistible jokes such as She's Nubs, The Separation of Church and Skate and Decom-posuer.

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He passed the Patriot Act.

They virtue signal it as a positive, then the moment he does launch a full scale war, they’ll say he’s being bold and strong. Also he has tried regime change and a war in Venezuela, he just sucks at regime change, like with everything else

>And my hopes for all humanity leap when a boy and girl fall in love over the vinyl they both own.

I can't stand Christgau, but that's a legit wholesome statement

At least it keeps the political retards occupied for a bit

People fucking loved Bush, are you kidding me? He was basically Donald Trump without the retardation and embarrassing losing business record

I was in high school when the US invaded Iraq, and I remember lots of people [in my red state] being genuinely excited about it. "We're kicking their ass!!!" They talked about it like it was a football game. Lots of otherwise sane people become hawkish under the right social/political climate, which is why the world is always at war. It's human nature.

All the Trumptards who are old enough here pretending to dislike Bush when they cheered for him almost as passionately as they cheer for Trump. I guarantee, except for the young alt-right poltards, 95% of Trump supporters supported the Iraq War and all the establishment bullshit Bush did

You know we had another president between W and Trump, right?

>i love that he is ruining all their plans
Hahaha you really think Trump winning wasn't the plan all along? The guy is friends with the Clintons.
The whole idea was for him to win and make the entire right wing look like retards.
He'll be impeached, or he'll step down on his own and then the Democrats will control America forever.

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Dick Cheney got more power than most vice-presidents for good reason user..

>run a story about russian collusion investigation for 2 years
>report is released
>there's no collusion
>democrats and media keep harping on about collusion and russian meddling
>there's no collusion
>democrats still trying to oust trump three years later
>The whole idea was for him to win and make the entire right wing look like retards.

111th post best post

>Trump coddling with neo nazis and white supremists
>daughter is a jew

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the legend

So you hate anybody the MSM tells you to hate?
At least in the 90's the people on the side with the democrats didn't believe the press. The situation has clearly reversed since then.

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>all fake news amirite tho, dem libtards lolol #MAGA fellow pede
Wouldn't the people you're mocking (wherever those people are since I'm not seeing them) be anti-Bush though? Because he shit talked Trump which ticked off the Trump fans (or rather what ticked them off was how the left suddenly became pro-Bush overnight) and made him a darling of a lot of people on the left?

People hated the "war on terror" and we still do.
It's an excuse to restrict people's freedom.

>not right wing

Texas man bad

He literally hasn't done anything.


Iraq war, war on drugs and generally any complaints about the country was being run

>there's no collusion
There obviously was, though.
Go back to r/The_Donald, fag. Not even /pol/ like Trump anymore.


YES YES we wouldn't want to offend any third worlders haha. We need tolerance NO WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST

Democrats are literally communists.

America needs universal gun care
Once everyone has a gun the citizenry needs to execute all politicians no matter their affiliation, anyone making over 300k a year, and all Jews.

Definitely not


No, I don't know how you were able to logically jump to a conclusion like that from the information provided.

the 2000s was great compared to the shitty 2010s

here is mindless self indulgence predicting social justice warriors

Christgau BTFO

The republicans and democrats are basically the same thing besides a few cultural wedge issues. I want you zoomers to turn 30 already and realize that there is no hope besides a bloody revolution or the end of the world

when will people realize there has never been a good president

What about George Washington, I think we can all agree he did a decent job

we're ok then

There was one and his name was James Garfield thank you very much

This. Even if you are a leftist who loves Obama you can't really deny that not much changed under him. At most it's small changes that hardly effect your life over the period of decades

All presidents have had the same boss

the first thing obama did while in office is bail out the banks and squash occupy wall street. Then the media became super corrupt and ignored anything bad he did. Also liberals became mentally ill sjws obsessed with identity politics. Which created the reaction of the alt right. Which trump surfed to the white house.

Now you are here

thank god the internet wasn't as widespread in everyday life as it is now back when he was president. It would be unbearable.

nuh uh

intersectional shit existed well before occupy and helped occupy implode. will slowly kill this dsa horseshit after the election too

the alt right isn't a grassroots thing either federal law enforcement has to prop up the majority of these racist orgs/movements

obama did do a bunch of questionable shit
the media has always been propaganda

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And that’s the best you can hope for out of the Great Satan.