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Other urls found in this thread:


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rip xiumin's beautiful hair

Attached: image2.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

any chen2bros in

that's a horse though


Attached: D58MEFHUEAAXci8.jpg (571x1023, 66K)


Attached: banner.jpg (300x100, 27K)

Attached: 1554063095653.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Attached: DeMRnoPU0AEYCP-.jpg (1096x1496, 463K)

shut the fuck up


Attached: 1555722208308.jpg (1500x2000, 943K)

Attached: 932909064.webm (862x1076, 991K)

Cutest girls in kpop

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Attached: 1556308034526.webm (1920x1080, 961K)

another day without a kgf

Attached: tfw.webm (600x252, 79K)

egg did it well too

Attached: DNt2Vx4UMAAIChV.jpg (1364x2048, 164K)

Attached: 여자친구 GFRIEND TODAY - #20150819 Happy Birthday Yerin, Umji!-GUKx2Os0IOk-[01.11.271-01.18.078] (814x800, 2.76M)

yikes, how does jennie look old?


>have blackpink folder
>its all jisoo
based me

Attached: D1LUE4XU4AAyUiM.jpg (1024x683, 53K)

if he’s coming back during winter next year do you think he’ll make it in time for exo’s winter album by then

Attached: A23E7D80-79A3-4773-A4D4-070BD88D5BC1.jpg (498x750, 90K)

Attached: 1556153252726.webm (214x830, 1.19M)

based korea waking up

Attached: melon.png (2188x176, 77K)

>Not having a folder for every member

fun fact: this girl has the most ticklish feet in korea

there might not even be a winter album next year since last year didn't have one either

that's probably the peak

i love her so much...

Jeongyeon's thighs

cute fetus exo

Attached: 12783494_181682035545659_1133197871_n.jpg (810x810, 83K)

Attached: 1555514800171.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

who's more sexually inadequate; jimin or xiumin?

Attached: 5414BFA5-F8FC-4064-B9A4-E82387BF5336.jpg (1080x1080, 214K)

Attached: 46161492_798121110519108_3892363629728574001_n.jpg (1080x1920, 145K)

thats ok its a huge improvement

any sharkman in

that would be nice for maximum comfy

Attached: 008.jpg (3000x2115, 906K)

aren’t they both turbo sluts


Attached: 49907122_104746753892850_1592994245343925594_n.jpg (1080x1080, 45K)

he will do another egg situation where he comes back with his egg hair still freshly cut during the comeback like what happened during universe

go buckies

Attached: 236c8cd774fb679e8d72a23ee07d0af06d705471r1-770-1026v2_hq.jpg (768x1024, 39K)

post her ass you cowards

dont listen to that other guy
xiumin is not a slut

do you know the peak for remember me? but yea, it's better than how i thought it was gonna do

no clue, they both look like it's physically impossible for them to make a girl orgasm though

Attached: D6AOKDNUIAEBEdi.jpg (961x961, 225K)

jimmy gets pucci easily
and maybe the D as well

Attached: bts_(62).jpg (1600x2400, 300K)

>friend wants to check something on my phone because his died
>give it to him
>remember that I have thousands of pics of female korean gooks saved there
>nothing happens because I just made that up
>I have no friends
>there was no phone
>I stare at the ceiling of my bedroom

me on the right

Got the wrong redhead chingu

Attached: E94F3455-4511-47EE-915B-CF8A23713AB7.jpg (1080x1080, 228K)

sexual inadequacy doesn't mean can't get girls, it means they're useless but they have tiny penises

Attached: slug33.gif (500x500, 3.36M)

Attached: 1543669706683.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

me in the back

i liked rv, but kpg is slowly ruining it for me

Attached: 1556586712773.png (971x689, 1.24M)

girls day did it better

Attached: Hugs2.webm (768x432, 2.93M)

Attached: dub33.gif (449x432, 1.35M)

Attached: yeji19043.webm (624x660, 1.15M)

yeah it's because of 2 inch dicks
you have to rely on taehung or sehun for that

Attached: 366b0f9d2b5fbf3dfe34c619c6702891.jpg (480x552, 55K)

Attached: B5612C8D-C0B1-478A-9139-8E61B9C736CB.jpg (1080x1345, 119K)

i forget but i remember it dropping out of the top fifty really fast and then just hovering around the 80s for a few weeks


>useless but they have tiny penises
useless because*

Attached: DzA4c7aUYAIvaeB.jpg (1080x1080, 315K)

For me based on volume it's Jennie>Rose>Jisoo>Lisa. Jennie is best for making people mad as fuck

Attached: 59998461_133774241065564_4838772253810385663_n.webm (480x480, 1.12M)

give us this day our daily dubu

Attached: Kim.Dahyun.full.70764.jpg (1400x2100, 498K)


very true fren

Attached: D5urQNSUUAAlJPD.jpg (640x426, 24K)


at least you're not this guy right now

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i can never predict korean tastes

literally can't tell who you're talking about

Attached: 1545766545653.webm (774x1238, 2.71M)

me horny

Attached: 1556837980112.webm (800x1288, 2.89M)

wtf i love the dodgers now

Attached: D6AoOvXUcAAI8LN.jpg (2048x1364, 414K)


i only like Jisoo

Attached: Dx77ZvuUcAAJ1Gl.jpg (800x1200, 141K)

does anyone in bts like playing sports?

gonna enlist for solidarity for our soldier boy this year

lol jk

which twice are talented enough to produce decent music?

BASED fuuuuuckbro saving the thread once again

Attached: itzy8943.webm (1280x720, 949K)

i'm not sure

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BASED and ASSpilled


Attached: 1557310670708.jpg (2184x1466, 493K)

Jeongyeon and Jihyo

which kpop is this

why is jisoo such a slut, bros?

guys im bored.
what do?

Attached: at airport.jpg (800x1200, 163K)


suga likes sports. his stage name comes from basketball (shooting + guard = suga), the hyyh intro is about basketball, he plays ball in the danger video... im sure there's other things

fap to tzuyu

this but with Yezi

Attached: (EN_日) 수영복 하울 EP1 [소리]-d_2dxLrEZhs-[10.43.877-10.52.886].webm (684x1080, 2.6M)


why dont we see more people attempting to be kpops like chad future?

she is pure

Attached: 1555590859504.jpg (634x1111, 340K)

BP Jisoo is pure

Attached: AEC57D67-AE38-4D35-BC10-0E2E426270FC.jpg (1080x1350, 100K)

oh jisoo

Attached: [4K] 180506 삼성 베어홀 팬싸인회 러블리즈 미묘미묘해 직캠-wdU7_MFzohU-[00.12.344 (804x1080, 2.93M)

sori is so hot

when bacon posted a picture of his hand, what did he mean by that

Attached: hand.jpg (1536x2048, 333K)

this but with Yeji

Attached: D6FLRBdUYAEH3ex.jpg (750x933, 160K)

he did it for the handbros

nice, you even thought of the foot fags


Attached: 1555282258117.webm (1280x720, 2.49M)


it was for that palm reading thing

based 80's bikerfu's

i hand mog him

pit whore



hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng, she's so fucking breedable. I hope she likes white guys.

Attached: 1553818577578.jpg (1080x729, 54K)

imagine giannis piping our waifus

Attached: 1525616128931.webm (608x1080, 1.34M)

based and handpilled

Attached: 38140707391_712960b079_o.jpg (800x1200, 650K)

looks like he’s dead

>letting a hive of autists decide what you like

Even bpshills have stronger spines

That's just the hand he faps with.

Giannis is a scumbag piece of shit

bp pimping out jisoo while she sits there nodding, not understanding a word.

haHAA fuuuuuk xdd


shut up moroni

Attached: hit anon.webm (800x424, 577K)

Jisoo is p short irl desu

Attached: 5622DB6C-DE83-4DD0-B87E-FC9FA160EE33.jpg (1080x1080, 130K)

really like her tiny tight petite frame
imagine how she must feel
would dick dent her into the future

itzybros+jisoochads+fuuuuuckbro saving the thread

t. seething celtbricks fan


Attached: BIG WHITE 21.webm (770x720, 2.89M)

knicks fan actually

she understands english, she just cant speak it well and she's insecure about her accent
that's hot

Attached: D5qC2XqWwAABTkP.jpg (800x1200, 157K)

me and tae

Attached: 1556313649893.webm (1326x1080, 2.81M)

*breathes in*

Attached: 49e957e451f430ac47023c309f063317.jpg (473x466, 20K)

any kpop like this

actually yes

based suga

daily yeji

Attached: 19.gif (400x348, 2.79M)

We are getting KD shut the FUCK UP

Attached: 1552972994426.gif (1226x953, 394K)

comfy is just a code word for boring dbh

my what long legs you have

Attached: D6EPUYnUYAAU9Vz.jpg (1536x2048, 599K)

prettiest girl coming through

Attached: f644854376c6ab5bd89312f71a03a1eb15bcc03e.webm (744x750, 2.72M)

i just photoshop this dude into some pictures to waste time

Attached: sana+dubu.png (1526x1100, 2.43M)

Kdrama starring Jisoo when?

Attached: D83EDA06-C158-4AD5-A5AF-13A073DEBC46.jpg (1080x1349, 197K)

>dressing like that at the airport
oh no no no

I have listened a lot of artist like Radiohead, My Bloody Valentine, The Drums, Portishead, even I listened Beastie Boys and Tyler The Creator, but this is a totally masterpiece, because is totally original and I guess that nobody can play a classic like this artwork? Honestly the best songs Kpop has to offer

>welcome home, baby. would you like a cold sprite?

Attached: jisoo....webm (1920x1080, 2.79M)

crikey stop blocking the lane

me on the left


Attached: C_PHOezW0AA6Ss9.jpg (1200x675, 150K)

I forgot that Dallas wasn't East time and I was looking for streams like a moron

Attached: 42.gif (250x250, 3.15M)

Attached: 1552182415106.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

Attached: egg touch.jpg (1080x808, 127K)

yea but instead of sprite i want a bottle filled with your urine

why is the ugly one more popular?

Attached: jisoo.webm (1920x1080, 1.68M)

our next egg

Attached: 1557361837450.jpg (1000x1500, 457K)

where? is she behind that fugly horse?

VIP Gold or Silver?

Thought the group photo with Twice would be one on nine, but you're with 8 other people and you take a group picture

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Attached: 1553567331997.webm (744x1330, 2.68M)

baldmin is precious

imagine sucking their toes

all i want is somi solo debut

Attached: somi_cute.webm (640x1136, 2.75M)

both suck dbh

there's only one egg

but the Hi Touch though

Attached: 1554620678803.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

Attached: eggs.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

You just touch their hands for like 1 second

wow she looks good here

nope there’s two now

Attached: an.jpg (1125x1586, 147K)

no ass

Attached: DvuMHTxUwAE-FeW.jpg (1200x1800, 169K)

please i need it, im feeling vv anxious these days

Attached: post_somi_faggots.gif (268x414, 1.9M)

but he has a big d which is all that matters

enough time for me to nut when I see Nayeon and the rest

i have a few theories. she doesn't appeal to YAS KWEEN GRILL POWER like the others, she's classically beautiful instead of some unique doofy shit, and she doesn't talk in English so she's the least marketable to western thots

all this does is reinforce that Jisoo is the male choice though. its really kind of a blessing. she's such a sweetheart and she'd be a top tier wife and has an hourglass body, she's made for men.

Attached: Dr1kf3YVAAAVuCO.jpg (801x1200, 116K)

Kyungsoo is the only one with an ass anyways

somi can (and will!) GET IT

stupid exokek

Attached: 1516221443168.jpg (1024x792, 97K)


Attached: sommiii.jpg (960x960, 129K)

>nut when I see Nayeon

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Attached: DvuKpQ0V4AE6DUd.jpg (1200x1800, 262K)

i don't get. what's the big deal? it's basically the same thing we do here. share pics of our waifus


Button spotted, delete this.

i miss his thighs

Attached: bts_(24).jpg (1600x2400, 313K)

Attached: bestrapperofalltime.jpg (800x1200, 70K)

powerful belly

>We are getting KD

Attached: 1555829429644.jpg (1365x2048, 488K)

Wtf I just read this in Rosie’s voice in my mind

Attached: A84B2263-A23D-4BC1-892C-2E7748404C51.jpg (1080x729, 71K)



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doesn't monsta x also have one of the best vocalists in kpop?

Is that a metaphor for being drunk?

taking a selfie with sana

Attached: selfie.jpg (1080x1080, 175K)

no he literally meant he is walking like a zombie

when you walk like a zombie

BWL flopped kinda

you're mother fucking right we do. kihyun's voice is like crack.

Attached: D13b6YzUcAAI4np.jpg (900x1200, 139K)

Imagine being a celtshits fan right now

i wanna be inside mina's butt and jihyo's jihyos

>enough time for me
mite b kewl

i keep mixing up his name and suju’s kyuhyun and they’re both vocalists

yeah and he has like 75% of the sung lines in their entire discog, kind of based

Attached: 5789D74B-46C0-497C-B75F-FEA7B83784E8.jpg (1080x1350, 106K)

i feel bad for that girl that died but why are gooks so fucking stupid? who the fuck parks in the middle of a freeway? i've never in my life heard of that

concert is supposed to start in 10 minutes and theres still a huge line outside

Attached: 1527969500735.jpg (1536x2048, 605K)

She did just park in the middle of a freeway.
She parked in the middle of a freeway and then left the car in the middle of the night where it is most likely pitch dark outside.

i dont say this to knock them, but they all sound generic as fuck. the only voices i recognize are kihyun and wonho. the rest all sound like kpop singer #1451384

ive been listening to monsta x for '16 and i still cant tell the difference between shownu, hyungwan, and minhyuk

Attached: D10KkqvXcAEG2h2.jpg (480x640, 57K)

this thread slow

Attached: 1553408957.png (828x827, 466K)

exactly. and it's not just one person that was that stupid, her husband was also retarded and didn't tell her to pull over. how do you get two people that stupid? it makes no sense

this orbit is gonna try to stream the concert apparently

heard some people had to sneak through the side at atlanta

Her husband said she stopped so he could pee on the side of the highway. My guess is domestic abuse and she tried to run

He must have known, he left to take a piss. Surely they didn't stop right in the center all for him to hop out and run to the forest

Big Bang songs are the only kpop songs I actually like desu

What concert?

she could have drove away so that doesn't make sense either. another car's dash cam does show that she did park in the center of the road, and he did exit the vehicle to go piss, so both of them were retards. it seems like something even a 8 year old would know better than to do. two adults doing that is insane

i really like minhyuk's color but he seems to have the agility and stamina of a chronic smoker so he never gets lines. hyungwon sounds like v with fewer dicks in his mouth. i love shownu but i still can't even identify his voice.

maybe watch more of their variety so you can get used to their voices more?

blackpink @fort worth

well yeah he was a retard for letting an asian woman drive

Is it wrong to "like" Itzy?

only their music specifically.

Yeah they got busted feet

while the rest of kpop is making songs for teenage girls they're making songs for preteens

still seething

Attached: D6C2cq6U0AAjm5U.jpg (1200x1800, 164K)

Attached: 1539365042058.jpg (640x960, 239K)

>When your mom says you can't actually BE the red carpet.

>Tried to run
>On foot
>When she is in a car
>In the middle of the freeway
That's a no dawg

shit feet, so yes

ohhhh gottem

She's beautiful

Of course I'm seethung. Kpg hyped up itzy feet. Once the vlive came around, all I got were ogre toes


Joy has such underrated feet because she's not as big of a footwhore as yeri


Attached: 1556849254808.webm (640x1138, 2.42M)

Given the hour which this accident happen, i am pretty sure the guy was drunk which explains his need to piss and inability to hold it in.

Yeji's feet are mouthwater, soft, and ticklish. FACT

already been 2 days since xiumin enlisted, time is going fast

Attached: d715dDj.jpg (1093x1440, 183K)

>Yeji's feet are busted

>kyuhyun is out the same day he gets in



Attached: socks.webm (848x1080, 1.89M)

post baekhyun pls

Attached: .jpg (802x503, 71K)

when did kpg become foot fetish general?

you do it

Attached: 006NoJTaly1fu2sbl3xbvj31bk1zc7nm.jpg (1712x2568, 345K)


Why are lazy eyes so sexy?

kek i forgot he tried to start his own clothing company

when it was first created

is nana still singing or just working as an actress and model?

Attached: streets.jpg (1080x811, 215K)

very true

Attached: D6B5hsdXoAAyw9n.jpg (1653x2480, 550K)

43 more days until Summer starts and we get some summer bangers.

Attached: 1532465023377.jpg (746x541, 43K)

isn't he the first one out of exo/bts to go? it feels weird the top groups are starting enlistment

Attached: D5vjkw5UYAEBWzm.jpg (1500x1000, 148K)


it’s pretty successful though

what difference does it make if yeji is ticklish or not? you'll never tickle her

we /newera/ now
suho might even enlist this year too

Attached: o_1clrhekfl1cik1nlhklqh5u1jc1b.jpg (1440x1080, 399K)

Attached: D6FkoblU0AAfG0r.jpg (1080x1350, 213K)

cute baekhyunnie

>$130 to look homeless
he is worse than kanye oppa

Attached: lmfao.png (1299x627, 581K)

You can only see like 2 of Yeji's toes, and they look good. Lia has some clapped ass feet though.
Yes I will, faggot


wblinks are cute

Attached: 1543086375126.jpg (1080x1350, 170K)

6 6 9 10 3

Attached: 1557205644787.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

i mostly see fans buying the sweatshirt/hoodie

Attached: prive boss.jpg (959x546, 56K)

they have a long way to go

Attached: 1545694775715.jpg (1200x1200, 325K)

>you'll never tickle her

exo got any of those left?


state of blackpink feet? we already know Jisoo's are perfect but what about the rest

More than your group

where are the pics or vids of these busted feet you guys keep talking about?

xiumin alone sold out the entire jamsil stadium in minutes

Attached: screen2.jpg (2048x2048, 368K)

10 10 10 10 10

jennie's are great
lisa and horsé have manfeet

jennie > chichoo > rose > lisa

Why does Suga like that baseball player

i mean idk it just looks like exo is afraid of being at the same award shows as bts for like the last 2 years

itzy mogging these two literal whos

>ITZY has busted feet
And dropped

Attached: 1554168140225.webm (1422x800, 2.9M)

he likes baseball

Attached: D6BbK6tVUAAGl-H.jpg (1534x2048, 502K)

gook mlb players are all heroes to koreans

Attached: 1529807541861.jpg (2627x3941, 833K)

Rosie's feet have been in 2 MVs now (PWF + KTL)

bullshit they're better than jisoo's, hers are among

sm’s decisions has no correlation with their fanbase

just yuna and ryujin

in awe at the size of this lad

i wish i could attend that fanmeeting

Attached: 8B0DF2D9-AF60-4771-A905-F92057BF6E9D.jpg (2047x987, 143K)

Attached: yooamyangelcom-1118121372046127104-img3.jpg (1280x1920, 426K)

BASED slugman saving the thread

don't samefag roastie

delete that

semen demon

best kfeet

don’t samefag slugroastie she’s the ugliest shit

i think sm made a business decision that prevented them from getting bodied by bts. Kinda like how YG refuses to have BP release a full album

Attached: 1534525710166.webm (1920x1080, 1.18M)


lia's are beyond awful

jennie's are not that great

Attached: jenniefeet.jpg (402x348, 26K)

Didn't one user fuck her

good luck actually getting one