Who's your favourite Jewish musician?

Who's your favourite Jewish musician?

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Robert Alan (((Zimmerman)))

lou weed, dunking on rap faggots from beyond the grave


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For me, it's Bacharach. Class act and a true Jewish CHAD.

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Blessed image

Hobo Johnson

Dave Mustaine

Amy Winehouse

Telefon Tel Aviv


The one in the oven.

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Mira Aroyo from Ladytron :3

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Annie is 1/4th Jewish

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Jascha Heifetz GOAT

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These two.

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Her qt jewfro :^3

just realized i look very similar to ezra, even down to the eye colour. is this a good thing? not jewish btw

Jonathan Richman of The Modern Lovers

let me guess. you're german? lmao

he cute and is dating rashida jones so yeah it's a good thing.

and are you sure you're not part jewish? many people are and don't even know

im like 99% certain. my lineage consists of french canadian catholics, irish catholics, and white south african. pretty small chance

There used to be a lot of Jews in France. Maybe your great-grandfather shagged a Jewish bird?

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>not phil spector
bacharach is an undeniable genius though

Spector is a fucking sociopath and a murderer. He's like 5'4" too. He reinforces all bad stereotypes about Jewish people


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Every artist you celebrate is only known because of their allegiance to the Jew industry, so you might as well just name them all

joey ramone

i agree. he’s still created some of the best pop music ever made

have you heard this? extremely underrated, never made the charts. sounds like a fucking opera though, it’s so majestic:

Sounds too maximalist for me, almost suffocating, but I guess that's kinda of the point

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probably just some extra anatolian megalith blood

know any other maximalist pop music?

>hitlers stache
What did he mean by this?

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None that come to mind right now, but that song gave me the same feel as when I listened to this for the first time youtu.be/KKisxbyZ9Dw

Must be all the guitar overdubs

This and Robert Zimmerman.


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he's a good christian texas boy

Leonard Cohen or Peter Gabriel.

>satirization intensifies

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Peter Gabriel isn't jewish, stop spreading lies



Gene Simmons

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