Joker night at the Drawthread Edition

Joker night at the Drawthread Edition

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Stay in discord ban all bots

Attached: ak47.webm (1920x1080, 565.93K)

Wtf is that Mario

Sony entertainment media recently announced plans to publish a new roleplaying game based on a series of young adult books called “Trinity.” While this announcement was being made, a young man named Kevin Smith was reading the books. Smith found a lot of disturbing material, such as homosexuality, pedophilia, and bestiality in the series. Smith then wrote a fan letter to the publishers saying that he should be allowed to review the book before it is published. They responded with a statement saying that they would have to consider releasing this book, because it contains offensive material. Smith is currently suing the publisher to review the book before it is published. This is all the more ironic because Smith is the creator of the TV show, “Arrested Development.”

The question one might ask is why Smith is pursuing this. What is he trying to achieve by this? In an interview, he stated that he wanted to prevent children from reading the book.

His face seems really young compared to the development of his neck and shoulders

I would rather live in a society where everyone is free to follow their own self-interests, making mistakes. It allows society to evolve and adapt to changes within it. It is not perfect but it is much more free than being locked in a world where everything is the law, and people are punished for having different views.

It is the job of the government to enforce laws, but laws need to be fair so that they can remain effective.

I don't like this theory at all.

What I want is a society where you are punished if you break a law or do something you shouldn't. But, if people aren't punished for breaking a law, then it breaks down. So, people can do whatever they want, whether it's stealing, cheating or whatever else, and the government will turn a blind eye to it. That's not justice.

so the mexican magician said he would dissapear at the count of 3 . . .
> . . . . and then he disappeared without a TRES

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Different user here as updated/added the height chart with the newly added drawfags while hopefully no one's missing in any other height chart I've missed

Haven't been around in a while; Bit tipsy; if there's any requests that tickle my fancy I might try and doodle them.
Warnings: I'm gonna draw on mouse with binary brush because I don't feel like grabbing my tablet, second, nothing too complex, probably nothing full body.

Hey there anons,if someone still here
Anyone can take request for any shit with Radhan from Elden Ring? Thx

Attached: ER_General_Radahn.jpg (1053x1617, 859.96K)


Is that the big dude with a horse?


The horse’s name is Leonard

I don’t get it

A piranha plant lamia, a snake but it's a piranha plant

collagefag here AMA

Why u gay

Sorry, I'm not whoever scruffy may be friendo.
I'm personally just someone who used to draw here many years ago, and just got tipsy enough to want to see what was happening around these parts again and maybe give a drawing or two.

(On a separate note, I'm using Yea Forums X because that's what I used to use, and it's seemingly failing to post, how to fix if someone can be so kind? Or if there's a new one?)

Well if you wanna draw Drunk go ahead

I play, Pot of Greed! Which lets me draw 2 Additional cards!!

(which 2 cards should it be???)

Attached: Pot of Greed.png (453x333, 11.68K)

requesting chimekeeper pitching an oversized jinglebell like it's a baseball

or her decorating her bell familiars like easter eggs

or her sleeping in a net hammock while her bells ring her a lullaby

or anything cute and clean of her that vaguely involves bells

Attached: Papryka 2.jpg (2520x2574, 1.78M)

Attached: petit3.png (798x1069, 675.4K)

Gotcha; sounds like fun. I'll draw the upper half.


Attached: work.png (828x584, 136.38K)

hi there

Attached: truepostal_concept__postal_dude.jpg (1192x670, 69.93K)

Jinzo and Wave-Motion Cannon

Attached: Assum.jpg (2132x2880, 599.89K)

what a powerful combo!!

Attached: I drew them.png (1031x408, 39.3K)

I want alisa to bully me

Based work user!

thanks :>!!

NEXT, I activate Graceful Charity!
I draw 3 cards and discard 2!!
(what should the 3 be???)

Attached: Gwacefull Charity.png (381x372, 12.21K)

Kuriboh, Dark Magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon (or how we call him in my region Sibirski Plavac).

Suck ass, fuck ass, eat ass

Worm Apocalypse, Zoma the Spirit, and Hungry Burger

Attached: Tb.png (724x792, 16.84K)

I realize since you're the only one who asked I'll probably spend a little bit more time on this; how's the face for you?

Attached: PHead.png (756x754, 19.83K)

Absolutely shit, you think anyone wants this?

Wow! What wonderful cards!!
(Invalid but silly hehehe)
Maybe during next draw but first!

I need to discard 2 cards, I've discarded 1 but one of these new cards have to go, which will it be???

Attached: I have to discard 2.png (1558x814, 111.13K)

Kindly picking Wave-Motion Cannon

looks nice, but lamias have a lot more love all over the body, other then the face, so maybe try with the body first

Piranha plants dont have faces, so looks off
Very pixel like

You're welcome!...

Attached: hdifRwandacan.png (1333x1111, 243.08K)

Aa yes, Wise move!

I discard Wave-Motion Cannon and play Kurioh and activate my remaining card, Multiply!!
I now have 5 Kuriboh tokens!

Attached: multiply.png (1686x597, 36.7K)

Ouch; but thanks for the feedback.
Absolutely, don't worry I was going to move down to the body after I had the face done, since the piranha plant is mainly head/face I wanted to try and get that down pat first
Yeah, I honestly agree with you that it looks off trying to anthro the plant, but I thought I'd give it a shot. If the original requester doesn't mind I'd definitely do my hand at a piranha plant with a snake body, instead of a lamia snake designed with a piranha plant in mind

I'm tired ty for the yugioh draws

Attached: 3 softies.png (960x496, 23.74K)

You said you would do only an half of the body, and the request literally reads as in "a snake or lamia with a piranha plant head on it" to me
Don't be drunk at 3 AM for this shit

Anyone played Master Duel here?

I have, been mostly playing a mix of burn/stall/timelords since just trying to get through levels to reach lvl 100

Amazing work on all the yugioh draws on thread easily


Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 6.29K)

I mean I'm not done with the request yet I'm still drawing it. I'd include the snake part of them from lower torso up, so half body.
Also if you're going to say literally, actually say what it said, "A piranha plant lamia, a snake but it's a piranha plant"
I was working on a lamia piranha plant, which is a humanoid snake girl. in this case designed with a piranha plant in mind; I said in my previous response I'd also make a normal snake that looks like a piranha plant if the requester wanted it, does that make sense?

But you are probably right, 3am is not the right time to be drunk doing this.

Trust me user, it's mostly just a timelord deck with a sprinkle of marshmellon and aroma jar in the mix

It's been fun and works well!! I play more fun decks that let my opponent do stuff but so then at key anime like moments!! I also play some older formats cause they are fun :3
Thank you so much! I'll try to continue this duel some time tomorrow hahaha
I'm Xugi Mogo

But then stop them at key anime moments* like mirror force and stuff!! I won earlier with a magic cylinder!! It was cool!!


Attached: Untitled.png (1046x854, 23.81K)

>It's been fun and works well!! I play more fun decks
Got two types of decks. Fun and competitive. For fun im playing toons, ag/trains and relinquished.

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ZZZzzz.... Hnh..? Th'fuck?

Attached: Noice.png (500x500, 124.42K)

Im glad you are having a fun time! It's what matters most, though trains are definitely not as fun or simple as the people that play them think they sound ;;
Fun is back and forth, it's a battle!! Hehehe I worry duelists forget that back and forth is important!

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sleepy drunk boy