Can someone explain to me why people keep telling me to listen to this garbage? Sublime fucking suck.
Can someone explain to me why people keep telling me to listen to this garbage? Sublime fucking suck
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I think they're great
give me some better artists in their genre if you think they suck, admittedly I don't listen to every song but what I got, santerea, summertime are bangers and carress me down is charming
>give me some better artists in their genre if you think they suck
I can't, Ska is the worst genre
Who even listens to sublime these days besides stoners?
nah that's nu-rap imo
A whole new generation is about to
>he cares about what zoomers listen to
Get friends with better taste
user asked who even listesn to sublime these days. The answer is zoomers, whats the problem?
I'm not a zoomer or stoner and I listen to sublime
one of my high school teachers was in the music video for Badfish, everybody always gave him shit for it
Hip hop
What do you like about Sublime user?
What is the appeal to you? Not talking shit, I like them too, but I smoke pot. That’s not why I like them though.
Self Titled and 40 oz to Freedom are legitimately good albums, the latter much more than the former. Get past your pre-conceived notions of it being "dude weed lmao" music and enjoy yourself.
>enjoy yourself
I have weird music taste, one time my stoner friend (who also does every hard drug known to man) recommended me sublime and been shuffling them ever since
wonder if I'd be into other ska bands if I checked em out
>I have weird music taste
average sublime fan
This is really bad