Here's a little boy who just received his first hormone 'treatment.' His Mom is a vapid, vain...

Here's a little boy who just received his first hormone 'treatment.' His Mom is a vapid, vain, hairdresser and a 'beautiful people.' She hangs out with others like her. Her son is constantly surrounded by beauty and simple laughter and camaraderie, and he thinks this is the good life and he wants to be around it all the time. He may not understand the ember of sexual desire burning the back of his undeveloped mind. So he thinks of it as wanting to BE a girl just like them. He has never had an orgasm. He has no idea of the potential of what he's about to lose, or the joy of fulfilling a type of love and emotional, financial, and life symbiosis most people have. He's going to be sterilized by his airhead Mom who can't or won't explain the male perspective on life, and she's having none of the talk from the Dad (she's thrice divorced at this point, because she understands how to work out problems in relationships).
There are no qualifications for becoming a parent.
There are enough doctors in this business that think of it as a business.
We're enabling the stupid to decide for the ignorant.
I think it's horrible.

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I completely agree.

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I am all for giving them hormones as early as possible. They grow up to become much higher quality fuccbois that way.

Embrace it, it's the future plus it's hot too.

If he wants to do it. I mean what the fuck you suggest someone do? Try to force your opinion on it.

>If he wants to do it
Do you
think that any child comes to this information and conclusion in a vacuum?

Some queer did something. Great.

bring that lil faggot to the ghetto

That's completely retarded. There's a reason why there's a certain age for consent, drinking, smoking, military service, voting, marriage (mostly), driving etc.

A kid shouldn't be allowed to fuck with their natural hormones until they're at least mostly developed. Regardless if parents are okay with it.

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No. Each of us learns from others. We have all stood on the shoulders of giants to see as far as we do, and at best we can hope for is to lift those who come after even higher.

In doing so we can ensure an adequate drop for the 42% that neck themselves after transitioning.

groomer detected

I remember this story. This happened in Canada, also the stomping grounds of morbidly obese pedo tranny Jonathan Yaniv.

To be clear, you think I'm a groomer, as in someone who is encouraging children to accepty transgenderism and even transition?

all that money spent on drugs only for it to commit suicide in a few years when it realizes it will never be a woman. what a waste of money.

Long hair = girl

to be clear, if you think "standing on the shoulders of giants to lift those who come after even higher" means going well beyond curiosity to provide entirely too much adult-level information and stimulus to malleable young minds, then yes i do. if that is the case your motivation likely selfish, which means you want to fuck children which means you condone transforming them into what you find most sexually pleasurable.

stop the world i wanna get off

Holy shit...

"In doing so we can ensure an adequate drop for the 42% that neck themselves after transitioning."

You are some sort of stupid, aren't you?

You aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, are you buddy? Might want to work on those reading comprehension skills.

This nigger gets it.

>"In doing so we can ensure an adequate drop for the 42% that neck themselves after transitioning."
you do that by not poisoning their minds and allowing them to figure out who they are at their own pace.

This sort of thinking gets you labelled a "domestic terrorist" in most western countries

I've already reported this thread to the FBI

Good, the femboys in 15 years are gonna be perfect

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we dont allow children to vote, drink, get married, engage in sex or pretty much anything that requires major life decisions and developed brains. I'm pretty far left, but I dont think children should be allowed to transition before puberty

calling the pro trans movement groomers is so fucking retarded because literally the entire Catholic Church is groomer bs, any religion is basically

i agree with you. that does not change what i said or what is going on in media, social media and social pressure at this moment in time. children are being bullied int transitioning well beyond their intent, nature and comfort.

Perfectly Said.
It is the worst kind of Child Abuse

you are too stupid to live. Please kill yourself.

Welp, at least it takes care of itself evolutionarily. This little kid ain't passing the bloodline on. It leaves place for real families to fill that role

be a good bro
and kill him

Thanks user, I feel a little safer now.
I'm off to the grocery store to follow around anyone I see not wearing a mask. Gotta make sure those anti-maskers aren't stealing anything.

not my problem

This decision to let this little dude do this will not age well.

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Why do you have a pic of a mtf boy on your computer?

Because, as always, OP is a faggot.

Age of consent bro look it up, you can get married in most states in the u.s. at 14 with fucking parents consent. Go fuck your self you sjw gaping butthole

Yes in fucking Internet. Also have you been to fucking public school?

Cool's all up so the parents ultimately

Kids don't know what the fuck they want. My fucking 7 year old nephew doesn't even know what cereal he wants in the morning let alone a major life decision.

I'd fuck it

If I'm too stupid to live would I be dead already? Then how would I kill my self if I was dead, you wannabe faggot furry slut

imagine thinking he won't be able to orgasm

Kek gud, end it all

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How so? just curious.

He kinda looks like Cali Doe

Autism runs in the family

She's going to have such a bright future. I'm so happy for her.

Is this the tranny hate thread?

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It appearing in public school is horrifying and is what OP is talking about.

Everything appears in public schools, you can't shild the world from children no matter how hard you try. They all have the whole fucking world in there pockets. In the form of a fucking phone. And all of fucking TikTok insta fucking snap is the worst and only kids use that shit. All it take is one degenerate kid to infect all the little innocent little lambs

dear god someone explain to me what the fuck I'm looking at

A stunning and brave trans penis

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That's an old pic. Here he is a few years later...
(yes, true story)
I don't have a current pic.

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We need more, that's prime femboi hole

Yea I need a name . . . or onlyfans

I don't ever say this but rent free bro. Go touch grass and be thankful the world is making boi pussy for your old age.

here's another one
been on blockers since age 8 or whatever
pp the size of a jelly bean
balls the size of a jellybean
will never be a man
will never be a woman

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Mom's changed last names a few times (whore), so I don't know what he goes by now.
Here's a little earlier I think, trying too hard.

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>boi pussy
Trannies don't have boi pussy you fucking biggot. Trannies have a normal WOMAN asshole right next to their rotting shit-leaking axe wound

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Actual pedophile, saying it's hot that a kid is transitioning.

I'd smash the fuck out of that bussy

Why do trans always have bigger penis than me?

Will his mom encourage to suck cocks in public men's rooms in a few years?

99% of kids are accidents. All of this is just breeding fines. The western version of one child per family.

Do you hate gays and blacks too?

Well all things considered and this being the interwebz etc. I hope the poor fuckers makes it somehow. Sucks that the changes are irreversable etc but so it having 3 of your fingers cut off by a hay cutter.

At worse maybe he and boys like him will be a warning sign to future generations. But maybe not. Maybe the "white" civilisation is done. A depressing thing. wish he had a dad in his life, or an uncle or any dude who isn't a hairdresser.

will never be a woman
will never be a man
will never have an orgasm
will rope "her"self by age 30

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only if she needs money. Maybe they will start a joint onlyfans.

>will never have an orgasm
Pretty sure that prostate is going to be slammed regularly bruh.

There was surgery done on that face. Does US allow non correctional plastic surgery for under 18year olds?

a damn shame

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the future will judge us

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I don't see any problems.
Genetic trash mustn't reproduce and increase of sex toys supply is certainly good.