Moon In June is among the greatest pieces of rock music ever recorded...

Moon In June is among the greatest pieces of rock music ever recorded, and similar absolute quality marks the rest of Third; why does this album not get more discussion outside of prog rock circles?

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cus people outside of prog circles dont have taste

Slightly all the time edges past it imo. Specially ratledges lonely as fuck sounding organ on the breakdown.

nice take, I can't decide on which pieces I prefer. that organ orgie on Moon In June (not sure whose it is) is also impeccable

It is said that wyatt swlone played the whole track of the album version

He was capable

Because The Soft Machine are a patrician band.

imagine being the single man behind that incredible contribution. that's musical greatness


Hot Take: Moon in June is actually the worst song on this album.

op here, I might agree with you in actuality, but that isn't saying so much—at least not to me—because i think they're all excellent

Out-Bloody-Rageous > Slightly All the Time > Moon in June > Facelift
They're all very good but if I had to rank them this is how I'd do it


I prefer Out-Bloody-Rageous actually. Moon in June I only care for the parts after minute 9

really an incredible album though

man i love out-bloody-rageous too, it is a masterpiece on its own. pic unrelated

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Moon in June is in my top five favorite songs period. It's so great at every moment and one of the best marriages of lyrics and music I have heard. The way the music progresses and morphs with the story is so great. And the last five minutes are so creative, unique, and wonderful.

slightly all the time and out-bloody rageous are better. all great songs tho

robert wyatt was a musical genius and also the best member of soft machine. too bad he was politically braindead.

based Scaruffi drone

Does anyone else unironically love Wyatt's voice? It's so nasally and thin but there's something really emotional about his singing.

This album is a gem.

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i do too, he sings with a delicacy almost comparable to cohen, but with an almost humorous touch. it was not at all what i expected when i first heard this album (it was my first time hearing wyatt or soft machine)

People who don't enjoy prog probably wouldn't like it.
Just because Scaruffi is the only way you know of a band or album it doesn't mean others are the same.

The Peel Session of Moon in June is completely off the chain.