Why aren't you having kids Yea Forums?

Why aren't you having kids Yea Forums?

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Because if i did i would probably end up in prison

bc i like having a life (theoretically)

They'd only live to be 10 at most before society collapses

nobody's paying me to have kids

i cant fapout a baby okay?

too fat to fuck

Because i enjoy my life presently, why fix unbroken things

ok troons

modern women and jews ruined the whole concept.

>rent free

>no preschool
>no healthcare
>no college help
>tax breaks for corporations but took away monthly child credit

Republicans are driving white families to have fewer kids and only the uneducated who are comfortable on welfare are having big families. Enjoy your non white ess educated country you fucking retards.

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>(You) ACK

Tell us, are these trannies in the room right now?

Kids are a pain in the ass

Yeah but if we help white families we would also be helping niggers and we can’t have that I’d rather someone lie to me and periodically remind me that I’m superior instead of helping niggers


I was a shit kid and I don't want to pay for my raising. Also I like dogs more.


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No free college, health care, or child care. The US is anti-kid.


She's thinking about BBC

That's fpbp with the extra b for the pedo angle

Assuming commies don't into pop control

the media told me that a straight white male was the worst person in the world for 10+ years. then, they promoted homos, as well going insane replacing all white characters with black people, and trannies are considered normal.

i almost feel bad playing the "i don't want to have a child in this world" card but it's almost feeling right.

Kys, you deranged tranny

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of course, that's always the weak way to go. even ugly fat idiots with diabetes and other gland issues like the fact that they go bald by 30 have kids with fat ugly bitches they find, and that genetic matching is horrendous but works out because they can afford it, and i have really decent genetics and will always have an owned house to live in, college degrees, never had a health problem, etc, but i just can't bring myself to care when the liberal world is so fucking lame.


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Un-fat yourself FATTY..
It is possible to walk past the grocery store cake isle you goddam bean bag oinker.

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Because I am busy doing something else.

I'm 27 and want kids in my mid 30's at the latest.
I would never fuck my child by being a senile old man with no energy to do activities.

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According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average cost of raising a child to age 18 was $233,610 as of 2015

Nah fuck that

they never developed past the toddler stage.
1. still live at home/ mom does everything
2. Buys toys and plays games
3. Incapable of complex human relationships

ah yes, you miss the times, when the tv only showed straight white men as real people and nobody else was represented

I'm broke as hell but my kids have thousands of toys so much that 40 out of 120 boxes last move were toys. Some mamas just blow money like crazy and the dad who earns it just has to shut his mouth if he wants sex that month. My wife gets them second hand for pennies. Clothing too at least up until 4-5 you can get shit second hand that still has tags on it and it's not rare at all.
Formula and diapers can get expensive but the Walmart Brand Parents Choice is just fine quality and cuts a chunk out of that. You can get a food processor for $100 and have it pay for itself in a month using leftovers instead of that crap they sell. (I tried it, it's horrible no wonder they get fussy)

My wife is pregnant with our first. Don’t rush me!

That's retarded.

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Cause I can't get pregnant. I got a set a nuts and a swinging cock not a birthing hole

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Where did you get this drawing of me at work?

Because I've got a 2 year old poop and attitude machine already. I hope the people at pink fong catch the biggest aids they can shove in.

I'm poor and lonely

I am. I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first rn.

I'm not with the mother of my child anymore and I haven't really even tried to find another girl I want to have another child with..

Forever alone *shrug*


Many reasons.
1. I don't like or want kids.
2. I don't want to be married
3. I have never imagined a future with a wife & kids, not a good one.
4. Shitty genes
5. I value my freedom, alone time, financial security, mobility, etc.

Because I'm virgin

Why aren't you?

Formula and pampers are fucking expensive. So are decent baby strollers. No thanks.

Because they're a sticky, expensive, pain in the ass. You're on suicide watch for 6-8 years, then a chauffeur for the next 10, if you're lucky. If you have a Yea Forumstard or retard (same thing) you're stuck with that fucker for life. Fuck that, I'd rather do whatever I want until I die.

Pregnant tits or GTFO, PAanon.

Yeah, where are the preggo nudes, PAanon? What, are you too good for us now?

Bump for pregnant teen crackwhore nudes.

That would imply that anybody here can pick up a woman to have children or could afford it

Yeh, tough to support a family on NEETbux.

because they're useless and not worth it

i only fuck femboys

Imagine having a kid that has to learn a trillion genders and pronouns, lived through Corona, faces WW3. It won't ask "Why didn't you do anything back then?". It will become a psychopath and sociopath and simply kill you at the first opportunity.

Eh, not entirely useless, you can put them to work on the farm.

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