"I'm the president of the united states. Even though I lie constantly...

"I'm the president of the united states. Even though I lie constantly, you peons should be grateful for every word that spills from my mouth. Because I'm the man...I'm the big guy. Plus I'm smart enough to realize I only have a few more months to wreak havoc and destruction on the US before I'm put out to pastures."

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Other urls found in this thread:


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shhh just breath

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>just breath

He's so fucking bad, it's peak clown world comedy at this point. Nobody legitimately could have possibly thought he would be a good choice, but man he is worse than even I could have imagined.

>I lie constantly
That was the previous retard.

Also, get your fuckign story straight. He can't "lie constantly" if he's a "senile babbling old man who doesn't know where he is". You need to pick a lie and stick to it you fucking morons.

Again, the clown criminal subhuman idiot is gone. We terminated him outright when we elected Joe Biden.

Keep coping and crying all you need to.

Shhh... shhh...

Name one thing that's better.


Lol great job, now everything is slower and drastically more expensive and our economy is in the shitter. Yay Reddit we did it xD

you can't possibly expect rational thought from these mouth breathing tards. This is Yea Forums

thanks obama

Nobody believes you. We all know you regret voting for Dictator Biden. You are just to pussy to admit you were wrong.
Man up. Cope

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All the right wing cope and seethe was worth helping to vote Biden into office.

it's pathetic to go after the most popular political leader in world history, you just end up looking stupid.


quick frens. before its to late.

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Election coming in 2024.
You will lose, again.

Your cognitive dissonance is showing.

Clown criminal subhuman who was objectively a better president.

Speak English much Boris?
Sad, stupid attempt asshole.
Putin will be pissed.

>objectively a better president.
so much better he tried insurrection to stay the better president


This isn't crescent fresh


Your retardation is showing again.

the irony. KEK!

Republicans would be living in a 3rd world country if not for democrats like Biden blessing them with socialist money. Bow to Biden you ungrateful human filth.

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sad but extremely accurate.

i also advocate that this troll has to be killed.
putin deserves better trolls.
@putin: choose better text warriors next time

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Look at this fucking moron.
Loves putin and russia and then posts bullshit like this.
Fuck off and DIE IVAN.

The experts disagree with you. ALL of them.






>/pol/ fabricated images

to late. damage was done. have a nice day.

That's fine. At the rate they're losing fucktards, they're going to end up drafting these web brigade losers into their failing war in Ukraine any day.

KYS you fucking traitor.
No one cares what idiots like you think.
Move back to Moscow shithead.

you sound upset. why is that?


I don't know how people can say with a straight face that Trump was worse than presidents who, say, started a fucking war in veitnam or had 40,000 Iraqi civilians killed by drone strikes under his watch.

You sound stupid. Why is that?

if i were putin, id dump you immediatley.

>you sound upset
you sound like you've latched onto an insipid phrase that you're going to ride into the ground

Everything Trump did was a success.

You are putin you stupid, lying shithead.
Just another republicunt traitor.

Trying to overthrow the government to be installed as a dictator for life is pretty bad, Yea Forumsro

Literally trump lol

Orchestrated and conducted an Insurrection to halt the confirmation of a democratic election, attacks on science experts, cozying up to vile dictators, doing Putin's bidding, spewing Kremlin-sourced false news, blackmailing Ukraine, weakening the G8, treating our allies like shit, 21,000+ lies in 4 years, his entire cabinet was nothing but a grifters and yes-men...

Posted by a republicunt asshole who swallowed ALL of trumps LIES.
Lying trump told 50,000 provable lies while in office. This record will never be beaten.

literally everything he did and tried was absolute failure.


I will vote for trump

Please kill yourself first.

Guys, please, is right there. This doesn't need to be on .

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You are a fucking moron

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My wallet and lack of raise to keep pace with inflation disagree with the "experts"

His foreign policy is also a fucking disaster. NK is shooting off again and Russia is steamrolling Ukraine and Biden pissed off the Saudis to the point the wouldn't even answer his phone calls.

Biden is a fucking decrepit embarrassment.

Lol seethe more. 2024 is going to be glorious.

Global rule 3. These are troll posts. You're retarded if you go into a political thread on Yea Forums and expect anything other than mentally ill troons, bots, and paid shills.

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I would have expected putin to come up with better trolls.
I hope he sets an example so that is not happening again.

Literal retard posting.

Seven more years, faggot

>My wallet and lack of raise to keep pace with inflation disagree with the "experts"

Attached: Anecdotal.png (1294x1125, 1.81M)

Oh, it will be glorious, alright. But not in the way your retarded ass thinks it will. :-)

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>Russia is steamrolling Ukraine

Shoe size IQ post

and almost as often they had to lend all the money but somehow it is totally unfair that they went rich on that.

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The ones that aren't retards are busy convincing grannies on FB that Biden is the antichrist. Yea Forums is low hanging fruit. They only come here to test new propaganda threads or plan operations with the stomfaggots.

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They aren't bots. They're shills. Bots are automated and post with no intelligence from a script.

These are actual morons posting constructed propaganda and impersonating members of other nationalities to try to persuade people to a pro-Russian stance.




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please putin, choose better warriors next time.
its getting really embarrassing.
I dont think anyone is making an effort here.
please replace with professional trolls.

Only problem with this "both sides are the same" mentality is that the "Red version" is objectively responsible for 90% of all the criminals, indictments, grifters, failures, economic crashes, deregulation, backwards thinking and negative socioeconomic impacts over the last 40-50 years.