Another mind destroyed by David Byrnes

another mind destroyed by David Byrnes

Attached: taken by Justin Meldal-Johnsen on Instagram.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

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It's a pretty good book

Do you think she finished it?


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imagine the person who took this photo

why do stupid women think theyre allowed to do this. Buy the damn books you stupid roastie.

omg quirky nerd xdddd

They're cookbooks, she's in the cookbook section, she's probably just looking through them to see which one has good recipes

Guys do this shit too. I don't know why people think reading in popular makes them seem interesting


If you guys hate women who pretend to read books so much, then why don't we talk about the book? You've read it, right?

god damn that's a big book. Is it actually such a chonker or is the font massive?

Reading is for fags and women.

she's just very smol

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that is one ugly bitch

>aryan beaut

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book looks encyclopedia sized in this photo

It's just a bad haircut

she's very smol. TINY. like bite size.

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Based, exposing disorganized thots
>Blocking bookshelves
>Sprawling books on the floor
>Tripping hazard
>Not just buying the book and reading in your study in a comfy chair with a whiskey and pipe

There was a viral tweet about it. She is an Instagram influencer who wanted to post a cute pic absolutely surrounded in cook books and just left me there like that

big font and plenty of pictures. It's almost reads like a textbook. You haven't read it?

better but still just a puffy billie eilish


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>whiskey and pipe

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notice how she's not wearing socks?

*tips jordan peterson merch*

Yeah, this, I burned through it in a couple afternoons. Some decent commentary on music as well as some neat autobiographical Talking Heads anecdotes. Someone's apparently put the whole thing on YT also.


sorry guys she hit the wall

the black brick wall you mean?

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How can you even begin to describe Hailey as puffy? Especially in comparison to chubby ass Billie Eillish

i actually did this once in Barnes & Noble with my ex girlfriend. i miss her so much

Is that book even good, I have it on my shelf for some reason but don't really care to read it.

OG pipe poster
Jordan Peterson is certainly not for intellectuals but only those who wish to posture as one without putting in any effort. Smoking tobacco while reading is redpilled, the whiskey is purely for pseud aesthetics I'll admit.

It's alright. It's your typical David Byrne autism, but there's some interesting insights in there.

It's pretty decent, more enjoyable if you're already a Heads fan.

Another poster said it's kind of like a text book and I do like the Talking heads, maybe I'll skim through it this afternoon. With my pipe, on the balcony overlooking the lake. My naive impression was that it's some ambitious attempt to fully explain the essential nature of music in some dense way. But if David ties it in with his musical career and has interesting anecdotes I can see it being cozy.

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ravioliposting is bannable offense

Sorry I thought that can was beefaroni, I swear

>Barnes and Noble
Ignoring the fucking cafes that are in every location, doesn't this chain usually have reading chairs?
Neat, I've been meaning to pick up a copy of this for a while.

guys what if she took her heels off and made everyone who walked by smell her sweaty smelly feet, wouldn't that be so gross haha

it's like the fat neckbeard who got ridiculed for posting a picture of a kid playing some videogame at walmart. you obviously won't get the same response because most people here hate women


this is her now after reading david byrne

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>posts a picture of her pussy
Another vagina destroyed by me

damn. did she have to kneel like that?

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She always does that when handing the mic i think
Saw her do it in a concert a long time ago too.

Wgen is she gonna drop a rap album?

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Kill yourself already fagglts