ITT: post your AOTY so far

ITT: post your AOTY so far

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What's some other top tier ambient from this year?

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probably this

Pic related is probably the album I've listened to the most this year. I'm listening to the new Foxygen album right now and it's pretty solid. The new King Gizzard is also really good.
This is also a really good pick.

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still gotta check this one out

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THIS is fucking nuts. nothing has even come close. might be best album of last 2 years with "Wide Awake!"

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gotta go with Sunn O)))
great to see them fully committing to a long analog drone album after a decade of up and down collabs

This is probably the one i've listened to the most so far.
I'm not sure why i like it so much.. it's something about it that gets to me on a special level.

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robert's my nr2

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Blow your brains out. I mean genuinely, just stick a gun nice and comfy in their and pull the trigger.

Hey this is good

The only thing ive heard is the new Twilight Sad and it was boring as fuck

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How? I live in a developed European country, so guns aren't easy to come by.

unironically this

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This along with New Moon by Kill Bill and Rav

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This is really nice thanks

Love this one and the new Weyes Blood but my favorite so far is the new Aldous Harding


shit last 4 fucking hours

>Weyes Blood
Did you like the Kacey Musgraved album?

based TR/ST bro

did not enjoy this album at all

James Blake is the only album I really enjoyed, although Weyes Blood was great too

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lol why are these related user

don't blow your brains out, because you probably mean a lot to your mom and dad.

however, you shouldn't seek any friendships or relationships, you're obviously extremely toxic and will probably lead those people to kill themselves with your off-putting desire to make violent threats towards people who have a different opinion than you

I'm not sure I just strongly associate them in my head for some reason and quite enjoyed them both

What a shit year for music. 2018 was such a legendary year in my eyes. Not like I fell for the hype with all the releases for 2018 but at lesst there was something to actually talk about then fucking weyes blood.

>2018 was such a legendary year in my eyes
2018 was awful. What were your top 3?

>a good year

Found the daughters shill

Agree with you completely

Stop bitching faggot

>not checking out AOTY

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based dorkcoreposter

you cant understand why this is AOTY until you listen to it, but its amazing

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Holy shit this album is incredible

Yeah I loved it actually. Both of them are just really well written while not trying to reinvent the wheel and it's really refreshing imo.

Suso Sáiz - Nothing Is Objective

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