Be female

>be female
>want to be a musician
>realize that all female musicians are whores

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>be female
>want attention
>tell everyone on Yea Forums how female i am

To be a whore is to be a woman

I mean, it worked with Emily so OP might as well try

post feet~

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>not using this position to turn your normalcy into a gimmick
you're wasting time, saltine jane.


If it's any consolation, the male musicians you like are more likely than not also whores. And not the Chad kind slaying high status women. I mean the other kind.


Emily is bae

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all female musicians are whores who are sexually deviant and they are not even allowed to perform as they have the permission of their employers (in fact, there are a huge amount of these women who do not want to perform in concert because of this rule). It's very dangerous for a musician to perform as they would fear for their job. And if I'm lucky, I'll be able to find an amazing venue where I can perform in my place. This was a dream come true to do something for the disabled, the mentally and physically challenged and those women who have been denied the ability to perform because of this rule.

take your meds

If you're pissing yourself about female sexuality then you're already behind the curve

>be female
>not realize all females are whores
sorry but if u want the breadpill add me on disc


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you're not a woman



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Become a pioneer in redpillcore. Potential song titles:
-Incels deserve sex too
-Casual sex should be illegal
-Kill a local hooker
-Chivalry is dead
-Why is Britney Spears still alive?

>she's my waifu so she's innocent and pure UWU
I don't even give a fuck about who people have sex with but kill yourself retard

When women started to notice, they started showing some skin around their neckbones. This made it look like they were putting their face under a hot sun and then they kept it up for hours!

Mary Halvorson sure as fuck isn't.

based and breadpilled

discord was a mistake

>realize that all musicians are whores