Yea Forums I'm detransitioning: should I remove the cheek implants? i know I look weird. thank you for your time.
Yea Forums I'm detransitioning: should I remove the cheek implants? i know I look weird. thank you for your time
Strip it all back and start over. Can't build new on the ruins of old. Good luck OP.
most people are saying not to, i regret the transition so obviously i'll regret any other change I make. thank you for your perspective
is that what trannies get is cheeks that look like that? what if your cheeks look like that naturally?
good for u if they do but mine don't i got a flat skeleton face naturally
but why? is that considered a female feature? I didn't immediately assume you were a tranny
i look more plastic when i smile, I think
what did you look like without them?
somethign does look a little unnatural about them.
Also why are you detransitioning now? why transition in the first place?
obviously i had a little bit more done than just the implants but they can easily be reversed. tbh i just became convinced by the idea that you can be a "woman in a man's body" and it changed my entire view of myself and the world and frankly made me blame my body for not being in line with my spirit or whatever idk. i feel like this is different though I just wanna go back does that make sense
damn. this looks so much better. How did you become convinced about that? was it somewhere on the internet?
tumblr, and then a lot of therapy that was very biased, and friends and family that were afraid to question my belief that I was a woman. But then it was gender critical tumblr that helped my realize i was in a bubble
i can't undo the other stuff, but you think I should remove the cheek implants? I should right? I actually have a surgery date, just everyone in my life is trying to tell me "you'll regret this too"
Yeah, gonna be honest. You should talk to a doctor about whatever you need to get your testosterone up among other reversals. definitely remove the cheek implants, it's going to really impact your future relationships, career opportunities, whatever. Scars are far more acceptable on men then cosmetic work. You were a good looking dude. You need to find a community—hobby, spiritual whatever—that lets you participate in normal social interaction rather than the crazy shit you were around before. You could live a productive, happy life, have your own family, and absolutely love what you've worked for. Don't settle. Fuck that. And fuck the gender politics.
how did I know you were going to say that. there's a ton of stories coming out about how tumblr viciously attacks any straight white people so if you join the community you pretty much become a tranny to keep your sanity.
I can't imagine a more awful community. I knew it was bad years ago but I thought it was a self selecting group of scum but it's become apparent tumblr is pure cancer.
You realize when tumblr started to fall apart years ago they left and went to reddit and twitter and spread their cancer with them?
Now tumblr is growing again apparently.
anyways not sure how you found the exact opposite of tumblr here but if you're not trolling all I can say is to just accept yourself it's really not bad. taking hormones doesn't make you a woman. and stay the hell away from tumblr. in fact I think it's overdue for Yea Forums to raid tumblr again.
ya it looks unnatural from some shots. I don't think your face was bad without them. You don't need to have giant cheeks to be attractive, like not even brad pitt has that.
but having youthful looks is also a lie and lasts for only a few years of your life anyways and it shouldn't be all you care about.
as long as getting them removed doesn't fuck your face over
i mean i'll never have a normal life bc i had my dick cut off too lol. no man's gonna love another man without a dick, i think gays like dick too much. but i'm not gna an hero over that. my face is more important tbh. I have a really good doctor who will get me the right hormones. I have really big breasts for a mtf so those will also have to be removed but the surgery is real soon. i'm excited. i just wanted to make sure removing the cheek implants was the right choice. I think it is based on what you're saying. I really appreciate it! Thank youu!
You really need to get away from the idea of "What you'll be happy with". Your view of what is acceptable, normal, or attractive is completely malleable based on what you reinforce. If you do nothing but watch tranny porn, that'll become attractive. If you do nothing but go to the gym, the people you find attractive will wildly change. If you look at photos of people who have plastic surgery it'll seem normal to you, but 98% of people will find it repulsively uncanny-valley kinds of shit. Don't strive for "what permanent shit can I do to my face that I'll be happy with today". Ask, "How can I normalize my tastes and opinions and work to return to that since I was completely and absolutely fucked by a weird ass, self-selecting online community.
I like this idea of it being ok to be a woman in a man's body. That you can still be authentic without having to go to such drastic measures to achieve it.
the surgeon just said he pops it out through the inside of my mouth and there's no external scarring
Detransitioning into what? M or f
or you know... maybe it was all just a toxic tumblr community brainwashing you to believe things that aren't true or be relentlessly attacked.
stockholm syndrome is real.
i have a normal job and work with normal people so i feel very different
sounds rough. sorry that you went through all this.
Keep the cheeks and tell people you're Scandinavian
Dude, I'm gonna be honest I find the psychology behind all of this really and truly fascinating. I really can't believe that society has stopped believing in "Body Dysmorphia" as a mental disorder, and normalized extreme body modification like this.
It's so philosophically incongruent with the idea of gender being a social construct—if it's a construct, shouldn't you just decide you're a woman with a penis rather than having to modify yourself?
But honestly, I don't think being a man who chopped his dick off will prevent you from having a significant and meaningful life, community, or relationships. But I think it's really important for you to commit to long-term therapy—probably multiple cycling therapists for different perspectives.
I hope the best for you, friend. I believe you can do it.
if you point out the logic doesnt work that's transphobic so u cant. ur not actually allowed to make sense bc it makes ppl sad
also thank you for the positivity. i'll definitely keep that in mind. i still think removing my cheek implants and breasts is ok even if it's not addressing the issues in my head
I don't think the trans movement is meant to help anyone. I think the motives for promoting it are mostly sinister. Misery loves company.
Here's the thing—I think removing your cheek implants and breasts is a great idea because, for better or worse, right or wrong, you live in a society in which your life will be very very difficult if you continue to try and be a woman. It sounds like you're going through deconstruction / deprogramming from some crazy toxic shit. Recovering from that now is not just 'ok', it's really healthy.
But honestly, friend. You're asking for opinions from people hanging out in the toilet bowl of the internet. You should find some normies, like a faith based community, and don't bring up your past right away, and start seeing how different your the world you've been living in was. I'm pretty confident you'll be happy if you remove the cheek implants, and definitely the boobs.
it does help people in the west that would lose something if young people all started talking very clearly about the inequalities and specific issues affecting the sexes. the status quo does benefit a lot of powerful people. it's hard to see it that way because trans politics seem so radical to a lot of people but they are very much based in gender norms thousands of years old.
i don't believe in god so that might be hard. but that's a good idea, I appreciate the advice.
thank you
That's fair man. They can definitely be the some of the best and also some of the worst, depending on who you find. Honestly, you might consider it anyway, as they are often open communities where people try to help and emotionally connect to each other, and can be especially invested in helping people who are fucked up. I don't know you at all to guess at how fucked up you are—but it's always a relatively good alternative to isolation and mental illness, if those are things you deal with. Some of the better ones wouldn't actually care if you told them you were an atheist. That would probably just make them more committed to you lol.
I can't even tell what gender this thing is supposed to be
I respect anyone trying to fix their transformation mistake.
Are you real?
i was raised catholic by a very religious mother. i'd join a church but a christian one might bring up bad feelings for me tbh. i don't think islam is a good idea either bc how u gonna submit urself to someone you don't believe in. i mean u can go thru the motions five times a day but why if ur heart's not in it.
Glad you finally saw the light my dude. If you're gay, be gay and be proud. Stop with the retarded tranny shit. Good luck.
Absolute insanity
As long as you don't kill yourself being back in the closet. You will never be cisgender
I think that's fair. A lot of people have bad stories about the catholic church. My mom did. But you know. People are people. They can be good and they can be bad. All of them are selfish in different ways, and most of them are both. Anyway, I can't say what you should do, I just think it's ok to explore different things and have different kinds of experiences and maybe decide some of them suck. You won't find a path forward without taking risks. All the best my dude!
I'm a tranny, genuinely curious here... How far did you transition? Ive only taken hormones and groomed better, people don't know I'm trans anymore. Why did you get cheek implants?
u cut off a man's arm he's still a man why is his dick any different? i really regret drinking the koolaid but I remember the delicious grape flavor.
Let's see those ass cheeks so we can make an informed decision.
Dam, that's fuckin wild. Whats your ethnicity?
Cisgender is just when you're not transgender, thats all. You're cisgender if you're not trans, it's just a term
A transgender person feels like the opposite sex, they're not cis because of that
Which means if OP transitioned, they felt like a female since the start and was never cisgender. They can live life in the closet and that's where suicide rates get high
As far as I'm concerned, OP will kill themselves before they figure out who they are
Mv voice never dropped, or somehow got higher. I transitioned in 2015 so, like seven years ago. I stream and people constantly call me "she" even it says "HE/HIM" and "y chromosoid" on my bio. I don't know if people are just stupid but most people don't realize I'm a man. I remember not passing before FFS and bottom surgery, this is different. It's probably a combo of wearing a mask for covid and wearing really good eye makeup every day + some very layered hair with bangs. I don't remember the last time I got clocked in the wild and when I try to look like a man on the internet some people still don't believe me bc my plastic face and high voice. My advice though is DO NOT TRANSITION PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Suicide is a good checkmark
I just wanted to say KYS because your ancestors fought and died and you decided to be some faggot goof who cut his cock off. Enjoy the hellfire you stupid fuck
Oh you're a female to male? You look male to female to me
Also I'm 2 years into my transition, I don't have to do anything else besides take my hormones and vibe. I think you have other reasons for detransitioning, there's plenty of happy trannies after transitioning. Myself included. Definitely seek professional mental health, of course, that's always a good option for most people
Your ancestors took mercury tablets and fucked sheep
i'm irish mostly
Sorry like I said, I thought you were a male to female person
learn reading comprehension. i was very happy 2 years in. I'm over 7 years in now. If gender is a construct why do we change our bodies to reinforce it?
I'm biologically male. XY. I had a dick.
nah, it's quite striking, you look like an Aeon Flux/Reign the Conqueror character irl.
hell's not real. the closest thing is this website and this is the first time I've been here in years
whatever you say trevor
Our bodies don't, gender is a construct because it's arbitrary what we attach the social norms to whatever we want. Your genes don't dictate how you subjectively identify as.
Having a pussy doesn't stop you from doing guy stuff and vice versa. Sorry but you sound like a larper at this point, you're 7 years in and I look more developed than you do in 2.
Also cheek implants?? Did you jump the gun?
why r u mad if it's all arbitrary how i identify? do u want to see girlmode?
I don't care if you identify as a guy, you're the one telling people to not transition or upset with the existence of them. It's your decision to stay in the closet, tranny. You can detransition but you did it in the first place for a reason. Maybe you got bullied out of it as 99% of detransition cases are such.