Yes, it's a Ladytron thread.
Yes, it's annoying.
No, there's nothing you can do about it.
So just give up and accept your defeat.

Attached: ladytron.jpg (540x352, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck you.
fuck you.

ah ah, not a bait, you are REAL

You're slacking, faggot. Channel that autism and try harder.


Could there be a more boring thread? Worse than billie posting lol

>Did you know that, when replying to low quality threads, if you type “sage” in the email field, you can post without bumping the thread
>this is good because it keeps these threads from polluting the board

>when saging though, you are not allowed to announce it, as mods will ban you for spreading word of this function of the website


not this thread again

Helen give it up. Go get a real job that’ll pay your mortgage. Music is not for you.

Tried listening to this band again to see if OP had any justification for his crap. And again I don’t. Anemic synthpop with poor weak vocals. Even when they get a good riff going, which is seldom, they’ll bring in some new glitchy motif to fuck it up. There is so much better synthpop. There is nothing about Ladytron to bother with.

>Tried listening to this band again
lol you took the bait

ah ah.


Ladytron is based and Yea Forums is dumb for hating them.

t. plebs

thats cool. take them somewhere else then

I do what I want. Problem?

Not the OP but some music takes a while to get into it.
>Anemic synthpop with poor weak vocals.
Are you sure you listened to Ladytron? Because Ladytron is very energetic and have beautiful vocals. e.g.

Attached: 1520338903687.jpg (400x398, 19K)

just that you are a troll


Why don't jannies ban this autist?

Attached: 1544305985691.jpg (236x227, 9K)

Beware, OP is not the actual Ladytron poster, he tries to fool you.
Also: saged.

You are not the genuine Ladytron poster.
You've been found out.
How could we trust you anymore?

Are you mad, sweetie? Dance, dance, dance to the radio.


Tried listening to this band again to see if OP had any justification for his crap. And again I don’t. Anemic synthpop with poor weak vocals. Even when they get a good riff going, which is seldom, they’ll bring in some new glitchy motif to fuck it up. There is so much better synthpop. There is nothing about Ladytron to bother with.

Stop bullshitting, pleb. Their music is superior synthpop.

They should start with you, dumb obsessed autist.
