Could somebody explain why this is leagues better than Unknown Pleasures?

Could somebody explain why this is leagues better than Unknown Pleasures?

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Unknown Pleasures lacks abrasiveness.

Its way weirder and a lot moodier. I think Isolation is the best song they ever made. The contrast between the instrumental and the lyrics/vocals is incredible. You have this really triumphant synth lead that sounds like a military parade tune played by kraftwerk against a really dancy beat, while Ian croons brutally honest lyrics about his life.

>Mother I tried please believe me. I'm doing the best that I can. I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through. I'm ashamed of the person I am.

Gets me every time.

I think Closer is moodier for sure, but Unknown Pleasures seemed much darker to me personally. Closer is definitely weirder, it just feels much more innovative. I can't get into Unknown Pleasures because it doesn't sound like anything special or anything like I've never heard before.

It's groovier, while Unknown Pleasures is more about dark tones

That's the abrasiveness/innovativeness paradox, as defined by Zyva Maxx in his early books.

It’s not though

I feel like The Sound did the Unknown pleasures type sound way better than JD did. Jeopardy and From the Lions Mouth just have way more relistenability.

It seems to be a dying consensus. Ask anyone who's heard more than 3 albums in their entire life, they'll probably agree Closer is better.