What are the best LGBT themed albums?

What are the best LGBT themed albums?
pic semi-related. do NOT make this a political thread.

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Horse Rotorvator

The Knife - Shaking The Habitual
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars


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The Smiths first album

Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power

Tim Heidecker - I Am A Fag


>posting stonetoss and not expecting a political thread

>used to be homophobic
>Yea Forums turned me gay

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whats it like being possessed by your own anima?

Grant MacDonald - Ram Ranch

why did you suddenly decide to start spamming your shitty comic here too now?

That's hot

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t. butthurt tranny

you're a shitty PBF knockoff that only appeals to cretins

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gay people are gross but they make pretty good music

literally same

does that make the gay a contagion worthy of fearing?

Just ignore all trap posters

Tomboy - OK2BGAY

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Have sex


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Left at London - Transgender Street Legend, Vol. 1
Sir Babygirl - Crush on Me

Dirty Gay Hits by Johnny McGovern aka Gay Pimp
A sample song youtube.com/watch?v=nccBSJlyruI

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does this count?

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someone should continue this as porn

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Check out "The Raunchous Brothers"

I fucking hate GLOSS
Not because they're trans but because they had an undeserved hype train which must have been because they're trans because their music is no different from any other generic hc release

Ram Ranch 1-133

Faggots ruined everything.

me on the right :^)

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jordaan mason and the horse museum- divorce lawyers i shaved my head
Baths- Obsidian
The Magnetic Fields- Holiday
Owen Pallett- Heartland

Coil is a must; Death in June is related but he doesn't sing about sexuality directly.



I would also recommend Cosmic Johnny.

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trannies on the other hand are even more gross and never make good music

I beg to differ.


Pansy Division