God damnit.
>be me
>25 neet femboy who's past his prime
>only ever go out to get food
>sometimes go to jack in the box drive tru to get spicy chicken
>everytime i go there's this cute gen z twink working
>he always is being flirty
>asks my name, tells me he likes my hair
>one time i finally muster the courage
>drive up all confident
>gives me my food, touches my hand
>before i drive off
>"oh, i got something for you."
>give him a piece of paper with my number on it
>"ah, thanks user!"
>drive away feeling like a fucking chad
>bout to getvme some bussy
>get a text about 20 minutes later
>"Oh, user. I'm only 17, be 18 in 5 months."
>tell him i can't talk to him cause he's a minor
>mfw i can't go back to jack in the box
>mfw no spicy chicken
God damnit, why was he flirting with me if he was underage!?
God damnit
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Would you suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole?
I would not, sorry.
Just wait 5 months
I'd feel like a fucking creep if i did that, waiting 5 months just so i can fuck some barely legal boypussy?
No, i don't need that kind of attention on myself
Any pics?
Why are you acting like guys won't try and flirt with people who are older than them? Just try and take this as a compliment user, don't be too hard on yourself.
Wat, if he's underage, why is he working?
Isn't that illegal? Or is the US a child labour kind of place?
bro youre obviously a creep , just accept it. i like it
I'm not being hard on myself, it just sucks. He's cute but I'm not going anywhere near him now.
Idk man you're a bit old and it's indeed a bit creepy. But then it's just 17 years old and 7 months.
I've been in a similar situation but instead I am 19 and she's 17. I felt creepy as first but my horniness took over me and I kinda don't care about it anymore. cus think about it. 19 and 17 is not that bad.
But in your situation? Yeah it's a bit creepy since you're 25.
You better avoid it for your own good.
Resist your temptation.
Teens can have part time jobs in California. Dont know avout where you live user
Fuck no
That's disgusting
Trust me, I'm not going within 100 feet of that place again. Which really sucks, the one fucking time in my life i have the confidence to ask someone out and there fucking underage.
Next time i go to the sandwich place, I'm gonna ask that girl out behind the counter, she's got a happy bubbly personality and CLEARLY in late 20s.
Don't be that extreme man cus that will kill you in the long run. Just go there again if you're hungry and don't think about it too much. If you see him again just act cool.
You have to be in control of your desire. Not running away from it. Cus believe me, you will fall.
You can have part time jobs here as well, so that's fair.
It just strikes me as weird being able to work before you're able to consent.
Man I'm serious when i say the second he said "17" i got softer than a foam mattresses. There's no desire there anymore just a major turn off. But my anxiety was killing me just to give him my number in the first place, going back and having to face him again? Couldn't do it
>cute gen z twink
>thats disgusting
pick one retard
door dash?
Am i so pathetic that I'm going to door dash jack in the box?
You didn't see what he looked like, he's Latino.
get that bussy bro
No can't, see even when he does turn 18 that just feels wrong to me. Plus I'll be 7 going on 8 years older than him. I couldn't do it, I'd feel bad about myself
I mean pathetic enough to try and find solace with us retards and not go back to a joint you like so, yeah.
You're clearly on here asking for permission
True, but god damn thats going to be so awkward if he's working there, good lord...
Eww, dodged a bullet. Good job King.
No just telling another story about how i have THE worst luck ever and hiw nothing in my life can go right
I'll pick cute gen z twink
That kind of goes without saying user, am OP after all
this word has lost all the edge it might have once had. Thanks for ruining everything, cancer.
I thought fags is what everyone was called on Yea Forums? You know oldfag, newfag, lawfag etc.
that's actually gross. i live in new mexico btw but why not get you an actually cute white femboy?
>mfw i can't go back to jack in the box
that's just you making up random rules for yourself. Just go to the drive and be like a normal person and don't talk to the waiter.
>25 past his prime
it's all downhill from here, also stop soliciting minors.
that's not what was said tho, is it retard?
Because i already AM one
youre femmy? like you're super smooth and take it in the ass?
Yes, smooth af. I had lazer hair removal too. But only had sex once years ago.
I want to lick you all over bro... caress your perfect white skin
Ah thanks man, means alot
i don't care if you're a neet either, as long as you're loyal. put yourself out there. go to concerts. movies etc even by yourself, dont be scared bb.. just think about past things you made it through that may have been scary at first.. you got through it and always will
lmfao it's normal for gay men to go young. you're freaking out over nothing. the age difference is nothing. happened to me when I was 15 and he was in his 30s. I'm fine.
lol little sarcastic faggot , i would kiss you on the mouth bro for a long time sucking on your tongue
>i was 15 and he was in his 30s
>I'm fine
Uh, you sure about that bro?
That anxiety man, its pretty bad.
God damn bro, saying things like that... You gotta calm down!
why? are you finding the reason or are you running from it? you need to come to terms what the problem is and find closure. accept what you can and cannot change. you can only control your mind
Just years and years of pretty much being ignored by my peers and family. Had no reason to talk or interact with people so now it's a little difficult. Luckily i can fake the confidence
i was like you, i was poor and trying to be somebody i wasn't. it ruined me and my life. today im now ready to move and that actually means moving out the house.. the problem can be you're 25 and a neet. its unacceptable. find something to do. embrace the challenge
That ain't op you're responding too, but yeah being a neet isnt good. I should get out more
haha you two are funny. i dream where we can all get a long and be roommates. its weird how online we get along but in person its tough. the internet ruined our society and its up to us to restore it. don't be scared
Can you shit on my dick, faggot?
but also just hang in there and think of your life 5,10 years from now and where you want to be. still living at home like a loser? thats what im doing and its old but i have money saved and business mindset now but just dont give up, get a job because it will introduce you to people and social skills. and is more than about the hourly wage and is a greater stepping stone . you wont be there forever and dont think of it as work and it will be easier. experience only helps you get better jobs. go to school and be excited to learn
it's five months, bro. you really gonna throw this shit away?
You're a pedophile bro. Just get over it.
Yeah internet sucks
Yes i am, not a pedo
No, I'm not. Thats why I'm fucking staying away
>No, I'm not. Thats why I'm fucking staying away
Doesn't matter dude. You're obviously attracted to minors. Denying it is just going to make it worse. Accept that it's a part of who you are and move on.
You don't have to go there INSTANTLY, take it slow, it's just 5 months
Yes you are, it's about attraction, not whether you act on it.
Wtf are you talking about, i was attracted to him UNTIL he told me he was a minor. You're not making ANY sense
You were attracted to the physical appearance of a minor and enjoyed flirting with him.
It's not that big a deal, dude. Lots of people are pedophiles it doesn't mean you're going to abuse children.
dude im not a pedo, he looked like a adult
then wats the problem
Cope harder pedo lmao
Here's a useful resource for you, OP