Well fuck, my first gf cheated on me

well fuck, my first gf cheated on me

found out the worst way too. she had just come back from vacation and I had missed her a lot. we had a great time yesterday, ending w/ her spending the night at my place.

well this morning I wake up before her and I'm looking at her naked sleeping body cuz why not, and I notice a hickey on her ass.

I guess I'm lucky to get this wake-up call early on (we've only been dating for a month), but fuck this hurts.

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>sex gifs


That does definitely hurt but I'm glad you are able to see the bright side of this user.

You'll find a keeper man just be glad you caught the bitch.

stone her

thanks and thanks. idk it's just shitty because i'm so shy and we got together because she made most of the moves. I'm shit at making moves, so it's obviously tempting to sweep it under the rug and play pretend for awhile (I'm not gonna)

Don't invest a bunch of energy into fighting about it. Just kick her out, calmly if you can.
You don't care now but when you look back in the future you'll pat yourself on the back for handling it that way.

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at least it was only a month into it and not 3 years like mine

lol marie was fucking her therapist and trying to pretend she forgot what night she saw him.

A hickey on her ass? I wouldn't call this a smoking gun, OP.. there are other things that look like Hickeys.
There are also things that don't look like Hickeys unless you're paranoid.

> we've only been dating for a month
Not your girlfriend

exactly, cheating is free the first 2 months

I'd prefer to just break up without pressing the issue at all. I didn't think we'd work out long-term anyways (way too adventurous for me, it made me uncomfortable as hell, now I know I was right) but I still wanted her as a friend. Now I can't even have that unless I live with the fact she cheated on me.

:( sorry man. I had that thought too. It's gotta suck flushing all that time spent together down the toilet. Compared to you I'm just faced with an awkward dilemma.

I'm 99% sure it was a hickey. Had the right size/shape/color. I wondered if it was a birthmark but later I saw her stand up and it was conveniently hidden underneath her buttock. I'm thinking the nigga targeted that area specifically and I was lucky enough to see it because of how she was positioned. My plan is to verify if it's a birthmark by seeing whether it's still there in a week but I feel like I'm coping.

bro its 2022. Just share her. Its more that fun any way

Fake and gay.

Kys foid

she called me her boyfriend

that's retarded

Nice, just got the Yea Forums seal of approval, that means my story is good right

That sucks user, but you dogded a bullet. I myself still feel a bit heartbroken over my first relationship, even though it only lasted 3 months (I'm in my early 20's). We had a talk and she straight up told me that she couldn't develop any romantic feelings towards me. At least we broke up on good terms.

Don't worry man, there's good women out there, you'll end up with someone, clearly you're not a lost cause and you've proven that chicks are into you. Go to parties and meet new people, as for the moves try subtle physical contact and you'll quickly see if they're interested. Alcohol can also be pretty helpful.
You can always hit the gym if you want to improve your looks/confidence.

Also, based Norris.

you can't just go cold turkey on being single
you need some time to transition

>a month
kek, get over it. she wasn't anything to you, just an interesting new piece. you can cry when it hits like 9 months to a year. minimum.

It smells like summer in here

I doubt you know a hickey from anything else. Retard. She probably just sat on a bumpy surface. Stop whining, confront her. Then ditch her or not. Whatever.

Had a gf of multiple Years cheat on me. Still a struggle even tho Years have passed an ive met others.
Turned me in to a distrustful cynic cunt. Glad you got rid of that bitch and all The best to you dude!

Thanks, I really mean it. This shitty board is my only outlet to talk about this.

I'm early 20s too and I feel like I've been roped into a crash course on the emotional rollercoaster that is dating. I'm so devastated that it won't end on a happy note, because in the span of a few weeks I had my first kiss and lost my virginity. I was elated because prior to this I had a lot of incel feelings and was worried it would never happen (and god forbid if it did, it would be with a hooker or some ugly black girl out of desperation).
But it wasn't. There was a lot of emotion behind it. Now that memory is totally soiled by this little discovery.

But you're right. I do have a newfound-sense of confidence, and I've learned so, so much in this time after living my teen/college years completely devoid of intimacy. I feel like I have a shot.

>I'm 99% sure it was a hickey. Had the right size/shape/color. I wondered if it was a birthmark but later I saw her stand up and it was conveniently hidden underneath her buttock. I'm thinking the nigga targeted that area specifically and I was lucky enough to see it because of how she was positioned. My plan is to verify if it's a birthmark by seeing whether it's still there in a week but I feel like I'm coping.
If you wanna get it over with now, just mention the birthmark on her ass, how you never realized she had one. Do it when you can see her face and reaction. She might lie but most people are going to have a knee jerk OHSHIT reaction. .

Your cheating ex girlfriends worst nightmare: m.youtube.com/watch?v=L6zu-Q0Isdc

what the fuck kind of copium is this guy huffing. Or is he just pandering to sad ass beta males?

I've found in my experience that pretty much any chick who makes it too easy is an absolute whore.

I know what I saw. Considered taking a pic but I'm not that sleazy like some of you.

sorry bud. I know I have it pretty good finding out this early and I may be coming off as melodramatic. I'm also worried of becoming distrustful but frankly I already was an insecure weirdo stuck in my own head. Believe me when I say she's adventurous. It took a serious toll on my brain, constantly having anxious thoughts about whether I was actually showing her a good time. I hope to find a more low-key shy girl next. By comparison I think that will be a walk in the park for my mental health.

Yeah, it's hard to make simplified educational content because you're always going to leave things out and room for misinterpretation. He's basically trading one level of simplification for a slightly less simplified version.

Even the same species of tree can have different rooting strategies based on the soils it inhabits.

>I'd prefer to just break up without pressing the issue at all.
That's just another way of letting her walk all over you. Where's are fucking retarded to begin with; if you cite the fact she cheated on you, she'll never put two & two together and forever assume you were just a beta bitch.
Call her out on her shit and dump her. That's the only way you save face. Make sure she's held accountable at least that much.
And for fucks sake get tested to make sure you don't have Jamal's STD(s).
Good luck to you.

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Mention the mark and ask what it is.
If she lies, give her a hickey in the same spot on the other cheek and ask if she likes that. Analyze reaction. Go with your gut.

My girl had what I thought was a hickey on her ass once, but then they started appearing more frequently. Then one evening she hit her ass on the table and within one day there was another one on her ass, completely similar. She's clumsy and anything can bruise her. They weren't hickeys, she just bumps into shit.

fuck bro I had that exact idea but goddamn I'm so non-confrontational, couldn't bring myself to do it.

Yeah I knew she had a few partners in the past. But she made it sound like no more than 5. It's probably wayy higher. I've fallen under the spell of the pussy pheromones, what can I say.

I've hit her as a joke and it creates big fucking bruises. Women bruise like that.

I feel you bro, it can be super easy to fall into the frustration. There ain't much you can do about it now, and the sooner you move on, the better you'll feel. I know that's easier said than done, but you need to give it your best shot. I started working on myself, getting into new hobbies and whatnot and it really helps.

I know it felt special because it was your first time, but trust me, ultimately it doesn't matter. For some people it just doesn't work out the way you imagined it, and that's OK.

I'll open a cold one for you tonight, cheers man.

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>I doubt you know a black baby from anything else. Retard. She probably just had a Mediterranean distant relative. Stop whining, confront her. Then ditch her or not. Whatever.

you cant get a hickey on ass you retard, you need very thin skin and veins running close by

jesus christ just ask her what it is

That's a reassuring story and I hope it applies to her. She did mention she bruises easily and showed me a few of them, but they were that dark green color typical of bruises. Do they ever come out red? Like, I swear, it looked just like a hickey. It was the perfect size and shape, like a mini set of lips.

I wish I was empty-headed enough to accept your reassurance but I think way too much.

>well fuck, my first gf cheated on me
Oh dude that sucks.
>found out the worst way too
Shit that really su-
>she had just come back from vacation
*record scratch*
She went on vacation without you? Yeah dude, you better leave that relationship immediately. Don't tell her why, just leave. She's going to beg you not to, and then she's going to hurl all kinds of fucking insults at you, and you're going to consider taking her back, an-
Hold up
>we've only been dating for a month
She's not even your girlfriend nigga! Holy shit, she didn't even cheat, she's using you for something, but that doesn't matter, just leave the bitch and ignore her.

>I know it felt special because it was your first time, but trust me, ultimately it doesn't matter.
believe me I know this. Moving on from the first of anything is hard, which is what I learned when I left my first job. Yes, I cried in the car after I clocked out of my final shift. Didn't feel nearly as bad leaving my second/third jobs, if at all.

I guess despite that knowledge, I can't help it.


big if true. I know you can give a hickey near the groin so I figured it could happen anywhere. I guess if I want closure on this I'll have to get back in bed w her asap before it heals

It's easy to jump to those conclusions but you don't know me.

Colour depends, and hickeys are technically bruises.
Do this:
Ask if someone gave her a hickey on her ass. Straight up, just ask. She will probably say no. Analyze her reaction and answer. Is it very defensive? If so, why is it if she didn't do anything? That may indicate she's lying. Let it slide for now. Let a month pass. Give her a hickey on the ass in a similar fashion, ask if she likes it. If she becomes defensive and brings up how you're paranoid then that means she's lying. If she just says yes or no then that means she's not even thinking about it, which probably means she didn't do it.

You like her, she likes you. You want to be with her? Give her some benefit of the doubt while you check her out. Most people who cheat won't do it after only a month of dating while the relationship is still fresh and exciting.

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You cried after leaving your first job, seriously?

By the way, OP, you should Dutch oven her before you dump her.

Best of luck to you user, hope you get to the bottom of this. And don't fool yourself into blindly trusting her, for obvious reasons.

If trips OP does it

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rolling for this

>Most people who cheat won't do it after only a month of dating while the relationship is still fresh and exciting.
Thanks, that's the one thing that keeps me huffing copium. She's really sweet with me when we're together, but I get uneasy/insecure feelings that she isn't satisfied in bed because I'm inexperienced. I guess I shouldn't give her "justification" to cheat by blaming myself. I'm sure most of this stems from that and I should cut it out.
I'll try some variation of that though.

Hmm. Makes me wonder when/where she would've hit herself if it's not a hickey. We spent the whole day together and I only noticed the morning after.


thank for ur interest

gay black theme cult fag

Bahahahahahaha cucked



Are you sure it wasn't a bruise?

Also, having a gf at all, total simp

I have no. fucking. clue.

It's hard to say and I'm second-guessing myself as I read this thread.


Glad you created this thread or nah?