Him: close but wrong. There were actually 4 writers on bohemian rhapsody to get it to what it became. And 2 producers

Him: close but wrong. There were actually 4 writers on bohemian rhapsody to get it to what it became. And 2 producers.

Me: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Rhapsody
You were saying? *HONK HONK*

Him: i can’t listen to Wikipedia he’s said to many times himself that song was to much of a band effort to consider that his song. They all played their part throughout the song

Him: And the ban consisted of 4 members. And he was fucking the co producer of that track.

Him: The same co producer that briefly broke up the band because he thought Freddie could do better solo

Me: "Unlike most of Queen's songs that were written collaboratively in the studio, this was a song that, according to the guitarist Brian May, was "all in Freddie's head" before it even began recording." -Narrator


Me: “'It was really Freddie’s baby from the beginning,' said guitarist Brian May. 'He came in and knew exactly what he wanted. The backing track was done with just piano, bass and drums, with a few spaces for other things to go in … Freddie sang a guide vocal at the time, but he had all his harmonies written out, and it was really just a question of doing it.'"


Me: "A Night at the Opera was co-produced by Roy Thomas Baker and the individual band members who invented some of the distinctive techniques required to achieve the desired sounds and effects."


Me: "Work on Queen’s fourth album, another co-produced by the band along with Roy Thomas Baker, began in August 1975, and it was only finished shortly before the opening date of their tour at Liverpool’s Empire Theatre on 14 November."



Attached: ylR3FmB.jpg (551x600, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

duckduckgo.com/?q=who wrote bohemian rhapsody&ia=web
duckduckgo.com/?q=who produced Queen's A Night at the Opera&ia=web

Me: It's official; Freddie's the writer and the band along with Roy are the producers.

duckduckgo.com/?q=who wrote bohemian rhapsody&ia=web

duckduckgo.com/?q=who produced Queen's A Night at the Opera&ia=web

Why are you proud of yourself? This is, like, the stupidest argument I've seen in years, and you're a fucking edgelord for continuing it to the extent that you did.

Tell me pal, who was right?


it dont matter who's right, fag. Queen is pleb anyway, and is music for hateful fucking edgelords, as seen above.

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You're assuming shit, you retarded fucking namefag lol.

I posted that meme in a context that gave it stronger anti-feminist connotations, and this feminist wook tried to smack it down, so I had to do research to defend it; I didn't know Any of that shit before tonight.

Attached: 29512600_1728126507226146_7257514494690981049_n.jpg (600x601, 56K)

both are cringe and bluepilled

He made claims, provided no sources, and I can't find anything that backs up what he said. But he's in a band and acts like he knows everything about music and everybody just goes with it.

what i said is still true

So you're a hypocrite And you're dense. O.K.

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how am i in any way a hypocrite?

>hurr I posted a shitty meme, that meme took a lot of work
Fuck off kid

lurk moar

Suck dick, kike.

You're making stupid arguments like "Why are you proud of yourself?" and calling me an edgelord while being an edgelord and talking shit about this post being a stupid argument.

I know it's a stupid argument, pal. I didn't want it. At all. All that shit was me defending myself against a male feminist wook who's tryin' to make me look bad in front of our shared friends.

More likely you thought you would be cool posting it here, and you are really mad that everyone thinks you are just a dumbass
>I didn’t want it
Then why post it?

Kanye's lyrics aren't really good or deep here

you sure are fuckin' ignorant, huh? :oD *HONK HONK*

I actually made the post hoping Queen fans might point out flaws or confirm/debunk any of the obscure "facts" he stated.

p.s. That fag likes ICP

>nigger trying to put depth into his lyrics
Just lmao like nigga go rap about asses or something haha

Him, just now: I agree that it was his baby at the beginning, but the whole band made it what it is now and that’s awesome!

Thanks for the moral support, pal. You're the only one worth a damn who came.

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It all ended with me on top despite it all. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

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"Ta-ta, liddle nibbas."

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scoop de woop woop de scoop yeah close that garbage lid faggot

Kanye is just trying too hard to be woke here
Queen are unashamedly unpretentious.

Sounds like most of the shit he usually raps about, he just does it more intelligently and cleverly there.

>hurr I got called based, my life has meaning now
No, you weren’t looking for someone to think you are cool or anything
Reddit called, they miss you

jesus christ you're such a faggot. kill yourself.
not even a part of this gay argument

Lads (lads)