Are people still wearing masks by you...

Are people still wearing masks by you? I haven't seen one in months and then I went to a hipster grocery store because that's all that was open yesterday and everyone had one on.
I could smell the student loan debt.

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>I could smell the student loan debt.
A fuckton of people have student loan debt nigger, welcome to america

Only far left dbags. I live in a pretty upper class white conservative area so they’re few and far between thank god.


Even the hipsters working at Whole Foods are for three most part maskless.

My favorite ones are the ones still wearing cloth masks- who are they protecting again when the other 90% percent of people walking around are maskless?

Just work and take one class less per semester. What you save on interest will set you ahead of everyone dumb enough to think they have to go full time by 20 years and own a home. That's what I did but I'm also not retarded.

Guy has mask on and you don't....... whp gives a shit.

Remind me- unless it's a N95- what is the purpose when no one else is wearing it?

If you want to know who actually voted for Biden and will again…it’s the few with the masks still on

Yeah. The gas station I went to a week ago took me aback. People have always been still wearing masks, kind of a smaller ratio. But, this guy behind the counter had the mask, face shield, and gloves thing going on along with a glass in front of him. I started laughing. He was the one I've encountered who had been this dressed up and freaked out over it. Come on dude, it is fucking 2022.

sooooo no reason to wear a mask unless it's a N95 or better is what you are saying?

every store in my area (maryland) still has signs up requiring them, so yeah. I saw one person at the DMV not wearing one but otherwise everyone here is still wearing them.

I wish I never moved to this hellhole state.

>it’s the few with the masks still on
Nope i wear a mask when i go inside stores still and i didn't vote for Biden. Facts

None. Also, wearing an n95 and performing manual labor prior to covid hysteria cut off oxygen enough to be below OSHA standards. People fried their brains the past 2 years.

a mask hides your gender so you can groom and rape and genrally just hurt normal people

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>cut off oxygen

lol ok kid.

>I could smell the student loan debt
As opposed to the uneducated people that refuse to wear one...

I will tell you something,the reason why the guy's death been affecting me that much lately is due the realization that it happened a long long time ago,considering my age,so most of what I am and have experienced so far,are from times already past his fate. I really really wish I could bring him back somehow,over 20 years ago but only recently been that moved about the fact. Dude's gone and there's nothing else to be done. Great deal of sorrow upon me over this,specially within this last week,been reading about the guy's work,all sorts of characters and roles,good times,from a not that distance but still quite far away past. Very very sad thinking about whay if.... an alternative reality you know? Sad to be in a world in which such a great person is gone,gone that long ago....

it is true that educated people wear masks more than uneducated people...but it's not because they're smarter or more well-informed. They've just been indoctrinated to blindly obey authority while they were at college.

>They've just been indoctrinated to blindly obey authority
I was wearing a mask back in December of 2019 FAR FAR FAR before any governemnt said to wear one. A giant M3 Respirator
Also never went to college

Yes. Who are you protecting if almost no one is wearing a mask? Only an N95 can protect you.

If you have a fear of catching the virus- I'm all for you wearing a N95- whatever floats your boat. A reasonable precaution.

Any other mask at this point is just virtue signaling that for the desperately irrelevant. As well as know- it did nothing to protect you- only others. If everyone else is not wearing a mask- who are you helping other than your own pathetic sense of self worth.

I actually laughed thanks user. Keep telling yourself that


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>If everyone else is not wearing a mask- who are you helping other than your own pathetic sense of self worth.
Still helps other people from yourself. You are less likely to spread whatever you have to others. So if no one has a mask on and you are the only one with a mask on all that will happen is you might give less people whatever you got.

so you live your life in a constant state of fear. That's pretty sad user.

Nope just ahead of the ball. I went out to grocery stores and all over with my respirator on. I love the looks i get.

No it doesn't. It never has.

Only a properly fitted N95 has been proven to do anything.

C'mon man- you are acting like those has not been common knowledge.

wow so percentage

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sorry about your autism

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>C'mon man
Even covering your nose or mouth with your hand when you cough and sneeze works better then nothing.

So you think you're protecting others from whatever you have? If you have something how about being responsible and staying fucking home.

>If you have something how about being responsible and staying fucking home.
Nope can't required to do grocery shoping for people that i take care of

If you're walking around coughing and sneezing all over the place maybe you shouldn't be out in public anyway? So your solution is just to wear a mask for the rest of your life?

this. Suck it up and pay the amazon whole foods delivery fee if you care so much about protecting others from yourself.

>So your solution is just to wear a mask for the rest of your life?
or just use your hand when you sneeze or cough

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there are so many grocery delivery options now. This isn't 1995.

I gained 20 pounds during the whole shelter in place because I started eating, drinking and watching TV a lot more. I also wore n95 masks the whole time due to my job with mild labor and I did get winded at times but never anything near severe.

>pay the amazon whole foods delivery fee
Nope not in my area.

I hope you don’t have kids and don’t vote

Then wear a N95 genius.

All your are doing is thinking you look like some sort of good citizen with your cloth mask.

It's all theatre at third point and any even mildly informed person knows this.

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>cloth mask.
Nope M3 respirator

so instacart then

Don't worry i'm sure you will have enough kids and vote twice for everyone.

Except we won by 7 million votes

Do they accept EBT?

Fine- wear the M3.

Again, I'm not against wearing a mask if you honestly have some sort of fear of the disease. But don't kid yourself thinking that anything other than a true mask like the n95 or M3 is doing jack shit for anyone except your own sense of self worth

Its such a coincidence that cases for the seasonal flu were enormously down the last 2 years. Just a coincidence

no idea. Maybe try stop being poor

No it's not a coincidence. Social distancing and people staying at home made a tremendous difference in the flu season. No one is denying that. But you automatically conflating that with people walking around with their cloth masks is idiotic.

So again, if this is your position will you be wearing a mask in public for the rest of your life?

A million Americans died. You can’t cry about Benghazi ever again, snowflake faggot tranny

>stop being poor
But spend more money to get grocery delivered

Nope. Just have to put one on in malls and shops and shit. Beyond that no. Most businesses still have the mask sign up but don't enforce it whatsoever.

>So again, if this is your position will you be wearing a mask in public for the rest of your life?
No only when i'm sick

Please Lord Jesus tell me a bot and not an actual human being wrote this

i've been doing it for 2 years straight and I'm fine. I even tip 20 dollars an order on top of their ~15 dollar delivery and service fee

WoW you must be Really scared.
Extra $15 minimum for food

no wonder you're on foodstamps, you can't even add 20 and 15 (multiple times a week)

Millions were given a joke of a covid test at the time of death which showed covid in their system. Very few actually died of covid you libtard twat

>$15 minimum
Tips isn't required so it wouldn't be part of the minimum purchase DIPSHIT

if you consistently don't tip your orders will just get rejected

Still doesn't change the fact that what you said was wrong
$15 minimum

it's more like 20-25 minimum when you take that into account. DIPSHIT

Only fucking losers TIP
$15 minimum

it would work for a while. But it's not the minimum because it's not viable long-term you ghetto nigger

What you lose in unearned wages is astronomical when you stretch a 4 year degree to 16 years.

High school dropouts need to quit discussing student loans.

I like my mask. I'm happy not having to share germs with people. I'm never going out without one again. My favorite part is the anonymity, which more people should be grateful for.

newsflash: nobody cared about you before you put on a mask either. You have to be important to be noticed/recognized by most people.

I'm wearing a N95 when out and about these days. They are quite good against the pollen, which is terrible here this spring.

like most people i highly doubt you wear it correctly though. It's better but it's still theater.


Enjoy your pathetic attempt at relevance with your mask.

I guess it's a good thing- its a great signal to others of the mentally unstable walking among us.

Let me guess- you have any earring or a nasal piercing too?

I think we all know that nobody is sincerely THIS triggered that somebody else has a mask on. But I guess it's in their script today...