How is this album the AOTY on RYM. It’s just... boring. It sounds like it would have been on the radio a few decades ago. It’s not even bad, it’s just really boring pop. Is this just a reflection of RYM’s slow degradation into poptimism?
How is this album the AOTY on RYM. It’s just... boring...
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You're wrong
no u
I will never listen to any “art pop” garbage
Agreed. Incredibly overrated album.
I kinda tricked myself into listening to it because I wanted to download Weyes’ debut release which was supposed to be some sort of dark ambient but as it turns out no torrent tracker has it so I figured I’d spend my freeleech token on this instead to see where the hype is. I turned it off by the third track because I was a mixture of bored and embarrassed that I was effectively listening to 70s radio music nostalgia.
>embarrassed by listening to music
And what's wow upside down? Mom!
How is this album the 2018 AOTY on RYM. It’s just... boring. It sounds like it would have been on reddit a few years ago. It’s not even bad, it’s just really boring noise rock. Is this just a reflection of RYM’s slow degradation into rockism?
>It's not noise rock or "industrial" hip hop for bitter friendless kissless incels to rage at so it sucks!!
Accidentally quoted whoops
Sometimes mediocre music is just mediocre not because it’s not edgy enough but because it genuinely is not noteworthy.
this but unironically, pop is garbage and basically the entire genre of noise rock blasts it into the fucking moon, thanks for hearing me out goodbye
cringe; also have sex
It makes no sense for an incel to say "have sex". I know that having sex is a goal of yours, but you don't need to say it out loud.
t. trancel thats mad no one wants to fuck his gaping wound
It's shit, you're just a low order dilettante
Nope. Keep seething incel.
RYM tranny on a rampage
because it's RYM
youtube hoes
>B-but you're a tranny!!
Bitter and angry incels are just bitter and angry that I said that noise rock's target audience is bitter and angry incels. Anyone that hits you with the uncomfortable truth is a tranny apparently. Is that all you porn-addicted incels can think about? Trannies are an abomination. Stop thinking about them.
t. seething tran tran
I literally said trannies are an abomination you illiterate retard. But thanks for admitting you're a seething incel that listens to incel-core and faps to trannies so frequently that it's all you think about.
I don't get at all why so many people on Yea Forums are having a hard time getting this album to click wtf? Like why do you faggots have such a hard time finding the narrative? It's not like she's obtuse in her lyricism or anything, RYM gets it, Reddit gets it, Fantano and P4k drones get it. Fucking embarassing, imagine actually thinking this is boring
Yeah, listened to it because of how highly acclaimed it was, and found it extremely... passable. That's it.
I fell asleep while listening to it, and that says it all. Movies is literally the only track I remember.
Yea Forums only likes music they can reeeee along to
Actually just sounds like yall dont have patience for shit. I wasnt that impressed 1st couple listens either. Why listens to an album once and have such a strong opinion about it? If its not drawing you in to listen again bc its not your style thats fine but why do you need to convince yourself that its just bad instead of going "yeah, not for me" obv a lot of people here don't listen to many female artists and might have a little more trouble connecting to a female perspective and thats ok but stop trying to trick yourself about it
tranny seethes in orbit
>people here don't listen to many female artists and might have a little more trouble connecting to a female perspective
you sound like a faggot
he’s a tranny, same difference
Obviously a girl you retard.
cutting off your dick don’t make you a girl bro
no one wants to jerk off to you tranny, chill out.
its really bad
rather listen to this
This shit is terrible too
Why do trannies have such shit taste?
Illiterate fuck
shhhhhh, it will all be ok my mentally ill friend, the 40% calls for you
being transgender is the future
that’s pretty dark, to say suicide is the future
Who are you quoting?
You're the mentally ill one that is incapable of reading that I wrote that I think trannies are completely insane. You're only calling me a tranny because you're obsessed with the word (due to your crippling, but closeted, porn addiction) and I called out your stupid incel/Fantano core music.
The only reason you can't listen to anything a little mellow, is because you're not actually into music at all. Your life is a mess. No friends, no job, no girlfriend. So you use noise rock and industrial hip hop to fill the void.
wow chief, this may be the angriest tranny i’ve ever seen! seethe levels are off the charts!
You're just deliberately not reading my posts because you are a severely depressed noise rock loving incel.
God chose whether we were born to be male or female. It is wrong for us to defy God. Trannies are monsters.
i’m glad you know you’re a monster, trantran
Fuck off newfag
Keep obsessing over trannies. I'm glad that you're going to die alone because nobody will want to have sex with a trolling incel who's only response to "noise rock is incel music" is mindlessly calling them a tranny. That's what you call everyone that hits a little too close to home.
KEK rym will always be majorly comprised of boomers considering the "best album of all time" is OK Computer and the runner up is fucking DSoTM. 90% of the top 500 is jazz, classic/hard rock, metal, folk, or fucking post-punk.
weyes blood more like pooeys blood
album is boring as fuck
what an angry tranny. guess that’s what happens when someone hits the bullseye on what you are.
Poor album, not very noteworthy, however Natalie hates Trump so I give her points for being a good person
Keep jerking your miniscule penis to tranny porn, incel.
why do you keep thinking that people want to jerk off to you? delusional tranny.
We both know I hate trannies, incel.
yes, trannies hate themselves, this is nothing new.