The time has come
13 years
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and so have I
the wait has made me hate this gay ass band but if they make something ill listen to it
it won't be good
Im hyped but whoever does their marketing should be fired for this abomination of a poster
Probably the most anticipated record of this decade and absolutely shit marketing
>abomination of a poster
It's trying to bring back that early 2000s feel when such shit posters weren't uncommon, we're going home bros.
can't wait for this soft rock dronefest
Nice seeing y'all anons memeing the shit out of tool but then make 50 posts a day about how the record is a 10 when it drops
Maybe a single would change the pace a bit
before it even comes out, what do you think fantano will give it
I'm almost certain it will be a strong 8
guarantee you he will give it a 6.
Yeah I feel like a 6 is a good guess. He'll probably be super critical since it's been so long. Then again who knows with him, sometimes his ratings are just way off.
why should anyone care about the bald vegan?
they shouldn't
I'm betting /ourguy/ will give it a 4
Is that Alan Alda?
I hope it's abrasive xD
I bet he will give the album lower than 6 if death grips is not featured on the album.
They literally havnt released a bad album so Im pretty hyped
They couldve released an album a year since 10000 days in a foo fighters fashion and made millions each time but they focused on doing something right so Id be shocked if it was trash
>2 years short of the time it took for Chinese Democracy to come out
People will give excuses for this shit
I can't even tell you how many times I've listened to their entire discography since their last album was released. Even though I overplay their albums, they still are so amazing. They created their own genre. This band is something else.
Yeah it will be fine, at the very least it will be something different from everything else out there. Won't be Lateralus good, but few things are.
>They created their own genre
Progressive buttrock?
shit, we both know prog is one of the most vague terms in music, and buttrock doesn't say anything aside from the fact that you think they're over-commercialized.
you are an abomination of a poster
The poster makes me feel like I'm in 2001 again
They didn't create their own genre, they are just the only good thing in an otherwise terrible genre.
It will be bad, or at best alright. Plenty of recent examples of how a band can't disappear for 10+ years and then reappear in their previous form.
It's like everyone's expectations were so high that they came full circle into being low.
the new song they played is in 7/8 and 3/4
its gonna be good even if it sounds bad
looks like an ad for a mobile game based on the matrix
>half the album is interludes and answering machine messages again
>they are just the only good thing in an otherwise terrible genre.
What are Deftones? And at least you don't have to wait 13 fucking years for them to release shit
New A Perfect Circle was awful, not a good sign
he underrated 10000 days desu should have been a 6/10
yeah but tool is and always has been adam's band
Hopefully the album is called August 30th
And this is the actual cover... !!!
deftones have yet to release thier last and final album with their dead bassist chi called eros
Adam and Justin are probably the worst part of Tool. Danny is one of the best drummers ever and Maynard at least has a generally pleasing voice (even if his lyrics are annoying) but Justin just has his bass loud in the mix and Adam is an inept Fripp idolizer who never bothered to learn his fucking instrument and has to resort to generic buttrock riffage. Danny Carey carries (lol) the fucking band.
Lmao ok nigger
Nice comeback. You ever play guitar? It's objectively simple and mediocre playing, like one step above Kurt Cobain
This. And now these assholes are releasing singles from the live concert? Fuck you, I ain't jamming to these crumbs.
Full album or fuck right off into irrelevance
Kurt Cobain was a great guitarist wym
>Kurt Cobain was a great guitarist wym
I'd expect to hear that in a Tool dick riding thread
I N V I N C I B L E is K I N O
It's going to be a double album lads
why are people shitting themselves for this inevitable soft rock dronefest?
>why are there people who like music I hate?
Haven't heard the two new songs because I hate spoilers, I want to hear the album
It's gonna suck
Also Toolfags should listen to Neurosis
>Also Toolfags should listen to Neurosis
Listening now. Sounds like boring post rock with horrible vocals
>le neckbeard reccomends even cringer band than tool as a better alternative
why do sad effeminate fags always use the buzzwords "soft rock drone fest" in every tool thread?
>every tool thread
Yeah those completely organic threads about nu-metal my dad listens to on the music forum for tool enthusiasts
Is meme
Are you implying that some record company would be dumb enough to shill here?
>Go around, bold and proud
because it's a meme you fucking dip
He's right though you know. I was mimicking Jones two years into learning guitar. I'm (primarily) a bassist so I do have bias towards Chancellor, I think he fuckin rocks, but Danny owns the band it would be nothing without him. Jones is just white bread.
What's their best album?
The virgin waiting vs the chad forgetting they exist until they release an album
live quality aside, this is the first time i've been excited for a new album in some time. hate boners for popular things are cool, yeah, yeah, but this is the only band i've loved since middle school in the 90s that didn't either go to shit or die
It did die, just now its corpse is being resurrected after over 10 years
Lateralusfags BTFO
I hope it's good
They're both tens fren
Aenima is an eleven
t. brainlet guitards
Yeah sure you can play it and get the notes mostly right, but you still don't sound like him, and you certainly could never write it. Tool is nothing without Adam
they weren't good back then if you like tool yr either a douchebag gen xer or some douchy "born in the wrong generation" copy and pasted personality from yr shitty gen x parent if you like the fucked up times go be a shitty math rock dad or if yr in it for the crunk JUST STOP. METAL IS DEAD
dis gon be gud
>Adam is an inept Fripp idolizer who never bothered to learn his fucking instrument
Yeah man. Tool would be much better if Adam would just fucking shred and play more complex leads. Also, what does he do that sounds like Fripp in any way?
Can't tell if sarcastic
Dinosaur Jr is an exception to the rule
The guitar is fine if you just pretend it's just an oscillator for their distorted dadsynth.
The problem with Tool is that even after 13 years, nobody wants to hear more of the chorusy bing bong ding dong noises and drop D barre chords that are already etched into our minds, especially not with some 60-year-old pervert singing sean nos in a girl voice over it.
i meant literal death but i appreciate your point
>what does he do that sounds like Fripp in any way?
Write 10 minute songs
lateralus is better for reflection alone
Fripp has written like one 10 minute song in the last 40 years. Fripp is a way more experimental and varied with his guitar playing. I think they're both good players but I don't think they're similar.
I liked 10,000 days
>tfw thought Maynard had a cool effect on his voice in the second chorus of Descending but it was just the bad audio quality
He was definitely using some kind of organ like phaser effect, kept using it through the song
my nigger
The back half of lateralus is ridiculous 11/10