How do we stop mass shootings from occurring on a regular basis?

How do we stop mass shootings from occurring on a regular basis?

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Japan-style gun control and massive mental health spending increases.

seems to be a democrat problem

get rid of all guns and legalize all drugs.

Anyway, do you think Grindr is a good treatment for chronic constipation?

create legal shooting areas

Tell that to Florida
We already have those, its called a shooting range

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Genocide Americans

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Ban niggers from owning guns.

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>shooting range
this, but make it one where you can legally go on a shooting spree and get shot

problem solved, next?

Does repetitive, hard anal sex from men found on Grindr effectively cure chronic constipation?

Gang members typically don't buy their guns legally, obviously. We are talking about mass shootings, not gang violence
I feel like mass shooters are more motivated by giving a "fuck you," to the world. Killing people in the designated killing zone wouldn't have the same effect

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We don't. They are the price of freedom.

exactly this right here

Banning guns is a solution to a negligible problem. Whites don't kill enough of each other to warrant further control, the skitskins killing each other is a public service

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I think this is the most honest answer yet

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I'm sorry goyim, but the 4 billion shekels sent to Israel don't get paid by themselves

ramadan rage

Because its not like we are the only country in the world that suffers from frequent mass shootings, right?
Nice strawman

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What is called "mental health" is a fucking pseudoscience anyway

You can"t.
Gun nuts are 100% brainwashed by NRA propaganda and right-wing voters have no opinions beyond what their handlers planted in their brain.

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we need them to happen more frequently as places where whites and lgbt reside

What always baffles me is how bad shooters are at actually getting kills. Are people more resistant to bullets than I initially thought or are the shooters just complete retards without a solid plan?

These countries could be taken over by a tryranical government and there would be nothing the average person could do. That's the diference.

IDGAF about "other countries". Guns are here to stay in America and we will live with the consequences. There is really nothing else to discuss

Homeschool everyone on Minecraft VR

that short nigger on the subway was shooting from his hip so most of his shots hit their lower extremities

What u find .ost intresting is the the murder rate is much higher in red states also owning a gun makes it twice as likely you will die. Not specifically from a home invasion it just increases the risk that much.

The average american gun nut is clearly retarded, and considering only the most retarded of the bunch go on a shooting spree, it's a miracle that the first thing they do when their magazines go dry isn't looking through the muzzle to see if there's an obstruction

Still not banning guns...

>These countries could be taken over by a tryranical government
>What is a ICBM
>What is Mutual Assured Destruction
What year are you living in? There is a reason why we got the Cold War instead of WW3

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Any help with Grindr and constipation relief?

Simple - Kill all republicunts.

Abolish the CIA

The layout and message of this comic could be turned around on the trans women in women's restrooms controversy or really any controversy. The whole point of it is to be ridiculous and to imply something is awful when it really isn't. Not a gun nut, not a trans phone, not a trumper. Voted for Biden, gay dude married to a Mexican immigrant here. I'm just sick of these stupid comics and people pretending like they have any valid points at all. It's just as fucking dumb as those Ben garrison comics. Fuck off with this stupid shit.

Just kill all niggers and kikes.

Ban Chicago you faggot commie.



poor cope

>I don't give a fuck about mass shootings
>If you are too slow to doge bullets than its just natural selection
>Children are soft now days anyway, maybe this will tuffin' them up

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Deport all niggers

teach people how not to be such a daft cunt in schools

oh wow I didnt expect that. you are special user. very special.

66 mass shootings but blacks kill people every day.

You kill the people doing it...with guns. And if they surrender or are otherwise captured alive, you kill them.

to keep them safe?

Some kids are going to die so that we have the right to bear arms and that is perfectly acceptable.

You mean US can be taken over by a fascist deranged cult with no links with reaily that believes absolutely everything they sre told?
Yeah, guns are the solution....

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Mass shootings and apple pie are as American as racism.

Stop thinking you are cowboys that need weapons (you are not, and you don't).

Just ban mass shootings. Clearly that's the best way to solve the issue. When things are illegal it prevents criminals from committing them.

>Aw shucks I was gonna make some moonshine in my bathtub still but the damn prohibition just got passed. Guess I'll bea valued member of society instead of an inbred hick
>Ah nuts, the mayor of Chicago just banned gang violence. Ok guys let's instead go to one of those community centers they keep building and be good upstanding citizens.

Why do republicans keep trying to change the subject to gang violence? Gang members don't buy guns legally. Is this your go to cope?

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I'm sorry we're spending it all on war.

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see the follwoing

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Probably holding the gun sideways

Either these things always seem to start happening more when Democrats want to make a push for more gun control or they report on hoodrats doing hoodrat shit because you can still get the right headline if you want.

The Second Amendment is not null and void just because you think that there are too many "mass" shootings.

stop pissing off people with guns

Cleary this is a non-issue
Now can we get back to more pressing matters? Like how the trannys are reading story time to kids in school?

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The majority of shootings, homicides, and violent crime in general in the US are gang related.

How come removing guns from other countries has prevented mass shootings? Wild how that worked out.

Whatever they do after they’re gone is not my problem.

>you think that there are too many "mass" shootings
There are without a doubt too many mass shootings. We are the only country in the world that has this problem

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Actually American healthcare is surprisingly good at treating gunshot wounds. Unless you get shot in the head paramedics will save you.

How about school shootings? I have never heard of a gang member shooting up a school

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What has the higher odds,

Winning the jackpot in lottery
Being struck by lightning
Or being shot in burgerstan?

This is the cost of the Second Amendment and it is acceptable. I'm not sure what else to tell you.

>it is acceptable
>he says until one of his own is shot
yeah okay bro
anyway, moving on

by calling everyone on earth a nigger

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Wrong again asshole.
This is the cost of having millions of stupid, white trash shitheads loose and armed.
Shove your gun up your huge, fat ass.

The U. S. has the most school shootings because we have the most schools and the most gun laws.

Other countries do not think “gun-free zone” signs magically make the chillins bullet-proof.

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Well, I appreciate your honesty

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School shootings are a fringe on the mass shooting list.

Typical right-wing brain rot.

Everything in this country is fine and acceptable until it's me or someone close to me who is affected by the failed system of the USA

Why are most mass shooters white?

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Will Grindr fix my rectum?

How does this change anything? It sounds to me like you need a new cope

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It's a trade - before you are two worlds

In one world, mass shootings do not occur, because private gun ownership has been completely eradicated. Consequentially, the government acts much more confidently to oppress the liberty of individuals on a whim, and incidents of mass violence still occur in the form of mass stabbings, vehicle attacks, and improvised explosives.

In the other, mass shootings occur, but the government is a great deal more hesitant about knocking on your door and making demands of you.

In neither world is it even vaguely possible to provide the necessary mental health care to every individual at all times to prevent random moments of psychosis or nihilistic violence.

according to that chart niggers still commit the most mass shootings per capita

If it's such a problem, why aren't there millions of mass shootings? And why are the vast majority of mass shootings committed with guns that are already illegal to be in their possession?