Who was the superior depressed heroin addict who died in Seattle on April 5th?

Who was the superior depressed heroin addict who died in Seattle on April 5th?

Attached: Burt-Cokain-Stayle-Layney.jpg (1080x720, 245K)

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The thing is only one of them got murdered

Who are these dudes they kinda look like soundcloud rappers

The one that was a musician

I try to be open minded but to me Alice in chains just sounds like really bad nu metal

not enough face tats

>man in the box
>bad nu metal
that song alone is like a perfect rock machine



Kurt did it first so I guess Mr. Nevermind


LIsten to jar of flies, it’s the best thing they ever did

That's Clout Cobain

you're making the mistake of listening to post-layne aic, shit like jar of flies and tripod are godteir

Kek man in the box is cringey.


Why are you quoting ITAOTS in a Nirvana vs Alice in Chains thread?

Kurt = Beethoven
Layne = Freddy Mercury

Who cares when you could listen to Soundgarden instead?

Attached: chris_cornell.jpg (1296x730, 174K)

god that’s so cringey

jesus listen to yourself dude. godamn go to bed

have sex and cope seething incel


Because he made this gigantic hunk of shit, thus automatically disqualifying him from discussion.

Attached: 61fo-e7t0zL._SS500_.jpg (500x500, 24K)

Cornell is the greatest vocalist to come out of a city/scene that had an embarrassment of riches in that department
regardless of one shit record he may have put out at one point..
not to mention his songwriting

for my money, it's Kurt. Layne was a better vocalist but overall Nirvana made more great songs than alice

Alice in Chains most underrated band on 90s

I don't really think they're underrated everyone knows AIC

I ask normie friends what grunge bands they know and they say only Nirvana and Pearl Jam most people dont even know Soundgarden pal.

Neervannah singer man it was sadder when he died

Man in the Box isnt even a top 10 AIC song

>implying the line "shove my nose in shit" doesn't qualify it as a top 10 song

i don't know what point you're trying to make lol

Hi boomer


I think most people have different criteria than that

Certainly Staley - he was a better musician, miles superior vocalist and did heroin longer

Layne-era AiC is one of the most interesting things I've ever heard, it could practically be considered a case study of a worst case scenario of a drug abuser. The music reflects the downward spiral of a drug addict and never fails to nail the mood it's going for

Nirvana is bad punk gone even worse, it's just some guy trying to be annoying as fuck and getting overblown by everything and everyone around him. The lyrics were always gibberish and I can't respect any guitarist who ever played a Nirvana song and thought "that was satisfying". I'll give Kurdt credit for being the lead songwriter but he was still fucking awful at it